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Elastic wave propagation In a fluld-filled borehole and synthetic acoustic logs Chuen Hon Cheng* and M. Nafi Toks5z* AUSTRACT The propegation and dispersion characteristics af pues! saves ina Muilled borenol ae stadied using dispecsion ‘curves antl maoxeling hase w2oustic logs hy azmbeic Inigsexcinmcgrants. The dixperion eharctsialive of the prow Kayleigh Creflstec) aad Staneley waves ina komt hale with asd without a 190 inthe setter are compared fot ef itferent a! prepuctiesare calcula, The effec of a rigid tool in co maake the effective borehole ra foneles, As an approximation, dispersion characteristics fc te guided waves ing boreote with aot ean be eae dated puely Nui flee borehole with smaller efectve radu “Theoretical waveforms (aicroreismexsicis) af elastic ‘waves pripepatng in ¢ berchole are calcul using a dis pote wavenumber inegration. With an xpproprate choice if pararelex, ovr sls ck similar (othe accuse waves fam recoréed in elincstone and stale-fornatin. Several faster afTot the sage an azcntc lg rvieresianiogem, ‘The offective radius af the borehole deteriaee the reative amplitudes ofthe siedes generat. Poisson's ratin of the formation ie the primary Tactor determining the relative amplitude cf te leaky mde following the ermpressionel driv, Attamating alec the curton and uecay nce of the guleea waves. ixtRoDucrON Pull wave asouitic logs ae raw and Important forehele mes unseat. In order co inerpret these loge prepesy, one needs 2 theesuge understanding of The propagation of differene elastic waves ina Midsilled borehole, We axproach this problem fit by examining the dispersion characteristics of the guided waves and then modeling the propageion of these waves by spntttic nkeoscisrogrant, hate ae (Wo aun body waves prpagetng in Muid-lla borehole: the 7 and. S waves feted slong ie interface betwen, uid and fermion, ‘These xn generally nondispersive. Tete ate ‘wo types of puided waves. The tint is the Stonciey wave (Bio, 1952), an avers wave whose amplitude decays approximately exponeatuly on both sies af th interface berween fe Tuid and the formation, (sis ightly dispersive anc has group ond phase orb soz veloitien nt 1:9 ime the Pawave velocity a the Mid 0 analngran the Stansley wave in plane tapered geometry. 1:1 ruc boundary wave, The sccond (ypo of interface wares insldes the refcctal waves, normal modes or qosuds-Rayleigh wave. Thay have phate velocities bounded hy che Setrave velo ofthe “armatian fom ahove and the P-wave velocity ofthe Guid fom 1elow, Ther ampliudes decey approximately expunentialy inthe rock Formilion away fromthe uid-weck inttfie, However the Amplitudes within the Auld eyliaer are oscilatory. Thee ca pot lem wih the nornnelacuc of dese waves. They wore called "re feced conical waves" by Biot (1952), "refesied waves” by Peter (07K), anal “*peaudenRayleigh woves™ hy Taang. snd Rader (1979) and Cheng ard Toksiz (1980). ‘There heve bee fuggestons that they be called “nam! moses"” Paillel, 1980), Allo thes designations have sue probiems. Kefleced waves may be confuse! wih refeetiams fem formaon interaces, There is confuse with te paeaieReyleigh waves descrite By Sisk (1959) in the plane layered eu, On the athor hurd, hy term ronmal miles hat heen used ta deste urtase waves ct guided ‘waves in general. We shal lor the designatlon gseuso-Rayleigh (retect) wave te doserine this sccond type uf auded wave othe ‘borhoie withthe hope that will fe together the te must som ingly used teem, “There Rive heen lave few published work an the pronage: tion of there pulled waves in the honanole, Hit (1952) aktuined thephato and group velit dispension curves tac both the pred Ravleah (eflected} and Stoncley waves fer a fit-filed hore. in e nenperous formatien. hie (962) studied the propagation of the leaky mode that hat a vetscity higher than the S-wave velocity inthe formation. White (1967) aud We end Zemin (196s) were the fret caculate syathale @ierossimu gra, “Vey computed qrercure eapensae fn 9 Ui filled burshele in diferent formations using ¢ straightforward eomerical approach ‘The reslty wer very