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VS$$ l

AMt l 30 l 2014

Civils Mains - 2014


Al --MS$ AS--*
VS$--g }--->]l#
-$ MSt,

S {$l - -- l -Z {$ GMS$P-]lV> ]l$-M>-]l $

(Contemporary Challenges), l A>MS$ --_]l ]l-]l B-V> Er$.
D G Z MS*y Cl MS-Ol$]l - B^l-]l^l$a. A-$$ ltZ E^l$-M {--l

{---lZ VSV> $l G {$ H
-V> ]l$_ ]l^la A]l-M>--]l VS$^. --V> l l& ]l*-hMS,
BMS A>$; >-]l-, Al->j-$
, Ol Ayl sM>-i; Al->j-$
-$; ]lQ-Ol$]l MS ]l-]l$
(Core concepts in Philosophy) -V>
]l$_ {$ l-MS$y ]l$-.
O]l ^l]l V>Z JMP ]l$_ yl$,
]lyl$ A>-]l$ VS$-^. D A>
]l$_ H MZ { ]l$-l-]l l$-$-M]lyl ]lQ. D -$Z ^ ]l$
A-$$ l$ ^l$-$. "* A
]l$_ *MS {' Al -]lZ {$
]l$-. G]l-Ol D *MS MO r$t
- l f$ A]l-ylZ l

VSlZ ]l* G$ l$V> >]lyl l$.
Al$-]l l A> ]l$_ Gs
{$ ]l^la-l$MS$ A]l-M>--]l l$-$-M]l-ylZ jMS$t #-$ $-M-.
ll-$l MS 10 G-]l$ {MSt
^l$yl ]l$_. >]l G-]l$ #-$-
-^l$-M-. ^l]l --r]l$ VS$_,
]l$l ]l$--]l-lV> >-l$MS$ {$-^. {MSt ^l]l { ]l$_ M>MS$y,
l ]l_a-]l--sMS --_]l A]l$-]l
> B {MS$ MS*y G V> >^l$a.
l A>-MS$ --_]l ]l$-M>-]l
]l$-$, $, M>-$, {$l
^l$, ]l$ -P->-MS A]l$--^l
]lN-O r$t -^. sMS A-$$
{-]l-]l-l-Ol$]l, ]l$-MS* lMS-l
MS*yl]l l A-{-*-]l$ gZyl* s
*--^l$-M-. JMS ]l$-O A]l-V>]l H-$-^l$-M, -_, O]l -P->]l$ *_^l ]l$-> A-$ ]l$_
GV>j-$-]l B-$-yl$ M>st G {--l
MS*y Cl lV> Ey.

Gl V> ^l-, l A>O Gl -gq]l --_
OsVS {MSt ^l$-MS-l {-MS*
-ll$ Gl$--]l#-l$. {V>MS
MSv]l l-g E-*-W-l
]l$_ G A--^l$-MS$-r$-ll
A E. K MSt ]l$-MS$ --

VS$$^- l$-Myl

GV> ]l^la-l$MS$
A]lM- >-- ]l]l A>$:

G Al A ]lMS- {---$.
-> $, BZ-^l , $-]l$,
OlQ, ]l-{- ]l$ ]ls-]l $-r-yl-. ltZ E^l$-M G >*.

GZ -$: {, l-l-&-^-{lMS
A>$, A>-MS --_]l {]l ]l]l$, A]l$-MS*--l$, {-MS*--l$, ]l$- P->-MS *^l-]l$, ]lW#.

G >$-ylZ ]l$-l*MS s-^lyl ^

{]l. {Z Ayl-W]l A>-MS -_
l >$ {---^l ]l*-]l
>*. H JMS M ]l*{ll$ {-_

a-]l*-{-M>Z f--^lyl {-_,

l>l {-^ ]l-MS-$]l GZ
]l$-]l*-MS -_ "G-Z-]l$ Gl$P-l-l$MS$ l ]l-l-]l$-]l#-l$]l $-'O
{ >^l$a.
O^l BMS Z---MS
^l$.. C$ l>
]l$l ]lN-lMS,
S --O
Gs {]l
^l*#- Al MZ { AylV^l$a.

