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Sophia A.

LIS 640-01

1. The Correspondence of Helena Modjeska, is an archived letter from Helena Modjeska to an
organizer of the North, Central, and South American Exposition. The type of metadata used here
is Descriptive. It includes information about the life and career of the letter author, what the
Exposition was, where it was, and how long it lasted, as well as the content of the letter itself.
Further categories include the authors featured character role, as well as the genre of the play
that the authors character was featured in. Personally I think that the information is very
informative, but it seems a tad excessive when the same information in the categories is repeated
in the Object Narrative. However, this can be useful when one is cataloging and searching for
specific files with the aforementioned details.
The second record is a piece of sheet music called, Well Have a Little Dance Tonight. The
type of Metadata featured here, is Administrative. This is due to the fact that more technical
features are acknowledged in the record for example, past and present formats as well as
publisher, file type, artists name, and even chorus lines of the song. This information is perfect
for cataloging and even caters to the consumer. It is in no way excessive.
2. This next record is actually for an artifact not an article, the Salem Academy Pin. The Pins
Metadata is structural and features information like the date and the dates confirmation. Also
most importantly, the physical description of the artifact which includes things like the
engravings on the pin and the box it comes in. Other information includes the contributors
names and even a link to the homepage of the contributors collection. The only excessive piece
may have been the link. Over than that, the perfect amount of information given is perfect.
The final record is a folder containing a collection of photographs from UNCG back in the
1890s called Student Life-1890s. This is descriptive Metadata. Unlike the first record there
are no letters, just pictures, however the pictures are not without information. However the
information is not as detailed as the other records analyzed. The only major details aside from
archival and the name of the Contributing Institution (UNCG) are the names of the students and
the locations featured in the photographs. This is perhaps due to confidentiality reasons that
more details about the students are not featured in the description category like Helena
Modjeska. However, the information appears to be adequate enough for the eight pictures

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