sinilr to those presence fate in tis paper. Person (1974) eaieulted diperion carves sad some Iieroxeimograns By summing differeat modes. Reserbt (1974) generated syethete microsessmogeamé fora porons fara: tion ating Biers 1956, by heary of wave puypepatin in paras media an show haw fo madly the aaour formation equationt to acon for ae tool. He displayed ees for three differnt sandstones with emphanis on the effect of permeability on the Imiscossismograret, Since his effeot is one prominent at higher frequencies. fhe source spectra use in hat study contsined signi cant amovnis uf highliaency exergy and was not necessary representative ofthe source specten cf an actual legging 100k Ast crip wosved by the Bor Maze 31, 1980; eised manus redyed Cecerber 1 80 fof bath and Plattary Scenes, MarencrutetsIushate of Tecboloey. Canbcge, MA 02139. SLATTe OIaBON OOS ILI Sones nf Baportion Oncphyscite i pix raced Symthatic Acoustle Loge 1043 remot, the reitve eflects of different uid wave pheses were bot obviou, Tsang aid Kader (1979) calculated syne mir Selimogsamns Ib 2 TUK xd boric. However, Boy wore ine axed piney i the boy wae arsvais, apd waefrms hit in laced guided wnvon were not precened in thei: sudy. Wyatt (1979) stuced sore af he dispersion charctosites ofthe guided ‘waves with ep clastic tool Io the canter of the borehole. ix re tulty ar similar to ous We first extmine tte depetson charactors nf the paeuuce eyleish (eteoted| nd Stoecley waves oa Cukdiid borhole ‘withthe well-beging tos! fx the ooter, Wa inveatigats the eects Gt differen! berohole vat, formation peop, snd atenuaion Asieg wrttetie microssitmosrans. Finally, 83 compare our sy these microeismagrams to wetual well logs (GUIDED WAVES IN A ROREHOLLE AND THRLK DISPERSION CHARACTERISTICS Inthe setion we obtain the period equator governing the dit. perviog of the prouco-Raylsigh (rflectec} and Stoneley waves ine Ruf boretole with a tool in che cess. ‘The geomery ite borehole ix sbown in rigute |. inereass sag te an of the bore, Ris the edu ofthe roel, and ie the adve ofthe borehole. The geopesties ofthe borehole cou Formation, fic. and tcl ae epeciics by subscripts, fend 1. "The radial Japlacements cub be written wing ef al, 1987, ict, 1952) a a where isthe mal pote and fit the wirathsl (and only ‘onzer) rompenant ofthe vector potential, Similar, he rae und tengenta!sirsws ae o * iho td = p& ae shore vipPoicsnte ratio, phe ahoat medolua, and p the deny "The equation of mation are BH 188 ar 5 ar 4 wi fy laa, 8 ate ‘hers cc ane Bathe comprasvions and stearsvave velocities “The penein mltiens For conical waves are 1B ARe(u) + Atro(te eee, “ and = [BK Go) + 8 finn, ” Where A.A’, B.B" are constints, ig the shase velocity of the waves, #is the wavenunber inthe zeirection, Ky and Jae the rmadifed Bessel furctiens of the /th order, und | snd m ere the ‘waverumber i the radi) diet, given by e-e( SOURCE] AT 2-0 BOREHOLE ROCK FORMATION FLUID "2 ‘Ps. 1. Goometial oetRgurainn ofthe fui filed borehole with ‘logging tool. nd ‘The boundary conditions (1) at r = R, the tourdary between the teck formation and the boric tuo, atd @) at r= Ro, he boundity boween fe Gel andche Cul, are mex: he calla sess and cpiaceneat ate cainucun and dhe tangerial sires i 2 In ation the eaten comin request the eaves voc at ininiy ard that stresses and distacemonts rea finite at 17 0, the conte ofthe borehole Inthe nid, te peosmue P, aml cplacenient are given hy * tn ny BH, ® “ 2 ra ° "hese oon tin 47 = [Clo t) | DK(filet@ 410) wee #23) ef 004 Chang and Toxees ‘Tobie 1 Payal parameter ved a this study. m e Hore a sites wy went Pa Pn 5 2 4 5 Hoo aw ass : 5 mS OS 3 & mf BS Boo x iB 0 nae ; s a Mi hee 4 ue sates Be ar AB fa Tits a os ig ine zl 38 3h ine # BB i Fae y= ED p= 1a WEP andy EH a ged Ry Am ing te eeinsipe (Avante and Sig, (971 ¢ " ‘ MR AIK, URE, 19) gine) = ta lal = Fateh, oe ae md ad aah 26Erek AR | 1 14> poAtct tte) 1 AERA OR | ay Bola) = Koll = -Xy (a). * 285 Rolo ae 20) ‘he prostare und radial displacement in the Fuld can be expessel Ky(nR) Py = oetet[etagn + BwaUe 1) nd up = FUG Lf) — DR Ural, il Truths formation sround he bershol, the ony