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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Type: Website
Bibliography Information:
"Establishment of a Community Care Center for Isolation and Management of Ebola Patients Bomi County,
Liberia, October 2014." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 04 Nov. 2014. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

As of October 29, 2014, a total of 6,454 Ebola virus disease were reported in
Liberia. In spite of the large number, there are very few operational Ebola
treatment units (ETUs) in all 15 counties of the country. These facilities are
designed to improve the medical care delivery to reported/suspected cases of
Ebola as well as allow for a safe isolation of patients in order to prevent the
further spread of the disease. Out of all 15 counties, many of them are located in
Montserrado County. In order to combat the heterogeneity of the distribution
more are being built. In the meantime the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is
supporting development of community care centers (CCCs) for isolation of
patients who are awaiting Ebola diagnostic test results and for provision of basic
care. There is a trade-off because CCCs typically have less beds, lower staffing
requirements, and lower infection control than ETUs. While it is not ideal, they
are typically located where ETUs are not and are growing in number in order to
allow for more patient treatment.

Why is this source important?

This source is important because it shows that there has been progression in
getting medical supplies to Liberia, one of the infected countries, and making
sure that some of the most basic procedures are covered. It shows how as the
disease has progressed, there has been continuing improvement to combat the

How will you use this source in your project?

I will use this source to show the continued improvement of the government. Also
the significance of this source is that this is one the public does not really hear
about for two major reasons. The first is that it depicts good news and the media
really only wants horror stories. The second is it was published directly on the
CDC website and not many people outside the healthcare field, those who already
know this information, access this website often.

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