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Rhetorical Analysis of Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell

Sarah Alvarez
University of Texas at El Paso


The political cartoon Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell,

which has been posted on wikispace takes an informative appeal on how illegal
immigrants are possibly entering the U.S. The cartoon depicts a politician willing to pay
illegal immigrants to cross over U.S. borders if they build a wall to keep other illegals
out. This cartoon was drawn to show that the government is aware of illegal immigrants
crossing the border yet they are passing laws to reform immigration. In an effort to
understand the construction of Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell, this
paper seeks to analyze the audience, purpose, and use of the rhetorical appeals: ethos,
pathos, and logos.
The intended audience of the political cartoon, Americas attitude toward
immigration in a nutshell, is intended towards an audience that is most likely migrating
to the United States, and more likely has access to a newspaper or the Internet. The
cartoon was aimed to this audience because even though the U.S. is known as the land of
the free, not everything is, as it seems. The cartoon depicts a politician hand building a
brick wall along the U.S./ Mexico border with barbed wire and watchtowers running
along the border, and a bold sign that says, ILLEGALS STAY OUT, however the
politician leans over to whisper to the immigrants on the other side of the border, Psst,
Ill pay you cash if you help me build this barrier. The audience of this cartoon was not
just intended for immigrants crossing the border, but also for the citizens of the U.S.
In continuation, the purpose of the political cartoon was to inform citizens of the
United States how most of the illegal immigrants are crossing the border. Though the
cartoon was mostly drawn from an artist with a biased view, the artist has made a
contribution to American history that has been based off an actual event. The cartoon is


based off of facts that are being thrown back and forth in Congress and being debated
over. So, one can summarize that the cartoon is meant to be informative and provide an
enlightenment of American politics. It can be inferred that even though immigrants go
through many stressful days of waiting for paperwork to be approved to at least get a
greencard or gain citizenship, politicians are allowing immigrants to cross over borders
illegally just to make a quick buck. And, it can also be inferred that politicians are
sticking their heads into the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Department of
Homeland Security to law enforcers away from illegals. There can probably be not much
said once the politician is done with the immigrant.
In addition, Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell, can have some
form of credibility, thus the concept of ethos can be up for debate. Based on the
ineligibility of the name and the date that is provided at the bottom center of the cartoon,
it cannot be determined whether the cartoon could receive any form of credibility.
Another fact that this cartoon cannot possibly have credibility is that the depiction was
posted on wikispace and most wiki websites are always being updated and are having
most facts altered. Also, this cartoon does not have the name of who posted the depiction
onto the website. Furthermore, this cartoon has weak credibility since there is hardly any
rhetoric appeal to the selection.
Much like the cartoons use of ethos, Americas attitude toward immigration in a
nutshell, the use of pathos can be up for debate. Though there was the intent to bring
amusement to the audience, the cartoon shows the discrimination towards the immigrants
indefinitely. From what can be inferred the cartoon was drawn from an artist with a
biased point of view. So the artist is most likely prejudiced against the immigrants in the


U.S. and wishes to inspire hatred to those who take a look at the cartoon. Thus, this
cartoon has stronger use of pathos than ethos.
However, the rhetorical appeal of Americas attitude toward immigration in a
nutshell, that has the greatest effect is logos, or the appeal of logic to the audience. The
logos of this cartoon are the understanding that political system is messed up. That many
politicians interfere in the hard work of various law enforcers and agents in the many
departments of Homeland Security and allow illegal immigrants to enter the United
States undetected. Though, there is also the chance that once the usefulness of an
immigrant has met its end, there could be a chance that the politician would rat out the
immigrant to law enforcement and the politician can walk away without a single glance
In conclusion, Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell, was
designed to bring forth an informative stance to the audience as a whole to inspire
discrimination against immigration. As such, this causes much hatred against immigrants
who do cross the border legally from those who dont keep an open mind. This can be
seen through an investigation of the wikispace political cartoons intended audience,
purpose, use of rhetorical appeals.


Americas attitude toward immigration in a nutshell.
Retrieved from

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