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Diet for Preventing Anemia

Anemia is largely classified as a dietary deficiency disease. It can be prevented quite easily by
enriching the diet. The blood quality can be improved by including sources of iron, vitamin B12,
folic acid and vitamin C in the diet. A list of the foodstuffs that contain these nutrients is given
below:1. Dietary sources of iron:
Beans, Lentils, Dry fruits, Nuts and seeds, Beet root, All types of red meat, especially beef, liver,
chicken, fish, Green leafy vegetables (except for spinach), leeks, cherries, strawberries, dried
fruits, figs, kelp, eggs, cashew nuts, almonds, pitchouts and roasted ground nuts. Have 3-4
pieces of black dates daily

2. Dietary sources of vitamin B12:

Organ meats, milk, Milk products such as cheese, Vegetarians should eat plenty of yeast extract
or ready-to-eat cereals. Milkshakes, sprouts, whole cereals, pulses

3. Dietary sources of folic acid:

Food grains, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, whole grains, wheat germ, fortified breakfast cereal,
avocados, egg yolks and melon, honey, bananas, sapota, custard apple, mango and grapes
4. Dietary sources of vitamin C:
Fresh citrus fruits, Indian gooseberry, which is the richest natural source of vitamin C, Capsicum,
Tomatoes, orange juice, tomato salad, citrus fruit for dessert green leafy vegetables, broccoli,
asparagus, peas, rice flakes, organ meats like liver, kidney, lean meat, chicken and eggs in the

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