Planning Lesson 2 Discussion Jobs Orally - Tutorial Galvez

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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Pedagogy
Teaching Practice


Level: Pre-intermediate

Date of lesson:

Time of lesson:
16:20 hrs.

Length of
60 min.

Teachers name:
Matias Galvez

Main Aim:
At the end of the lesson SWBA to discuss about suggestion to apply for jobs (orally)

What should I/you/ he/she/they/we/ do or have to get a job?
I/you/ he/she/they/we/ should do or have. to get.

Assumed Knowledge:
- Vocabulary about jobs
- Personal characteristic (adjectives)

Target Language:
What+ Modal Verb (should) + subject+ main verb (do or have) + to get a job?
Subject + Modal verb (should)+ main verb (do or have) + the characteristic + to get a job

Anticipated Problems
Ss dont know Vocabulary about jobs and adjectives
Ss would have problems with the structure given
Ss would have problems with the pronunciation of the sentence
..and Solutions
T works with Vocabulary about jobs and adjectives by using pictures and concrete references
T emphasizes in the pronunciation and the form of the linguistic aspect
T gives them a sheet with the structure to us it as a guide

Adapted from University of Sussex

Work sheet
Computer, whiteboard, etc.



What I am going to do

What I am going to say

Instructions, CCQs, Feedback, etc.




T tells a story to Ss and highlights the

language function.

First let me tell you a story,


5 min.

T Ss

T takes back the story of the last Do you remember my story of the last
lesson, and he joins the new topic with lesson?
the end of the last lesson.
Well, let me tell you again briefly.
The thing was that I had problems with
the saleswoman in the cafeteria.
Because, my purchase was more
expensive than my classmate one; and
I paid more for it
So, I created some arguments (these
comparatives sentences) to claim for
my money back. Because, I felt that
was not fair.
Now let me tell you the end of this
storyI didnt receive my money
Talking with my classmate who gave
me this idea, I told her that it was not a
good suggestion.
T presents the lesson objective.

Suggestion is going to be our topic for



T starts the lesson with a game activity First, Lets play a game.
when Ss have to play the role of a
company boss.
Lets Imagine that you are the
Principal of a high school, and you
(T shows two pictures of possible have these two possible employers that
future employers).
require the job as teacher

And according to the pictures, T asks

random Ss to decide for one, and
explain why the alternative (picture)
has the requirements to get the job
giving reasons.

Just by watching the pictures.

Who would you decide for the job?
And why? Give me reasons.
Ss XX what would be your decision?
Why not the other one?
So, this other man needs some
requirements to get the job.
What could you say to him to make a
better presentation?

T presents to Ss the lesson objective The objective of this lessons is related

and the structure to create the to suggestions how to give them
sentences to give suggestions and ask and ask for them.
for them (using ppt).
Now let me give you the structure to
ask, you use: What+ Modal Verb
(should) + subject+ main verb (do or
have) + to get that job or to work
as (Job name)?
For example:
What should I have /do to work as
What should I have /do to work as
The structure to give the suggestion:
Subject + Modal verb (should)+
main verb (do or have) + the
characteristic + to get a job
For example:
You should practice a lot
You should have a brush and paint

10 min.

T Ss, Ss- T


T introduces the first activity.

First, to be able to create this sentences Writing

we need some specifics requirements, Speaking
but not random adjectives, we are
going to do the next activity.

T explains the first instruction to the All together, we are going to complete
this chart with specific characteristics
that the future employer will need have
or to do, to get or to apply for
T presents the activity.
this job (T shows picture).

T shows the job picture.

You are the boss of Tourism company,

T presents the contexts and the (trekking) you need an employer to
specifications of the activity.
work as a tourists guide.
What should the requirements of that
future employer?
Discuss with the classmate next to you
about the requirements, raise your hand
and let me now. I am going to write in
the computer.
We have 3 minutes.
Lets complete the chart.

T checks the chart.

Now let see the chart.

With this list you have the ideas about
the aspects or elements, which you
probably need to get a job.

15 min.

T Ss, Ss
Ss , Ss-T


T gives the second activity to Ss.

First you are going to discuss about Speaking

your strengths and weaknesses related
to your future work.

T explains the second activity with a You are going to complete this concept
picture (example).
map, with your name in the center; and
write your good aspects (aspect that
you like or help you to be a teacher);
and your bad aspects (aspects that you
dont like or dont help you to be a
teacher) around your name.
T delivers the personal map.

Then you are going to present your

personal map to your classmate next to

T monitors the activity.

You have two minutes to do the

personal map, and three minutes to
explain to your classmate.

T give/explains the third activity to Ss. Now, with that information you are
going give to your classmates some
suggestions, that you think would help
his/her to work as a teacher, or to get
the work as a teacher, you have four
minutes to do it.
T models the activity.

T monitors the activity.

Let me give you an example:

Student1: This are my weaknesses
-I am too shy in the English
Student 2: let me give you a suggestion
- you should speak more

T checks the activity by asking for Now let see. Ss XX and SS XY, please
do the activity in front of the class.

20 min.

Ss Ss, Ss-T

T uses CCQs to check the So to conclude the lesson.

understanding, and if there any doubts. What have we worked in this lesson?
How to describe animals?
How to give information?
How to give suggestion and ask for

T gives a final explanation to Ss.

What modal verb did we use to give
and ask for information?



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