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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Past and Present"
Social Studies
Lesson length: One class period
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 20
Male students: 11
Female students: 9
Students with low learning skills: 4
ESL Student: 0
Hearing Impaired:0
Visual/Spatial learners
Kinesthetic learners
Verbal/linguistic learners
Interpersonal learners
State Objectives
Social Studies
K.1b The student will recognize that history describes events and people of other times and
places by identifying the people and events honored by the holidays of Thanksgiving Day
K.2 The student will describe everyday life in the present and in the past and begin to
recognize that things change over time.
Select Media, Materials, and Methods

This First Thanksgiving Day: A counting Story by, Laura Melmed
Past and Present Sort
construction paper
The teacher will read the story This First Thanksgiving, while reading the story the teacher
will point out the differences in how people cooked food- ex: in the past the cooked over a

fire, now: food is cooked over the stove, in the past they hunted for food, now we buy food
from the grocery story.

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

After reading the story the students will look at where the first Thanksgiving took place on
Google Earth on the Smartboard
Smartboard, Google Earth
The student will discuss when the first Thanksgiving took place, how long the journey took
for them to travel from England to Massachusetts
Require Learner Participation
Whole Group Map Skills:
The teacher will show the areas of England and Massachusetts on the map.
Students will then be able to locate these areas on map

Evaluate & Revise

Student Performance:
The students will be evaluated on their past and present sort, students will sort different
pictures into a category of whether it takes place in the present or in the past
Instructor Performance:
While the students are completing the sore the teacher will be able to assess if the students
understood the differences between past and present.
Media Performance:
The media that was used serves as a gateway for the students to access a wide variety of
information on where the first Thanksgiving took place.

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