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diva desserts

Make sure that your guests leave the party on a high

note after sampling one (or more!) of these

superlative, mouthwatering sweet dishes.



. _ri.:r.ittit:.

45O Diva Desserts

Mint Chocolate Meringues

Omit the alcohol and these mini

meringues are perfect for a child's

1 Preheat the oven Io 1 10"C/225"F/

Gas 7+. Line two or three baking sheets

Remove from the oven and leave to

birthday party.

with baking parchment. Whisk the egg

cool, then dust with cocoa, if using.



hour, or until crisp.

whites until stiff, then gradually whisk

Makes about


in the sugar until it is thick and glossy.

egg whrtes
I I sgl4ozlgenerous ]b cup caster

(superfine) sugar

509/2oz chocolate mint

sticks, chopped
ed) cocoa powd e r,
sifted (optional)

(u n sweeten

For the


4 To make the filling whip the cream

150ml/1/t pint/2h cup double (heavy)

or whipping cream
5-10m1/1-2 tsp crdme de menthe,
or mint essence (extract)

until it stands in soft peaks and strr in the

2 Fold in the chopped mint sticks and

crdme de menthe or mint essence. Use

then place teaspoons of the mixture

the cream to sandwich the meringues

together in pairs just beJore servinq.

on the prepared bakinq sheets.

Diva Desserts 45

Chocolate Truffles
These irresistible, melt-in-the-

mouth truffles will make a dainty

addition to the buffet table as a
dessert or as an after-dinner treat.
Use a good quality chocolate with a
high percentage of cocoa solids to
give a real depth of flavour.

2 Llne a large baking sheet with baking

parchment. Using a very smal ice
cream scoop or two teaspoons, form

the chocolate mlxture into 20-30 balls

and place on the parchment. Chill if
the m xture becomes too soft.
3 To coat the truffles with cocoa, sift

Makes 2O-3O

some powder into a small bowl, drop

in the truffles, one at a time, and roll



to coat we

cup double

L To

coat them with nuts,

5 Using

a fork, dip the frozen truffles

(heavy) cream

ro I the truffles in fine y chopped

into the cooled chocolate, one at

egg yolk, beaten

p stachio nuts or hazelnuts.

time, tapping the fork on the edge of

2 7 59 I
B e

0oz pl a i n

lg ian

the bowl to shake off the excess. Place

(se m i sweet)

choco late,



259/l oz/2 tbsp unsalted (sweet)

butter, cut into pieces

3045m1/2-3 tbsp brandy (optional)

For the coatings
(unsweetened) cocoa powder
finely chopped pistachto nuts

or hazelnuts
4009/14o2 plain (semisweet), milk
or white chocolate, or a mixture

1 Bring the cream to the boil, then

remove the pan from the heat and beat
ln the egg yolk. Add the chocolate,

then stir until me ted and smooth. Stir

,n r1e bLtrer and the branoy,

if Js ng,

then pour into a bowl.and leave to

cool. Cover and chill in the refrigerator
for 6-8 hours.



Chocolate truffles will delight guests at a

drinks party

serve them with coffee to

follow all the savoury bites.

4 To coat w th chocolate, freeze the

on a baking sheet lined with bak ng

truffles for at least t hour. ln a small

bowl, melt the plain, mi k or white

chocolate thickens, reheat unti

parchment and chi L lf the melted

simmering water, stirring until me ted

smooth. Al the truffles can be stored,

well wrapped, in the refr gerator

and smooth, then leave to coo s ightly.

for up to 1 0

chocolate over a pan of barely


452 Diva Desserts

Tropical Scented Red and Orange Fruit Salad

fruit salad, with its bright

This fresh

colour and exotic flavour, is perfect

after a rich, heavy meal or on the
buffet table. lt is also a refreshing
dish to serve at a summer picnic
or barbecue.

Serves 4-6


2- 4oz/3-3 th cups

strawberries, hulled and halved

3 oranges, peeled and segmented
3 small blood oranges, peeled

a serving bowl. Halve the passion fruit

2 Pour the wine over the fruit and adc

sugar to taste. Toss gently and then

and spoon the flesh into the bowl.

chill until ready to serve.

coot('s TIP


Omit the white wine if you like and

0ther fruit that can be added include

replace with orange or tropical juice.

pear; kiwi fruit and banana.