]l$$ ]l ]lQ
GMS$ -_ A-$$ g{VS-lV> Ey]l ]l$ $ ]l$$ ]l. Al$-r$Z E]l ]l$-$Z ]lylr JMS ]ll$]l$
Z l$---^-]l A>$ H$s?
* G Ey? Al {--MS]l$ *-^l$-MS$-l-l$MS$ MSs--^. $W-]l 2/3
]ll$ ]l$-$Z G N-^l-*. { 15
$--MS$ 15-0&-2-00 $ > {-MS
l$-M-. MS lVSYr$t {$l G-]l$
{MSt ^l*. Z HOl ]l$-]l$ { B ]l$-MS$ ]l$ H$s?; N,
{$l ; ]l$ -P->-MS {$l ^l$-&-]lN-$; A Gl ]lMS$ --MS-l-]l$*? ]ls A>- {-MS *-^l$-M-.

O]l ]l*-^-> l$---^l-l$MS$, ]l$-M>]l E---- ---l-MSV> >l$MS$ A]l-M>--]l]l {-]l$ GMS ^l$-M. Ayl ]l$_ P -^l-l$MS$ A]lM>--]l-r$.
^ ]lQ A-Ol$l l Ayl--Ol
^ll$. A]l---Ol$l iMS JMS Ayl--Ol
Eyl ^l*$-M-.
l->-]l$- A]l---Ol$-]l-lZ Ms-l
E-*-W-^^l$a. Al-V> l-]l- Ms l ]l ]l*r Ar$_ ]l t GMS$P]l
G]l$ >-{V>--$V> -h-^l$-M >*. JMS >-{V> JMS A>-MS --_-]lOl

Ey. JMS >MS$, l> >MS$

l Eyl ^l*$-M-.
GZ r$ Eyl-MS*-yll$.. s$
l$-MS*-yll$.. Al A-$ ]l*{ll$.
l->--st A]l---Ol$]l ^r ]l*-^> r *Z >^l$a. ll
yl*-{VS-l$ ]ls l^l$a.
>gVS *{-MS$, oMSMS -MS, l
]l$-{VS-lMS$ ]l--MSV> A-{-*$ EylMS*-yll$. ]l$l, MS$ l*--MS$ -yl-MS*yll$. ]lMS-VSl ]l$--MS$ -]l-MS*-yll$.
G ]lW# B>-]l lMS-l Eyl
^l*$-M-. >, --]l$ {--^l-MS*-yll$. C^la -P->$ B^l- lV>
Ey. { Gl$-VS-ylMS$, ]lW-#-]lMS$
l Eyl ^l*$-M-.

Some Essay Topics

"{---'Z l$-

GMS ^l$-MS$]l HOl AO l$$-OVS]l

Z A]l-V>-]l E]l--sMS, G ll-$-st--]l l-$MS l-]l$-l-]l$-]l#-$. -]l
]l$$ ]l A]l#-l$. Al$-]l G]l$
{--^l-r-yl ]l$-M>-]l OMS {-]l-$. {MS$ -_ Cs-]l M>Z
^r$-^l-$-MS$]l --]l* {-* G]l$
{--^l-]l^l$a. E---MS$ l Al-S
f-*-MS$ --_]l G Al ]l$VS-*l, l i-G ]l]l H>r$ V>
l {*-V>- {--^^l$a.
Ol$]l -P->-]l$ GV>j-$-]l A
]l$_ B-yl$. Cs --Z
MS-t-Ol$]l ]l$-]l$, ]l]l$, -P ]l*>Y-]l$ lg- ]l--^l-VS--Wl ]l$_
P -^lyl R$. K l$ --$-]lr$ G Ey.
As G GV>j-$-]l-]l$ MSst--yl$.

Social im-pact of mobile phones

Asian century pro-spe-cts and problems
Does Presidential system suit India
The importance of creative freedom
Children's rights: The real foundation

for social progress

Indian youth is a gift to the world
There is a crying need to revive
Have regional parties delivered?
Inter-linking of rivers
smart cities; cleanliness as a behavioural challenge.

VSlZ AylW]l G$

Creation of Smaller-States and the consequent administrative, economic and

developmental implications.
Does Indian Cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it?
Credit based higher education system status, oppurtunities and challenges
In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism.
In the context of Gandhiji's views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary
scale, the terms 'Swadhinata', 'Swaraj' and 'Dharmarjya'. Critically comment on
their contemporary relevance to the Indian democracy.
Is the criticism that the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model for development
is more of a bane than boon in the Indian context, justified?
Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible?
Managing work and home: is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal?
Be the change you want to see in others - Gandhiji.
Is the Colonial mentality hindering India's success?
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness)
would be the right indices for judging the well - being of a country.
Science and Technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation.

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