Look What I Can Do!!

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May/June, 2014

Teacher: Bushra Afreen

Well done Baraa, you can sit now!! Not only that but you are crawling up on your hands
and knees as well. You have been enjoying some tummy time also, where you are
strengthening arms and neck muscles. I have noticed that you have been very busy this
month strengthening all sorts of muscles.

Your interest in your wider environment,

especially toys has continued to grow as you can now interact further with them. I have

enjoyed playing with you watching as you can bend to the sides and forward to reach for
toys without losing your balance in sitting position, as well as seeing you explore with your
fingers in greater detail as your fine motor skills have strengthened. As you explore you
look for your teachers, giggling to share your excitement with them.

Review of learning:
Masha Allah, it has been a busy month
for you Baraa. It is great to see you
continue to develop courage and curiosity

through taking an interest, as well as trust

and playfulness though being involved. I





demonstrate your confidence through

expressing your feelings of achievement
with us. Audrey you respond with
wonderment and awe, as well as finding
humour during your play and interaction.

Where to next:
We have observed that you are working and progressing on your gross motor skills, so we
will ensure that you have plenty of time to practice by having a large area to move, be

placed in positions where you can safely practice moving and having safe items you can
pull yourself up on as you continue to develop. We also recognise that you are aware of
yourself as a social being and will continue to encourage this, supporting language

development. This will include lots of conversations together, labelling feelings, objects and
repeating simple phrases with actions during mat times.

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