1 Put the strawberries and oranges into

and segmented
passion fruit


20mll4fl ozllh cup dry white wine

suga| to taste



Diva Desse-j


Fig, Port and Clementine Sundaes

3 Slice the figs thinly and add to the

cool('s TIP

ideal finale to a rich meal. The fresh

flavours of figs and clementines
contrast beautifully with the warm
spices and port.

clementines and syruP, tossing

A variety of different types of fresh figs

the ingredients together gently. Leave

to stand for 1 0 minutes, then discard

are available. Dark purple skinned figs

the cinnamon stick.

figs have a pink flesh and green

Serves 5

4 Arrange half the fig and clementine

flesh.All types can be eaten, complete

slices around the sides of six serving

with the skin, simply

6 clementines

glasses. Half fill the glasses

and served with Greek (US strained plain)

31ml/2 tbsp clear honeY

1 cinnamon stick, halved

with scoops
of sorbet. Arrange the remaining fruit

yogurt and honey for a quick dessert.

slices around the sides of the glasses.

When they are ripe, you can split them

then pile more sorbet into the centre.

Pour over the port syrup and serve.

open with your fingers to reveal the soft,

These exotic sundaes

will make an

have a deep red flesh; the yellowy-green

skinned figs have an amber coloured

15ml/1 tbsp light muscovado

(brown) sugar
60ml/4 tbsp port
6 fresh figs


500m1/1 7fl oz/21/a cups orange

sorbet (sherbet)

1 Finely grate the rind from two

clementines and put it in a small, heavy
pan. Cut tne peel off the clementines,
then slice the flesh thinly. Add the
honey, cinnamon, sugar and Port to
the rind. Heat gently until the sugar
has dissolved,

to make a syrup.

Put the clementine slices in a

heatproof bowl and Pour over the
syrup. Cool completelY, then chilL.



they are or baked

sweet flesh full of edible seeds.

454 Diva Desserts

Passion Fruit Crdme Caramels with

Dipped Physa !is

The aromatic flavour of the fruit
permeates these crdme caramels,

which are perfect for a dinner party

Serves 8
3759/1 3oz/generous


cups caster

(superfine) sugar


5aml/t/n pint/2h cup water

passion fruit

8 physalis

1 Place 3009/1 1 ozl1rl cups of the

6 eggs plus 2 egg yolks

caster sugar in a heavy pan. Add

2 Meanwhile, cut each passion ir- :

hal' Scoop ouL Ll-e seeds fror -.

the water and heat the mixture gently

passror frJ,t ,qLo a sreve

uni I the sugar has dissolved. lncrease

es: rhe seeos agd lsl ll e - :

to extract al their juice. Spoon a fe. .



cups double

(heavy) cream

00 m I /1,b pi nt/

/a cu ps

(whole) milk

f u I Lcream


the heai and bo I until the syrup turns

a dark golden colour.

the seeds lnto each of


se o\p'

ght 'l 50m

pintJ2A cup ramekins. Reserve


passion frult juice.

Peel back the papery casing from

each physa is and dip the orange

berries nlo rl.e taranel. Place or

sheet of baking parchment and set

aside. Pour the rernaining carame
carefully into the ramek ns.






Gas 2. Wh sk the eggs, egg yolks anc

I' :*]

4 Preheat the oven to 1 50'C/300'F/

rerairrrg sLga'

n a oowl.



the c'ear a1o mir. . tren the passro

frurt luice. Strain through a sleve into
each ramekin, then place the ramekin:
in a baking tin (pan). Pour n hot wat,"'


to come halfway up the

s des

of the

d shes and bake for 40-45 minutes,

or until lust set.

5 Remove rhe clsrards from rhe t n

and leave to coo, then cover and chill
them for 4 hours before serving.
Run a kn fe between the edge of each
ramekrn and the custard and invert

each, n turn, on to a dessert plate.

Shake the ramekins f irmly to re ease

the custards before lifting them off

the desserts. Decorate each with
dipped physa s.

Diva Desserts 455

Crdme Br0l6e
This dessert actually originated in

the English city of Cambridge, but

has become associated





widely eaten there.

serves 6

vanilla pod (bean)

litrel13h pints/4 cups double

(heaqr) cream

6 egg yolks
909/31/zoz/1/z cup caster

(superfine) sugar
30ml/2 tbsp orange liqueur (optional)
759/3oz/1/r cup soft light brown sugar

1 Preheat the oven to 1 50'c/300'F/

Gas 2. Place six 12}ml/411oz./1h cup

ramekins in a roasting pan and set

aside until required.

