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Personality Style Preview: michael is a fact finder and does things "by the book

". He can be sensitive if others are being critical of his work, especially if t
hey have not carefully reviewed all the data. james clarifies expectations befor
e undertaking new projects, and he works hard to meet standards. james will typi
cally maintain a neat and orderly work environment.
micahel values close, personal relationships, and he will often put the needs an
d desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his own needs. He is an even-p
aced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. james will wo
rk to avoid conflict and sudden changes in his lifestyle and finds joy in keepin
g tradition.
Because he cares about how others feel, james may feel uncomfortable making deci
sions that strongly affect others. He typically encourages others to be involved
in the decision making process and prefers to work in a team role. Others tend
to see james as agreeable and humble.
james usually avoids being the center of attention. He tends to pick his friends
carefully and is usually cautious and not overly "open" to strangers. james may
sometimes come across as being skeptical of what others tell him they will do,
but once a person has proven their reliability, james is willing to invest more
time and trust in the relationship.

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