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Secondary Resource Process Sheet

Type: Website
Bibliography Information:
"Ebola-Associated Waste Management." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 14 Nov. 2014. Web. 15 Nov. 2014. <>.


Waste generated in the care of patients with known or suspected EVD is subject to procedures set
forth by local, state and Federal regulations. Basic principles for spills of blood and other
potentially infectious materials are outlined in the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA). Any waste generated by Ebola is considered Class A waste which has
several extra requirements for handling. A person must apply for a Special Permit under what is
considered regulation: 49 CFR 107.105. The Department of Transportation (DOT) may grant a
special permit if the applicant can demonstrate an alternative packaging will achieve a safety level
that is: (1) at least equal to the safety level required under the HMR, or (2) consistent with the
public interest if a required safety level does not exist.
Why is this source important?
This source is important because it shows the proper regulations that need to be
taken in order to prevent further spread of the disease. A large reason the
outbreak in West Africa was so huge was because they did not dispose of their
supplies and dead properly. This is important because those things still carry the
disease and need to be burned.
How will you use this source in your project?
I will use this source to stress just how complicated it is to transport and dispose
of the waste. The regulations are so stringent that it would take almost 20
shipments to transport one barrel of waste.

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