solatuns allowed by the radiation condition are of the Ky and, iype ne a> ABTA eta, uy and Ya BK mse“ aay ‘The tail displacement and stress and the umgenal stees ean thus be writen 1s fey — JALEGC) — FABK, (one Joe 115) aa fon TA (oabetyanat + Des BBLA HGCA = tink in] eo“, 08) ad To [pel-Me)BK Gq) | 2puBETAAUKGCr) + BK, (nlite bone, wn Te lourday contion at = Rrocits = 0, 40 9K, ont) = A natcscry (ie) A 28h ‘This, together witt the relationship CAbranowile and Slegun, ist) a l ek Kal ~ Ba) = AC ad = aid + ves, after sme algebraic maniplations, de rata ieplasoment ard sees at = RE Similarly, fr the tool, afer applying the boundary ccndion wine ke a phy (pg loiken a cau ont : wa ape =o? 2aPp@t stoke | =: IBY @RO}N| alee ra | ‘here & is che amplitude othe scalar potenti, and (2) -e0-5 a-Fb-2) CRRIaL ary bere PK SALINE + FR GRID = 0,028) 288 BkimK Cel TL 5 BEK obey ll ahaa la * Pa 1 BfLAURIC + pp Ral 810 =, 24 se4h ory) FALURGIC + FEGRID | 251 2B and ‘Synthetls Acoustic Lega 1085 teh AROE + peKaAReID + os f BE tataRo) ao” Eh fehol 42 Bioals (P%a) I a Be? - 2671 ‘These equations have the form: fous tia Ox 0 Bn fen Oa 0 0 fia Ben Boe a be For thr rystem of squint o have a sanrvalsluion. the eterna ofthe max hus to be ecuat eo rar, TYin vs us the pid equation forthe phase velciy «ofthe pscute Rayleigh (fetal) and Stneley waves a furctin of the wavenurer 1 Theperind equation ix ]Je-o.c on Boas De®) = Girfaa ~ Crates OnBae ~ Puta) (Cutan ~ Sratar) tantea — FaePaa on For the ase of Buietled borehole without tol (es is consed fy Bi. 1952), te sunicon fat the pte ean nite r= eliminates the Kg und X; rela in he Ai 2a thal the pesod equation spies to Gustin ~ besten ~ © ost Unig equations (28) and (29), ve can calcatte pave (o = of anigroip = do/ak = © + kic/dk) vobeliek a aati of swasenuniber Kor fegustey f= w/2r, “The presnce of then inthe hereble inrcuces extra mats ‘no the peu easton [ei (8) th ae abe in theese of x purely filed borehole [equation (2). Howser, when fhe shear volocty ofthe toa chic ban the ster vec of the formant, these oat are nt resent ly guled Waves, Je. the eergis ofthe waves asociated With Dg oa Fado tsa tom fe beshale Rounder) Por the ease wher tho eo Aeleltis ae loser tha those fe ormton, Reb es com snare 19 be Miter gulded wave mades ond camplate the srotlem, However ste wl show later, tho fethranch of these ‘occ tl sae tat the cate fa purely Fi ed tone ole, a heugh higher made ze more complied. Figure 2a stows cipereion cures foe the phase ad group election ofthe Bit two branchon af de paeuderRayllah ce ctl) an of he Stanley wove x Midatiel bnelle Thc Js oentea ote case cused by Biot 1952), The peoumetrs Used a ag = 457 hlage US iltserl, By = 2.74 kiisee @kiseelsoy = 2.3 gfem'sR = (0.2em (4 ictes), ey = 1.88 Aree (6 Kitsch, and py = 12 ple! Ties rd ll foer toretole ard Comation ropes wed ae isin Table 1 “The eluate dimen cures for he guided waves are very ruth expected, For the wai Sratchee of Be pscide- Ravcieh (elated) wavs, the phase elites are bounded by the shear relecity of fe foreation a lover frequencies and norotoiclly approsch the Mid velocity ae x high-frequency ssymptote, They Inve low-fraguaney ctf, The einp veloety 4eBs alte low tequency ex oi, decreases opel wth cea dng tequeny, thea be ax Aly minimum (vie loi be Bop fortis ehoie ef panwmeter) and approaches oot below a high-reauency aeymmote. Thus, the pscudo-Rayielzh (etbcted) ware is highly dlignsive. T¥e dispenson chara tries of th various heesces af ihe peeudrReyleigh (e- NORMALZED VELOCITY © 0 20 30 FREQLENCY {hah NORMALIZED VELOCITY o ry 20 30 FREQLENCY (hiah Fic. 2. Dingersian chornotriatey of the petuinRayieign (ee flected) and Stonetey waves (2) ina purcly Tuifed barchot (O) ina fuidcfed borehole with = fard foo inthe center 97 (ec) ine Muidflled borehole wih a act tcol. Pryslea! paramekes Used forthe frmation, uid and te ae ted in Tale, Welos. ties are normalized by the Buid veloc cy. 1088 (Cheng and Tokadz NORMALIZED VELOCITY eegee % 9 20 30 FREQUENCY Mis Fo. 3, Dison curves fh pup an pass loses of fe pacisioayleish Geflectou) and Storlay waves for & putely Aude’ soreole and ne wih 1 toe, Por the Conver case ‘Gashed lines), R = 6.7 om (2.64 inches} forthe literate (elie tn, Fm Joa om ihe ana he = 4.8 om (18 ces), ‘shor Rang R grefertoborelele end oo|radli espetivly. Phys salaries ied forte formation, Rd, rd fool wo ited Seeted) wave co similar, except thatthe higher order branches seg sited fo higher meqnencies, 1s cotta, he Stoeley wove shows very Ile depenion. 