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Jarod Cuff
Mrs. Debock
English 4
October 1, 2014

Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: How is a CCNA/Network Operator useful and relevant today?
Writing Thesis Statement: Network Operator/CCNAs are essential to todays internet and will
be needed as long as the internet is around, and there are networks to be managed.
Refined Thesis Statement: Without a Network Operator, networking and the internet would be
almost impossible to browse, and be at slow speeds; let alone office management of networks
and storage databases technology would be primitive.

PR, Newswire. "Cisco CCNA Training Released by TrainSignal." PR Newswire US 21 Aug.

2012: Regional Business News. Web. 9 Oct. 2014.

Network Operator, or Cisco Certified Network Administrator is a job that involves sitting
at a desk, analyzing and managing networks. Without a Network Operator, networking and the
internet would be almost impossible to browse and be at inefficient speeds. A Network Operator
handles tasks needing to support the daily security and integrity of the companys network. Also,
Network operators worry about enough storage being on file, while same the same time
maintaining the databases and other networking tasks. Beginning salary range is around $40,000$45,000 starting and max of $80,000 for a CCNA based Network Operator. A two or four year

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undergraduate degree in a computer major is required for this job, and most employers find it
better if that person has their Cisco Certificates. This article relates because it gives a person who
will want to be a Network Administrator the basic information on Network Administration.

Gordon, Rachel Singer. "CCNA Practical Studies/Cisco (Book)." Library Journal 127.14 (2002):
204. Literary Reference Center. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.

This article describes the complex internetworking and setting up a LAN(Local Access
Network) as a CCNA/Network Operator. Essentially they use quick reference guides and not just
pull from their knowledge. They work on corporate LANs and the Internet. They also cover the
troubleshooting and effective management of network devices and networks. A CCNA/Network
Operator is essential to Large Corporations and the Internet for effective use and effective
management. Also in the field there is 8 persons needed for every 1 person. So its a guaranteed
job if that person has some experience in the field as an Intern or some type of basic Network
Operator. This article is important because it gives a run down on the job requirements and work
the person will be doing.

Gordon, Rachel Singer. "CCNA Self-Study: Introduction To Cisco Networking

Technologies/Cisco: A Beginner's Guide. 3D Ed." Library Journal 129.18 (2004): 114.
Literary Reference Center. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.

Cisco is the leader in networking technologies on the market. The Cisco exams have
many parts in many fields. A person can become a CCNA in Security, VoIP, Database Storage,

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Network Development and even more. They offer the right job for the right person. Each is a
certificate and an exam, which branches out to multiple CCNP fields. Which includes 2 or more
Certificates per field and multi-field field exams, such as CCNP Database Security, which
combines the Security aspect of networking to the management of Databases. Being able to have
so many options make a CCNA/CCNP a worthy job of having and many fields to go into, so
people who want to be a Network Administrator will basically always have a job. This article
relates because it tells people the options that it Cisco gives people so that they can choose based
on a subject they enjoy.

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