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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Type: Online Article

Bibliography Information:
Linshi, Jack. "Here's How Much Money the World Has Spent Battling Ebola."EbscoHost (n.d.): n.
pag. Business Source Complete. Web. Nov. 2014.


Ebola is not a small matter. For all the panic going on in the media, some of it is warranted. Since it
has such a high risk at BioSafety Level 4, several precautions need to be taken when dealing with
the virus. BSL 4 facilities are expensive by themselves, but since it has come to the United States the
cost has gone up in the states because the US was not very well prepared. Additionally, several
countries, including the US, have decided to give humanitarian aid to the infected countries:
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. The Financial Tracking Service (FTS) has reported that
currently an estimated $1 billion will be needed to successfully combat Ebola and that roughly $155
million had been delivered as of September 15. However, all of these reports are under the
assumption that it will be funded. In the past, only 2/3 of the requirements were actually funded.

Why is this source important?

This source is important because it shows the amount of investment that is
needed to successfully confront this epidemic. While money cost will most
probably shoot up later, this source provides a good estimate of a ballpark figure
of what will be needed.
How will you use this source in your project?
I will use this source in my project to show that it is an issue that needs money.
First in the laboratories, but also in pledges, medical costs and most prominent
waste disposal. All of these play a factor in ensuring the end of the epidemic. It is
especially necessary to send supplies to West Africa, but they lack the proper
equipment such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and fluids.

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