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Maribel Laras

Historys Timeline
History 301-04
May 1, 2013
Tel # (310) 864-3518

My Familys Migration from

Michoacan, Mexico to the U.S.A

Origin Of Family Surname

Surname Origin:
Spanish, Portugese
History of surname Torres :
The surname was first found in Castile, where the name originated in
Visigothic times.
Torres Meaning: dweller at or near a tower or spire; one who came from
Torres, the name of many places in Spain and Portugal; a maker of white

Torres Coat of Arms

In my family, Marriage is a Holy Sacrament that joins two individuals
together before God, where they make a promise to love each other till
eternity. They join their possessions, income, and lives. One of the duty that
comes along with marriage is that, the couple must work out problems when
they arise, and dont run to file for divorce. They must treat each other as
equal all the time. They share the responsibilities of raising their children
together ,(if they have any)and to teach their children about God. They must
be respectful and caring for each other, and their kids, and they must provide
for one another.

Movies And Films That Have Impacted Your

Perception Of Marriage And The Family
The Notebook, and Walk the Line, are two movies that have
impacted my perception of marriage and the family. These two
movies had an all around positive impact on me. I have always
believed that one should marry for LOVE, and not for material
possessions. I have always believed that if you marry someone for
LOVE, you will have a healthy and happy marriage. When hard
situations arose, love is the only thing that will help you overcome
them. These movies truly define what marriage is suppose to be
The movie, The Notebook truly celebrates the depth of the
marriage vow in its portrayal of the couple as they age together in
the nursing home ,with the husband keeping vigil by his wife side
even when she can't remember their many years together. And the
movie Walk The Line is a tribute to the real-life love story of singers
Johnny and June Carter Cash. That through addictions and divorces,
this couple never gave up on each other.

Banning Museum Experience

It was my honor, to have visited the house of the Father of Los
Angeles Harbor, Phineas Banning. The Banning Museum was
amazing! I learned so many things about California and Victorians,
that I did not know. I did not know that Victorians homes had
separate rooms for men and women when they visited the
residence. The men went to the office and the women to the parlor.
Victorians had a nursery for the children, and children were not
allowed in the parlor. The only time they were allowed in the parlor
was during christmas.
Three mechanical gadgets that impressed me during the tour was
the call box, that was used to call the servants. The stove and the
paddle used to make the butter.

Rites Of Passage
The Rites of Passage that are observed by my family are; Baptism,
Confirmation, First Communion, and Marriage.
For Catholics, Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment
and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is
the Church's way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.
First Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real
presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and
Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
Confirmation is a Catholic Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a
deepening of baptismal gifts. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation
for Catholics. It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to
this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union
of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God's values.

Picture of my 1st Communion

Picture of Church Wedding

with all my brothers and sisters.

Family Heirlooms
It is sad to say that in my family we have no
heirlooms that were ever handed down.

Personal Heirlooms
Two heirlooms that I will pass down to my
children will be my wedding ring and wedding
dress. I will want my children to remember
that they had two parents that loved each
other dearly. And that they did everything
possible for them to have a home full of love
and happiness.

Wedding Dress

Colonial History. (n.d.) Retrieved from
Gutierrez, Ramon. (1998). Contested Eden California Before The Gold Rush.
The regents of the university of California.
Marquez, E. (1975). Port of Los Angeles. San Marino: Golden West Books.
Norton & Company. (2002). Los Angeles. Canada: The Book of Knowledge.
Starr, K. (2005). California : A History. New York: Modern Library.

Table of Contents
History of California- 1000 AD to present
History of the South Bay 1521 present
Family Timelines
Personal Timeline
Maternal grandfather
Maternal grandmother
Paternal grandfather
Paternal grandmother

Personal Narrative
Maternal grandfather
Maternal grandmother
Paternal grandfather
Paternal grandmother
2. Family Map
3. Origin of Surname

1. The Spanish Legacy
2. Marriage
3. Movies/films
4. Banning Museum
5. Class Demographics

1. Rites Of Passage
2. Family Heirlooms
3. Personal Heirlooms



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