Pour enough boiling water into the

roastinq pan to come about halfway

2 With a small sharp knife, split the

vanilla pod lenqthways and scrape the

up the sides of the rameklns. Cover

b ack seeds into a medium pan. Add

the pan with foil and bake for about

the cream and brjng just to the boil

over a medium heat, stirring

30 minutes, until the custards are iust

set. Remove the ramekins from the

constantly. Remove from the heat and

pan and leave to cool. Return to the

cover. Set aside for 15 20 minutes.

dry roasting pan and chtll.

5 Preheat the grlll (broiler). Sprinkle

the brown sugar evenly over the
surface of each custard and grill (brotll


3 Whlsk the egg yolks, caster sugar

You can omit the liqueur if you like. You

and orange liqueur, if using, in

could also substitute almond liqueur, such

mixing bow until thoroughly blended

for 30 60 seconds, until the sugar

Whisk in the hot cream and strain the

mixture into a arge jug (pitcher).

melts and caramelizes. (Do not let the


Amaretto, if you prefer the flavour.

coot('s rrP

test if the custards are ready, push the

point of a knife into centre o{ one

i{ it

comes out clean, the custards are cooked,

sugar burn or the custard curdle.) Place

Divide the custard equally among the

in the refrigerator to set the crust and

six rameklns.

chill completely before seruing.

456 Diva Desserts

Chocolate Mandarin Trifle

Trif le is always a

tempting treat,

but when a rich chocolate and

mascarpone custard is combined
with amaretto and mandarin

Heat the milk in a small pan until

almost boiling, then pour in a steady

stream on to the egg yolk and

cornflour or cuslard mixLure, sLirring

it becomes irresistible.

constantly. Return the mixture to the

clean pan and stir over a low heat until

Serves 6-8

the custard has thickened slightly and

is smooth.

4 trifle sponges
14 amaretti

60ml/4 tbsp Amaretto di Saronno or

sweet sherry

1 Break up the trifle sponges and

place them in the base of a Iarge glass

8 mandarin oranges

serving dish. Crumble the amaretti

For the custard

or sweet sherry.

over and then sprinkle with Amaretto

20091/oz plain (semisweet) chocolate,

broken into squares
30ml/2 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch) or
custard powder

30ml/2 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar

2 egg yolks

5 Stir in the mascarpone until melted,

then add the melted chocolate, mix ng

200m1/7fl oz/7/a cup milk

it thoroughly. Spread evenly over the


trifle base, leave to cool, then chill in


mascarpone cheese
For the topping
2s)qlgozlgenerous 1 cup fromage
frais or farmer's cheese


2 Squeeze the juice from two of the

refrigetor until


To {inish, spread Ihe lromage Irais

over the custard, using a spatula, then

mandarins and sprinkle into the dish.

decorate with chocolate shapes and

chocolate shapes

Segment the rest of the mandarins and

the remaining mandarin slices just

mandarin slices

put in the dish.

before serving.

cooK's rrP

Make the custard. Melt the

chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over

Always use the best chocolate which has

a pan of barely simmering water. In a

a high percentage of cocoa solidt and

separate bowl, mix the cornflour or

take care not to overheat the chocolate

custard powder, sugar and egg yolks

when melting as it will lose its gloss and


a smooth paste.

look "grainy".




I .: l::sea:

Chocolate Hazelnut Galettes


arl sandwiches looked

3rd tasted

as good
chocolate rounds.

as these

Serves 4

759/602 plain (semisweet) chocolate,

broken into squares

45ml/3 tbsp single (light) cream


tbsp flaked (sliced) hazelnuts

59/4oz white chocolate, broken

into squares

759/6oz/% cup fromage frais or

farmer's cheese
1sml/1 tbsp dry sherry
60ml/4 tbsp finely chopped
hazelnuts, toasted
physalis, dipped in white chocolate,

to decorate

1 Melt the plain chocolate

rn a bowl

over hot water, then remove from the

heat and stir in the cream.

