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Actions beyond words

A theatrical mime performance

by a citys slient clowns.

Jagran is a voluntary organization that has
been working in the sphere of Development
Communication since 1967. As an NGO from
Delhi, Jagran has constantly provided new and
innovative ways of approaching and
showcasing a variety of social causes.
Since 2005, Jagran has been actively assisting
the Delhi Police in Parivartan, a campaign for
the safety of women and children in Delhi.


From the role of the pied piper to
the silent yet dramatic theatrical
mime acts, the team touches
upon various societal problems
that are plaguing society in an
interactive and entertaining
manner. But the true differentiator
is that the team performs reaches

Jagrans aim is to use and develop Pantomime Theatre

and various other forms of Visual Arts for
communication, awareness and analysis that may lead
to Behavioural and Social Change within our society.
The team have given performances in Mexico,
England and Canada and in many resettlement
colonies, villages, colleges and schools in
India, and even the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Jagran showcases a
variety of social causes
in innovative ways

out to the audience by

performing in high
population areas where they
are able to connect with both
kids and adults.

Today, the organisation has 12

performers for whom Jagran serves
as a sustained from of livelihood.
Denied of the opportunity to
education, Jagran has
provided them with the
platform to build
skilled theatre

I learned, enjoyed and

made many friends at
Jagran. A big thank you.
- Vasudha Mathur,
An enthusiastic volunteer.

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