Annotated Source 10 Ebola Virus-Like Particles

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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Type: Journal Article

Bibliography Information:
Yasuda, Jiro, Mitsuyoshi Nakao, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, and Hisatoshi Shida. "Nedd4 Regulates Egress of Ebola
Virus-Like Particles from Host Cells."JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 77.18 (2003): 9987-992. Nedd4 Regulates
Egress of Ebola Virus-Like Particles from Host Cells. American Society for Microbiology. Web. Nov. 2014.
< html>.


Ebola virus is a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus that causes a hemorrhagic disease
resulting in high mortality. The mutations happen in Nedd4 proteins which contains a N-terminal
C2 domain, four WW domains, and a C-terminal HECT domain. The C2 domain is said to be
responsible for the positive +2 Calcium ion which creates phospholipids. The deletion of this domain
may change the configuration of this protein to a form more suitable for protein binding. The
results show that while the C2 domain is important, it is the WW domain which seem to be the most
important, especially in what is called a the PPxY sequence within the viral L domain. Lastly, the
HECT domain is critical for ubiquitin ligase activity and contains cysteine residue that can form:
a thioester with ubiquitin.
Why is this source important?
This source is important because it shows what happen with the disease at a
microscopic level. It provides a different understanding. It is a variation, or a
mutation, on existing nucleotide chain and the results have proved disastrous.
How will you use this source in your project?
I will use this source to show how it is a disease like any other. It just has a huge
scare in the media, but it is not one of the more communicable diseases. Airborne
diseases such as tuberculosis, SARS, H1N1, etc. are airbone and are actually a
bigger risk of contraction. However, since they are a bit more treatable people do
not pay them as much attention.

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