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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Type: Article
Bibliography Information:
Nisii, Carla, Concetta Castilletti, Herve Raoul, Roger Hewson, David Brown, Robin Gopal, Markus Eickmann,
Stephan Gunther, Ali Mirazimi, Tuija Koivula, Heinz Feldmann, Antonino Di Caro, Maria R. Capobianchi, and
Giuseppe Ippolito. "Biosafety Level-4 Laboratories in Europe: Opportunities for Public Health, Diagnostics,
and Research." Plos Pathogen E1003105 9.1 (2013): 1-5. Ebsco Host. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

There have been Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and highly infectious
diseases (HIDs). These have been shown to have adverse effects in Europe. There
have been several initiatives to share knowledge, practices, and materials. To
address some of the open issues in the area of Biosafety Level-4 a conference
was held. The question was about whether any new BSL 4 labs were needed. The
conclusion was that there needed to be better communication between all the
laboratories. In order to build new laboratories of this high security require a
large investment for the highly complicated infrastructure, highly trained
personnel, and air systems to recycle contaminated air safely. It needs careful
planning because they use a lot of natural resources and must have detailed
plans, otherwise, it will all be a waste. Now, even after getting the labs distribute
evenly throughout the continent, another problem arises of the personnel. Since
they are high containment labs not just anyone can work in them. It takes years
of training and continuing education afterwards as well. This is further
complicate because the training has to take place in these few facilities for
thousands of workers. These are the struggles Europe has gone through and now
has a more efficient system.

Why is this source important?

This source is important because it shows how other countries have tried to
handle other infectious diseases. Knowing the procedure they take for other BSL
4 diseases this is the set procedure they will use for ebola. It may not seem like
such a huge deal, but there have been potential scares of possible cases in
Europe recently. Unlike the United States, most countries in Europe (France,
Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, and Hungary being the most
prominent) already have a set procedure for how to deal with this situation.

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