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1927 .
1931 .
1993 .

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01001, -1, . , 4, . 215
: : (044) 278-76-52,
: (044) 279-99-71
E-mail: shidnyj.svit@gmail.com

. . . , 4 24.09.13
1- : (VIIVIII .).
4- : .
15802-4274 28.09.2009 .
ISSN 1608-0599

. . . , 2013

. .
( 90- )
. . ....................................................................... 5
. . -
. . - ........................ 8
. . ........................................................... 16
. . . . .................................................... 19

. . - .... 23
. . . . : , ................... 28
. . ()
................................................................................... 36
. . - ................................................... 55
. , 1917 .
( )............................................................. 64
. (XIIIXIV .) ............................... 74

() . . . .......... 81
. . ...................... 87
. ., . .
........................................................................................ 92

. . : -,
( ,
, , ) .......................................................... 119
. .
( ) ............................................................... 126

. . ................................. 132
. . .............................................. 143
. . ............................................... 152

. . / : ... 160
Dinh Quang Hai. The real situation of workers cultural and mental life
in export processing and industrial zones in Vietnamese and Taiwanese companies
in Binh Duong provinces in present-day Vietnam ........................................................................ 172
Nguyen Quang Thuan, Tran Thi Thu Huyen. Clean development
mechanism (CDM) and legal framework in Vietnam ................................................................... 179

. ., . . -
: , ,
(, , 2122 2012 .) ...................................................................................... 189
. . :
(, , 57 2013 .) ................................................ 195
. .
(, . . , 1112 2013 .) ..................................................... 199
. . , 90-
(19232001) ......................................................... 201
. ., . . ...................... 203
Summaries ......................................................................................................................................... 210
.................................................................................................................................... 226

(to the 90th anniversary)
G. Asatrian. Talented orientalist from Luhansk ..................................................................................... 5
S. Markarian. Composition Tharikh by Calipha al-Usfuri in translation
of W. Beilis and its value for the study of Arab-Khazar wars ....................................................... 8
Z. Saidov. On one of the addressees of Masud ibn Namdar ............................................................... 16
O. Sbrodov. Perspective of research on the archive of Wolf Beilis ..................................................... 19
O. Bubenok. Calendar cycle in the funeral and burial customs of the Ancient Turks ..................... 23
P. Kuzminov. D. Kodzokov: the public figure, the official and the reformer ..................................... 28
O. Mavrina. Bey family Mansour (Mansoursky)
in early XX century in Crimea ............................................................................................ 36
Ya. Pylypchuk. Dasht-i Qipchaq at the crossroads of trade routes ....................................................... 55
M. Soyegov. Turkmen regiment, disbanded in 1917 in Kiev
(In connection with the centenary of the First World War) ............................................................ 64
R. Hautala. Catholic missionaries in the Mongol empire (13th14th centuries) ................................... 74
N. Zub (Rudenko). Kyiv educators and the Russian education in Caucasus in the 19th century ......... 81
N. Ryabchenko. Themes of Oriental Studies in the journal Russia and the Pacific ......................... 87
D. Ursu, O. Muzychko. The periods and peculiarities of development
of Oriental Studies in Odessa at the middle centuries .................................................... 92
I. Sivkov. The somatic lexis in the multisystem languages:
the semantic-derivational, nomination and etymologic aspects
(based on the material of Arabic, Hebrew, English, Ukrainian and Russian) ............................... 119
O. Trubitsyna. Language means of suggestion in the Chinese mass media communication
(on the example of Hu Jintaos interviews to foreign journalists) ................................................ 126
H. Vertiyenko. Ritual sleep in the context of Scythian annual festival .............................................. 132
I. Dryga. Confessional terminology in Karamanli texts .................................................................... 143
S. Kapranov. The genesis of the sacred space in Shinto mythology ................................................. 152
V. Kiktenko. Confucianism and/or communism: hinas prospects of political development .......... 160
Dinh Quang Hai. The real situation of workers cultural and mental life
in export processing and industrial zones in Vietnamese and Taiwanese companies
in Binh Duong provinces in present-day Vietnam ........................................................................ 172
Nguyen Quang Thuan, Tran Thi Thu Huyen. Clean development
mechanism (CDM) and legal framework in Vietnam ................................................................... 179
O. Gabelko, A. Zelinsky. The Russian-Ukrainian scientific symposium
Hellenism: geographical borders, chronological framework, the intrinsic content
(Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, December 2122, 2012) ...................... 189
S. Kapranov. International seminar on Sacred places: cosmological power
and environmental issues (Allahabad, India, February 57, 2013) ............................................ 195
I. Nemchenko. Readings in memory of P. Karishkovsky
(Odessa, Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University, March 1112, 2013) ............................... 199
Z. Saidov. International scientific conference dedicated
to the 90th anniversary of Doctor of History,
professor W. Beilis (19232001) .................................................................................................. 201
O. Bubenok, . Khamrai. Of blessed memory of Valeriy Bushakov ................................................ 203
Summaries ......................................................................................................................................... 210
Our authors ........................................................................................................................................ 226


. , - ,

[ 1985, 39, 42; 2007, 34, 16, 65; 2008,
65; Dashdondog 2011, 196; Krawulsky 2011, 810, 39, 50, 63, 6566, 91].
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[Jackson 2005a, 253].
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[Melville 1990; Pfeiffer 2006, 389; Amitai 2007, ch. VII, 3637].
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2009, 121124].
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2009]. , ,
, [ 1940, 92, 110; Richard
1998, 106, 175].


, 2013, 23

, ,
. , .