1 lea dace gat have a lowefrequency eat-off, Bath the plaze and group velovtis increase from shout 090 af tow frequencies ube wave limit) to ahout 0.9601, m high frequenetss with the ‘roxp velocity a isle higher than tke phase velooty, converging very high frequenccs, For compurizn, in Figure 2b we hove plowed the dispersion cgves for the ease of » fluid-filled berehole wits toc! Sn the riddle, The wool has higher P- end Siwavo velucitee than the formation, Thetoal parameters ax a, = 6.10 kmisee 0 ise), Be= 35 keviece (11 kite, = 7.5. gfom', and racine Ro = 46 em (1.8 inches). The Tomaton and fuid parmeters ae identical te those sed jn Hgue 2a, The dispersion curves are similar (0 tose in Figure 2a. The paeacorRayieign crefecied) ‘wave in thi ome (rat Yrtack oly ia plated) has 1 higher cut-off lrecveney, andl he oration of ie Ay rniantm inalso a higher frequency, The Stoncley wave éigperion chaniterines are aka similar ithe tn cae. ‘Ax a forter comparsen, in Hgwe 2: we fave ploted the dis persion curves for tool that har lawer P-and S-wave velocies Than the termtion, he tock rameters are ey — 3.83 RIE (it tues), y= LOB km/sec 16.5 Kile), aad py ~ 12 70m. The formation and Aid paremsters are the came as thoes Jn Fleur 7a, The effect of the tol sce much rire sigicart sn this ens, "Tho first branch of the peeudo-Raykigh (rllested) ‘wave is located ina much lowes frequency range thn in Figure 25 ‘where tke tonl hax higher velociies chan fhe armution. Tex stnular the pseudo-Raylelgh (etiexied) nave in gure ta where ‘he ool in abet alah the Airy nffemu ia xuch lower: The Sohavice of tho Stoneley wave ie also diferent. At the lowe frequency mi, itis sina a Figure Zp, although the tube wave. ‘elecity is lower than in Figure 2a er 25. However, at higher fre- quecces it exhibits a predorinacty nora) dispersion, Te High frequency asympiote for te velocity of the Btonloy wave ised tore (0.7547) han in Figare Tb (~3.08 0). ig sleaethat the physical properties of the tol testy affect the dispersion cheraccrinics of the peeudo-Rayleigh (reflected) and Stmeley waves, For the cee of « tool with velocities and onsity higher thas the fertation, the tool seer simply to make ‘he borehols appear amaller. Tels causes the shit to highs tre- quences Sate dlgersion curve ofthe pseudorRayleid Gefctce) ava, A Tew-veloity ed denul'y tol lowers the velocity of the Ary phase. It also lowers the Stoneley wave veleity, However, the location of the cat-off freqveney far the fem branch of the proudoRayleigh tefiected) wave remeins very close to that fcr ‘he case without «tool, Those resis are co fe expected. Ta the sas of niger velocities and denny, the toot is right when con pares to tho uid, thos reducing the effestve radian of fe bore hole to the thckaoan of the Hid annus betemnn the Formation And the tol, In the ease where bath fool velocities and density ase comparable to choac of the fnid, the efecs of tke tool's presence ae less pronouns Jt can be expected that fn actual coustc logy, the effect of the Wed sill fll Beeween these cwo oxcrmes, The tool wil make tke Doreete afpear smaller © the souastls waver, tue not as small af It would be if the took were poristy rigid, So, a2 w Sire approximation, we can model the fet af the to! by using an efoctve borehole radius smaller hur the actual berehole caus ‘én example of this ic stown ie Figure 3. Phase and group velocity dispersion cures fr the pseudo-Rayleih (reflected) ard Stoneiey waves ae plotted es a Turction of trequency, The vare- hole patric ase ay = 5.34 km/sec (19.5 M/s, By ~ 3.45 Jamisee (10 keen), and po — 2.3 gfem?. The sot lines cep sen the case cf a ID em CAinehes)racius mtchole with a4 Gem (18 inches) aad Figbveloeiy too! (same tool parameters es ‘hore in