Annotated Bibliography 2

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Cuff 1

Jarod Cuff
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
November 10, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: How is IT beneficial and how do some of the jobs differ in the field?
Working Thesis Statement: Information Technology is a field that makes every other technology
field more professional.
Refined Thesis Statement: Information Technology is greatly beneficial to technology today, and
should extend the life of current technology and fix first-hand upgraded technology.

Gczy, Peter, Noriaki Izumi, and Kiti Hasida. "Analytics-Based Management Of Information
Systems." Review Of Business & Finance Studies 5.2 (2014): 55-65. Business Source
Premier. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
Information technology is complicated but needed in such a resourceful field, and needs
management. With gradual technology advancement and a fast rate, internet and computers need
to be managed by people up to date with the resources. This is where IT management comes in,
IT management is the management of a persons or team for information technology. The IT
manager decides whether or not their information needs to be updated. That person should learn
soon because with technology advancement nowadays, the gap will become too great eventually.
Then that person will be out of a job except for with outdated technology, which only has a
subtle market. This article is about how IT Management is the managing of the information

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technology persons and/or team and how those persons need to keep up to date on technology
and their information.
Magni, Massimo, Corey M. Angst, and Ritu Agarwal. "Everybody Needs Somebody: The
Influence Of Team Network Structure On Information Technology Use." Journal of
Management Information Systems 29.3 (2012): 9-42. Business Source Premier. Web. 10
Nov. 2014.
Information technology is a field beneficial to those who use technology. It gives
the technology field a sense of professionalism. Those fields should use a team of IT
(Information Technology) persons. This is effective in having multiple opinions and in a practice
called divide and conquer. Divide and conquer is the practice of annotating certain team
members to do certain jobs, in the IT field, this gets a numerous amount of things done. You
have one person find the problem, another person find a solution and one more person solve the
problem, this gets a 3 step process done in 1/3 the time it wouldve taken one single person. This
article is about how multiple persons are needed in an IT office rather than one person fixing
computers and managing networks solo.
Tang, Christopher S., and Joshua Zimmerman. "Information and Communication Technology
For Managing Supply Chain Risks." Communications of The ACM 56.7 (2013): 27-29.
Business Source Premier. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
Information technology job can be risky and can lead to doing a hefty amount of
work. Such as if you work for a supply chain, and something goes wrong, like a flight is delayed
because someone isnt managing the network and computers correctly. This creates problems for
you and the supply chain company. This is why more people are needed in the field of

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information technology, and rather more experienced than lesser experienced. This is also a
reason why teams can be used effectively, to get a hefty job for a company done quickly is better
because then that company can resume doing things such as sending flights. This article is about
how IT benefits but also is not effective in a sense of time when it comes to IT in supply chains.

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