IX [Monumenta Franciscana 1858, 428; Matthaeus Parisiensis 18721873, vol. III, 80, 87;
Richard 2005, 160170].
(1254) [Acta Innocentii 19601966, 185188; Melloni 1990, 288289].


. -
(1265) II
(1274) [Acta Urbani IV 1953, 7172;
Soranzo 1930, 222; Roberg 1973, 298301]. - (1277)
[Annales Ecclesiastici 16441656, vol. XIV, a. 1278, 1722]. - (1284),
[Salimbene di Adam 2002, 939].
, [DeWeese 1978
1979, 6970; Tolan 2002, 266].
- [Pfeiffer 2006, 389]. 80- . XIII .
[Golubovich 19061927, vol. I, 373; Hillgarth 1971, 12, 150151; DeWeese 1994,
66; Jackson 2005b, 175].
[Rhricht 1884, 266; Ricoldo da Montecroce 1967].
(1287) [Golubovich 19061927, vol. II, 443444].

[Moule 1923, 108112;
Van den Wyngaert 1929, 501506; 1940, 92, 110]; 20- .
XIV . ,
- [William of Adam 2012, 4649;
Marino Sanudo Torsello 2011, 22, 6566].
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, . (1287)
[Golubovich 19061927,
vol. II, 443445]. - (1308), ,
[ 1884, 174, 196, 202, 206, 274, 277, 424,
437, 486, 514; Golubovich 19061927, vol. III, 122, 170177].

Coktoganus , .
-, , Coktoganus , [Analecta Franciscana 1906, 557; DeWeese
1994, 99; Jackson 2005b, 272273; 2006, 185].

-, (1314),
Abuscan [Acta Joannis XXII 1966, 53, 56]. -
[Bullarium Ordinis FF.
Praedicatorum 1730, 187; Van den Wyngaert 1929, 527; 1940, 92, 110; vol. III,
4344; Acta Joannis XXII 1966, 74].

. ,

- ,

, [Guglielmo di Rubruk
2011, 9697, 249251]. .
, [Ricoldo da Montecroce 1967; Van den
Wyngaert 1929, 501506].
. . ,
, [Richard 1983, 259, 266].
, ,
, , , [Daniel 1975, 10]. , . .
, 30-

, 2013, 23

XIV , .
, [Codex Cumanicus; 2003, 484, 493].
, , . Opus majus ( )

. ,
, [Roger Bacon 18971900, vol. III,
373374; Daniel 1975, 66; Vose 2009, 2930]. , , . ,
, , . , (Liber Tartari et
Christiani), [Daniel 1975, 7071;
Schmieder 2000, 278279; Vose 2009, 33].
. ,
. ,
Summa contra Gentiles ( )
. .

, .
[Hertsen 1995, 3031; McInerny 1995, 208
210; Thompson 2002, 28].
[Ricoldo da Montecroce 1967].
, [Vose 2009, 5152].
. ,
[Melloni 1990, 157159].

, [Acta Innocentii 1960
1966, 3132; Epistolae saeculi XIII 1982, 7273; Muldoon 2010, 5960]. ,
, [Richard 1983, 259; Jackson 2005b, 263].
, . -

[Ryan 1981].
, 2013, 23


[Annales Ecclesiastici 16441656, vol. XIV, a. 1278, 17
22; Golubovich 19061927, vol. IV, 227228; Soranzo 1930, 231, 441; Acta romanorum
pontificum 1954, 127129].

, .
, . ,
, [Annales Ecclesiastici 16441656,
vol. XIV, a. 1278, 1722; vol. XV, a. 1329, 97; Acta Urbani IV 1953, 3132, 119120,
185188; Acta romanorum pontificum 1954, 125129, 154155, 158160, 187189; Acta
Joannis XXII 1966, 256; Epistolae saeculi XIII 1982, 7273].
, .
[Giovanni di Pian di Carpine 1989,
388389; Vincentius Bellovacensis 1473, Lib. XXXIII, 46]. ,
, . , ,
, [Acta romanorum
pontificum 1954, 154155; Van den Wyngaert 1929, 342355]. ,
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. . XIIIXIV . , 1985.
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, 2013, 23

Turkmen Cavalry Regiment and the tragic fate of Khan Hajiyev and some others, as well as
the manifestations of a mass popular heroism, to show the inhumane nature of wars, large
and small, despite the persuasive arguments that sometimes are used to justify them.
( )
2014 100 , , , .

, , , , .
( )
2014 100 ,
, , , .
R. Hautala
The present study considers the development of Catholic apostolate in the Mongol Empire
in the 13th and 14th centuries as integrated harmoniously into the generic competition of world
religions on the nomads conversion. This paper reflects the actual state of present research including a description of its two central points that concern both information on the extent of
the Catholic apostolate in the East and the methods of Gospel preaching among the nomads.
(XIV .)

XIV , . ,
. , , ,


, 2013, 23

, ,
N. Zub (Rudenko)
This study discloses and analyses the Russian education, which was mainly expressed by
the strengthening influence on spiritual life and the overall Russianization of the education
process in the life of Caucasian nations. Also, the attention was paid to personalities of graduates of Kyiv educational institutions, who became the active leaders of spiritual, cultural and
educational movement in Caucasus in the nineteenth century.
. . ()

, .
. . ()

, . ,
N. Ryabchenko
Russia and the Pacific is the oldest Russian Far East Journal on humanitarian problems
of Asia-Pacific region. It regularly publishes articles about China, Japan, Korea and other
countries of the East. The article introduces to readers themes of Oriental studies of regular
contributors and foreign researchers.
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www.drukarnya.com, e-mail: medobory@i.ua

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