Figure 22), Whe the dished fic present he case of a purely Ruid-lled borehole witha radius of 6.1 em (2.64 Inches) Foc the ponde-Reyleigh (reflected) wave in the common logging frequecey range (15-20 KE), there is like difference between the (we, eopeially cho foquencac and veivobieg af lhe two Airy srlvims. Tee Stonsley wave dispersion charnterstcs ane almost Isentlat forthe two cases eo, ‘Thus, «© demonstrated sbove, if we choose wn appropriate effective borehote raus, we can approximate the propagation shicactrisice of ie guided wavesin a berchole witha igi tot Dy the mush sealer motel of & purely Mud-fBled beechole. This ‘sls in siderable savings in bots Eme and effort when we ty tas uel aclu sean logs by spthotic mieroeismoerem SYNTHETIC MICKOSEXSMOGRAMR ‘Tee full wave sonuitictoge are contaiiea by barn ine veocitin ot he uffesat phases at thelr relacive maples. The best way of tooking ul the combined feet lta synthesis the micro seimangeams. The presse eeponee i fulfilled borehole stan axial distri 1 md radial dlstence » from w poin: woures is given by (Tsang and Rader, 1979) Ph vege da [ rien = 72% |" xtale de [” Alar oo ete Poy he ample rosa these, he gir Teguency to) ne ue ect, fy tte Ree fen of sevoth onde. isthe wavemmber inthe 2-diectan, fe is he wavenumber ithe radi] rection bn the fluid, given by Synthate Acoustic Loge sour 10: 5 w PSs) $1888 ys) 3 ! ated MA 5° omen AY = a oor 0 erp o 0-5 ae 15 20 25 TIME (msec) Fic. 4, Synthede mierorslnmagrion for purely flideled berehole with a adios 2 = 10.2 em (inches). The souere-ecsiver separation fo 3.44. (@ i), Physical parameters oped for he forsation ané Duld ae set in Fable I. The tute function used isinsered inthe lowest iBichand erro si te tune scale in sliseemés of fad A bs phen by fi REAR 1 SoH? A Tt TB) + ala R) wo vice a aye HOA wala gan 88 ee = eaten HG) we Aa | oa mo, fo gh G3) wi ABER a= a= Ses a a of 2 fa th eau ofthe Derby ty it the shear modulus ofthe Terao epi he hl ena the Auld FA and FS ne the Haske! functions of zeroth and frst orcer, and Jy is the fretorcer Bessel Fonction ‘To generate the ryrthetic microselmograms, a numerical ioe seaion of the & impr is fst pesfrmad, using oonptex fe ‘quencies w remove dhe polos ftom the re axis. The resulting spstrum of the tonafer function ie thea sanvelved wel me outee spectrum and an inverse Pores tanafors [x perioemad 10 ‘obra the resale time domain response (Tseng and Ruder 1979: Roveabaumn, £974), White and Zeshman (1968) pointcd ov tat ‘Integration interval Ak tcequivaentio on inftte distr bution of sovtoessepartedby a distance Lm 24/ Ak Fromeach nderaling, fe ans, Th muggoste thatthe caly zriedon onthe lciee of Ad fu tbnt Z be lege cou auch thatthe fe arival from nelghe basing sorsen ic nal af he ime window une sclera (Qloucton and AL, 1977; Bouehom, 1980), Tre upper limit in toe ‘sarumation canbe determined neamerialy using a corveigenee crierion. ‘To perform the k summation, weave toremeve the singularities ‘om the real k-ais, This ts done ty giveg the Goquency amma imagieary pert (Renenhuum, 1974; Tsang and Rader, 197%: Bouehon and Aki, 1877) wag tien a) > 6 oy ‘The eect of introducing 29 imaginary put to tke frequency can be remaved ty multiplying the rosting dmeRaylcigh (eeflcte Synthet Acouatie Lege 108 4 2 wW Pl458us) S(840us) e 0 | t ha z ye Zz 4 = “2 aot T mT Tt TT o O5 0 18 20 26 TIME (msec) Fr. 6, Same a8 Figur 4 for & = 46 em (8 inches 3 24 AMPLITUDE, 2 | —— 3 0 os 10 is) 20 25 TIME (mseo) Ro, ?. Same as igure for a breadbang source. The ide wave pases ar (athe owe equeney branch ofthe paende-Rayligh (e- es) Se) te Sway wae ah) te Ay shoe oo plato RAVlgD Uefa) ware 080 Cheng and Tokade 2 la of w? 2 ge th of os © 1s 20 de so 88 TIME teen Hert. Syntetle niemesismugrams calculated for two differnt stures-rsciver speratinng (al'tq'= 2.44 (8 A 1b) 2g = 3.05 SnCu), fe oes prametes Le Ue sme tren gu 9 Gee sleo Table 11, pes vwava, ccmisg in ater the arivaly is much safer chan de. pre vious eases. This is hava the dispersion curves are shifted £0 higher equancies wire noi o¢ ne energy of the saute ls below ihe cot feyuency of the preude-ayleigh (reflect) wave, In conic, the amplivde of the Stoney wave. coming in at (4 rmsec, is mush large. Tis is because of wo futons: frst, it does rot have a low-frequency cutoff, and vecond. since tbe hae is smaller, the receiver is Tueatel close to the fvid-weck interfece The diferent phases are even ure evident if we use a broader source. spectrum, Bue 7 shows (he systheic mlerossiema gram Of eons uring @ sree with a — g/m. The otter persmeiare remaln the tame ae those In Figire S. The Airy phate it mach hater developed with a distinct envelope. The dtpertion in the carly ponion of the peeude-Reyleigh (refented) wave alsa qulte bvions In Figure i the eftet of dlifance on mlcoscismngams is shown. The physleal paremesers wed ae ihe same es WOH in igure 8, Scureerecelver teperation is 244 m (8 f for Figure 8a and 3.66 o8 (1240 foe Figure 8b. Atthe longer spacing the leaky ‘ude is less prominent. The preada-Ruylcigh GefNeted) wave is slighty redened in umgplitude, but the dispersion is mae obviews ‘Tre Sloreley wave reniaias large in ampliude. The Airy hao fof the puouderRpleigh GeMeclil) merc, vonting in aller the Sioneley wave, is heer developed a Oe Longer sacle fect of diferent Poinon’s cation of the formation on the rynthtic micronelamagratin are thown in Figure 9, Team. xnd Rader €1975) pointed out teat fora large Possen's ati. the pole far the Maky mode between the ? and aval ft on the upper Riemann sheet, giving # promizeat arival, while for n sal Poleson's rato, the pole 35 located on the lower sheet. where arrivals a Les dintine, In Figue 9, we hve plated tse sy thetie mioreeeiemograns with diferent Poizon's rats. Figure 94 fs the eame as Figure §. with the formation Poisson's ato of (0.32. The P-wave veloeity of the Foreniion hat heen lowered ta 5 38bmisce (12.5 Hse) and 4.57 kms (L4ifisec)in Figures Ds and Se, giving Poisson's ratice of 0.26 and 0.1. respectively ‘Agcam be sen fein he figure, the leaky mode smpiiute towece (he P and § arivale ciministes with decreasing Voinon’s rao. ‘shi the nee of the wavafonr remainesleivey conan, Thu the melatve amplitde of the leaty mace enuld he Bn important ‘indent ofthe Poisson's ratio che fermi, The synthetic micresalimogramk preseied abvive €o rot ike ‘ito aconuni tho effec of aenuation, Since there ae diffe ~ fo) {b} AMPLITUDE 008 1d 1S 26" Bs TIME. tensee) RO. 9, Syrteie mictoseimnoprams cule for the diteere formation Volsor's ration! (9) = 0.31, (h) v= O26: (el 70,3, Soe Table | for otker parsmeers, Syntvatls Aoouetle Lega 105 phases vorcained tn these mlcrseliongrems, the exuer ettees of ateruuton cannot be modeled exlly. However, wt fst approximation. we can model aenaation effect hy multiplying the whole time series by exp(—orr), wit a consian wr. The attequstion can be expresed us a oF, Ge mere 8 me requeaey Rad @ Is the gualty fescor. A constrt ‘ap implies hat Qn proprtonal te frequen, Pot a near visce- satis sold wth a rlunaton tine of 1. Q 1s propertinnal ce. fuetey for ar #1. Ror sursted perour fecks, Winkler and Nur (1579) abserved peck relanation fequeneles around [tH Sines the dominant frequencies in the aeanetls [ops re between in) PUTA 20 o8 = = == “08 CY O10 - 00 “ll i +0084 -O10 t A 20 Steer tee frites i og "ro "we "20 28 TIME (msec) ec. 10, Syethetie micrasssmograms calcaltea for aiierent atenustion guatiy factors (a) ne tonaation, (6) @ = $0 ISkHe: (0) Q = 25 at |S by, ‘The unateauated elsmogram is Sdestict to that iow in Figure 8 10 and 20 KHZ, the assumption of Q praportional wo tequensy should be valid Tn Reure i we show the effect ste ation on the sythetic iiprossiemogram using out Q model. Three syuietic Ings are shown witb Q = = (no attenuation), $0, and 25 al f— 15 KH ‘The borehole parameters are the same a8 thoie sod in Figure $ Ascan be scen from the Nguces, Te effec cf a lowered Yee tate tooo: (1) Itcauser a more rapid decay in the amplivdes of the ater aiving part af ths picade Rayleigh iefcted) wanes land (2) tanhanees the anplitide of the hey ae, including the leaky mode, relive fo the wmpltules of the guided waves, although the absolute emplinaes of each ace greatly seduced [netloe the diferomt amlitude sales). Doth these beluviers re ‘exjeniod, We stress th fac that these logs were calelated using ‘ample @ modcl which gives consint atenvation caolizient. ‘More compliatod und reultie @ models ar being stded and results wil be repomed late: ally. we take two acta fall wave acoustic logs, ene oni Limestone foruton and ove fom a shale formtion, and try © smedel thera by symbetc mirascismograms. The data were > corded withthe Schibirberger SLS-TA sande. ‘The source fune~ ‘fon we use was tat given 1 equation CSa)wit the zero ieequeney offset taken cul, This iran appreniaution and dace nat represent the uetual source funetion oF the tool. The reesiver respons Is sured fal in the feaueecy range ander considetaticn. Based ‘en oor dimpertion caouldions, we assamec tha the lo makes the effectve borehole cadlus smaller when compared 10 a borchole ‘wihowe a tool. In epite ofthe nbvious wpproxiteacens, compar 018 m food and the varistiors are x eaperted Figure 110 shows ehe acual full wave sesurtic log of lie. stene formation. The seurcesteceiver separation is 2.4¢ m ( () tnd the wlooltes ofthe formation ae detemmietta be ay = 5.94 und By = 3.05 kméve (19.5 and 10 kivsec) by the meshed of Wilts uni Tokai. (1979). Figere (Ub slaw the synthetic aio suincogten goneaied using these faition paranctes and an eftscive bostole ralus OF 6.7 em (2.66lnches} wit no etenka tien (sams at Tigute 5}, Delale of the apteal wel lag and the syithetie miemrsinmogram are similar. Three is = leaky mode aftee the asrval ad # psculo-Ravlefgh(refected) wave packet after Ge § anival, The Steneley wave avivel at about 1.4 mice is marked by both an umpitués aad frequency change, although ‘thi is much me enhanced in the synthe log. TRE may be Be ‘alse the Maqerey resporsss of Oe reeslwer eadéoe Oe source uy Eo neraner than the oues used in olrenleuletloas, Te other netcoahle differences fetwean the acto eed ayntheie legx are (the rare rapid decay in the acetal wel logaf he gud waver, and (2 relative anpitudes of the leaky made (othe guided waves. ‘Bath can he scmibtad fo the eects uf atenuation. In Tigure lle ‘we add starvation (a the syatedic micostinnogram Using Ibe simple Qniolel discussed hove. We ane» Qo 35 a IS kHe, The rewltng microrsivmegeum: shows a cage seiomAlurce 10 che ‘etn Tog thin the ane withous atinuation. There sil x slight iference inthe decay rate ofthe puted waves betwoon th tac Togs: this mey be dae fo seatotee energy le the etual log. The, reative amplitudes of fe leaky mod> and the guided waves are ite similar inthe twa loge. gure 124 stows the wall Jog ftom 4 shalt formate, The: armntioe volwiticn mr determined tn he es ~ 457 und By — 2.20 benicea (14 and 7 Mt/aec). The seuree-rceiver separation 162.44 m¢8 Mb. Figure 126 shows the svathelic mierosismogtam ‘saleulafed withthe abave parwmesere The center frquency used 4513.5 kz, wid aneffective horetole eausof 7.6 cm (3 fache). [No aenuaton is acded. Once again. the corespoadense between 1082 Chongand Tekade the estual aed synthesis lage is excellen, The marr differences fre that the amplitude ofthe leaky move is lower and its frquesey centent i nigher an in he aculiog, TheseAfereaces can again be atributed to tension, The guidal waver of the two logs are very timilar Figue 12e shows the ofeot of atenuaton an the sya og, The Q used ix il a3 KH2. The empiude ofthe leaky mode relative to the guided waves it now aimilar to the auual og. Howoven, the frequenty content of the leaky mode in tho symieticlog is il high, 1a spite of tls effernce, che overall ‘waveforms ofthe actual and eyntrens fogs we era. ‘CONCLUSIONS In this study we looked at che propagation af elistc saves io a borhale, both in the frequency domain by using dispersion curves end in the time domain by numerical madeting of synthetic raieroeismpgrims, The primary vorclusiors fom tis study are (0) ‘he sombiaed analysis of Aipertion exeves and ayn thetic taferosinmngrame enables Ue te deatty er ent ahases andtheir dependence on various paremetem, (2) Borehole geomptry and logging teulprogertis affect the pseado Rayleigh (rected) wave mage sttmgly chat the Steneley wave, The cuff fequency and Airy phase of the prude Naylagh (wfloced) wave ae thifted to higher frequensies when the efective bore. hole radius besores smaller due tothe presence ofthe too}, Sioneey save dispersion characteritics chinge relatively ite fo} | a (bi oa : sr F: o 0S 10 15 20 25 TIME, (msec) Aig. 11. Compatizon betwee seta and ether fogs it a Time store fornutien (a) acteal wel fog, (b) pythette log with m2 ‘leautton, (el synthetic log wah = 20 19 KH, Tne ottee parumotone used te Tinted in Table L nn o 0s fo 5 fo 25 TIME (msec) Bo. 12. C n beween setuil and syibetic lege in ashale emtparo formation: @)actaal wel Tog; (2) synthe log wits no atenuaticn, e)symee log wth 2 = 20 aC 3.3 KE, The other parameter, ‘is ane Tted in Tebe 1 Byrtnecc Acoustic Loge 1053 (8) Wits 9 hard teal i the borehole a typical fogging fe ‘nuencies (10-20 kHz). in formation where. shear- wave wolecity is higher than fuid velosity. che psead Repligh (tected) wave is highly dispersive with preup velocties between the shear velocity of che Tormaion and about 0.6 tines the borehole fd veloc. Btowoley wave veloctis wre acely constant 2 about 0.9 tise fle veloc. Thee, the Stooeley wave arrives in the middle of the panudo-Raylcigh (pelected) wave tain forthe formation paranicre we have stacied. At very low frequencies [below the ‘tudo-Reyleigh reflected) wave cole] theStaneley wave duminces, ‘Ihe tourse spectrum has @ Krorg effect onthe cxcitation of pactco- Rayleigh (eftested) (4) The effect ofthe longing taal dopands upon ts caste propenies. For e rigid (e.g.. see) teol. the primary cffect ean be approximated by reducing the rads oF the barchele, Softer tools fave mre tube effects ot the dipeison chucocterntion ofthe guide waves, (5) Theoretical full-vave acoustic Togs (oynthetic mien selsmogcams} show that the amplinues of # and S arivss a vezy small telatve to chore of the gaided waves, The poculo-Rayleigh (flected) and Stoneley waves demitate the riicroveismegraci, In genera, Sevavos tata picked inay be the lst eyed oF tbe plate Reyeigh (wilted) waves, (6) Attenuation (071) afcet the slower guided weves mast sttongly. AS aiequstion intoases, the amphtudss of gulded saver decrease and the decay rat increases, Thus, tn bighly atemuating media, body wave ie guided wave amplitde ratios ae larger ian 10 new Steouating eo The anptinade ofthe leeky mode eciving between P and Scwaves ix srongly dependent upon ta Poisson's ratio of the farmatin, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ‘We wal ie fo ha Prot Keli AN, Oe. Micel Bouton, ard ohn Naboo MIT, ane Dr, Den Snack and Dr. Atkin Timur of Cheon Ol Fl Research Ci forthe commmcne and swaxesions De. Leuna Ting af MIT Kal ove us wits 9 preprint copy of bis paper. ‘This esearch was suppored in par fy 8 convent wih Chern OF ld Resch Co. REFEREES Aigner Mang Steg A. 97. Nae frat fo ir A 9S rept i be ‘ainn 4 haie 1 Appl Posy, v.23, 37-1 ‘Mit Tish oY palo ot ghana caged Renee! ANSE epee ams Sco Se we Tho. meen of opgatona ae wares a misaarice Torn ve ghey ner Ach eA PR don lh, Cet envi rma nce ooRSE MRIS SPE ce eran ie Mem AC 'f mise sae wavs flde SSA Bul retry ae (Geng, Her ane Tans M,N 19 Mascling oi Ta we coast Inee wns SPwLA, Zie ARN’ Log. Sy. Pape siving. WM Jaanky, WE) and Pres 1687, Mose wave io fyred ied: New Very McGraw Hil Book Co,, i Pals Pn 98, Accoul propapen, te Pah of rare wich rasa aed ele an, SPW, BTa Am. oy SP, PANE ws. 074, seo war glider Ap hina a8 igaeum, jot Sate neonagrons Logg ears Tene pe. eo ae ee nao fr line meee Aus ace Ree meats Rig ame it Te Roy Se Canton gr A281" p. Se ‘rag, Dd lia 95D, Neh siden of Bs tance ticté rata Bie'toa gin sce in foal bora Gecpoien 40, 7061 0, ‘wiles hy idan, Hes noe ing «exer! me Usopescn ree Sans tel A pons some Ta. SA, se nrnlc pe we El Fr gtd nn tne we NE sn les at Very at atcrntin dtr ti yc mv mn Pee the 9 a imenatona Set Moon, Novae Rew near ‘winery tnt Rute A DD, Te Teather, pe Reon tic ienaton in etc: Pilato Aa Laer feta Sect Weare pew Oars ‘What SB 1996 Te jeosgng fe wes log Med "Boulter Manac fas Uow- ef Taka pin sang «Rik ed

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