Remove the chocolate rounds

carefully from the paper and sandwich

them together in stacks of three.

spooning the hazelnut cream between
each layer and using the hazelnutcovered rounds on top. Chill in the

2 Draw

12 x 7.5cm/3in circles on


rigerator before seruing.

sheets of non-stick baking parchment

Turn the paper over and spread the

5 To serue, place the qalettes on

plain chocolate over each marked

individual piates and decorate with

circle, covering in a thin, even layer.

3 Melt the white chocolate in

Sprinkle flaked hazelnuts over four of

heatproof bowl set over a pan of

the circles, then leave to set.

chocolate-dipped physalis.

barely simmering water, then stir in

C(,(,K's TIP

the fromage frais and dry sherry

Strictly speaking, white chocolate is not

Gently fold in the chopped, toasted

really chocolate. lt is made from cocoa

hazelnuts. Leave to cool until the

butter, but contains no cocoa solids.

mixture holds its shape.

The chocolate could be spread over heart
shapes instead, for a special Valentine's
Day dessert.

Diva Desserts 459

Chocolate a n d Chestnut Pots

Prepared in advance, these are the

perfect ending for a dinner Party.

Remove them from the refrigerator
about 30 minutes before serving,

to allow them to "ripen".

Serves 6
250g/9oz plain (semisweet) chocolate
60ml14 tbsp Madeira
259/1 oz/2 tbsp butter, diced

2 eggs, separated
2259/8oz/scant 7 cup unsweetened
chestnut pur4e
crdme fraiche or whipped double
(heauy) cream, to decorate

1 Make

a few chocolate curls


decoration, then break the rest of the

chocolate into squares and melt rt with
the Madeira in a pan over a gentle
heat. Remove from the heat and add
the butter, a few pieces at a time,
stirrrng until melted and smooth.

cooK's TlPs

The quickest and easiest way to make

Beat the egg yolks quickly into the

peeler. Make sure the chocolate is at room

chocolate mixture, then beat in the

chestnut pur6e. mixing well until

temperature, then hold it firmly and shave

completely smooth.

chocolate curls is to use a vegetable

using a cocktail stick (toothpick) to avoid

3 Whisk the egg whites in a clean,

damaging them.

grease-free bowl until stiff. Stir about

or rum instead.

15ml/1 tbsp of the whites into the

chestnut mixture to lighten it. then

fold in the rest smoothly and

These chocolate pots can be frozen

successfully for up to 2 months,

six small

ramekins and chill in the refrigerator

until set. Serve the pots topped witt' e

generous spoonful of crdme fraicre c'
whipped double cream and decc'a:::

off curls from one side. Transfer them

lf Madeira is not available, use brandy

4 Spoon the mixture into


uslng a metal spoon or rubber spatula.

with the plain chocolate cur


460 Diva Desserts

Bitter Chocolate Mousse

This is the quintessential French


to prepare ahead,

rich and extremely delicious. Use

the darkest chocolate you can find

for the most authentic and intense
chocolate flavour.

Serves 8
22 59/8oz plain (semisweet)

chocolate, chopped
30ml/2 tbsp orange liqueur or brandy
259/1 oz/2 tbsp unsalted (sweet)

butter, cut into small pieces

4 eggs, separated
90ml/6 tbsp whipping cream

.Sml/t/t tsp cream of tartar

45ml/3 tbsp caster

(super-fine) sugar

crdme fraiche or sour cream and

chocolate curls, to decorate

Place the chocolate and 60ml/

4 tbsp of water in a heavy pan. Melt

over a low heat, stirring until smooth.
Remove the pan from the heat and

whisk in the liqueur and butter

Using a rubber spatula or large

metal spoon, stir a quarter of the egg

whites into the chocolate mixture to
slacken, then gently fold in the
remaining egg whites, cutting down
to the bottom, along the sides and
up to the top in a semicircular motion

until they are just combined. (Don't

worry about a few white streaks.)

3 Whip the cream until soft peaks

6 Gently spoon the mousse into

form and stir a spoonful into the

2 lilrel3l/z pinyS cup dish or into eight

yolks for 2-3 minutes, until thick and

chocolate to lighten it. Fold in

individual dishes. Chill in the

creamy, then slowly beat into the

the remaininq cream.

2 With

an electric mixer, beat the egg

melted chocolate until well blended.

refrigerator for at least 2 hours until

set and chilled.

Set aside.

ln a clean, grease-free bowl, us:ng

an eiectric mixer, beat the egg whites

7 Spoon a little crdme fraiche or sour

until they are frothy. Add the cream of

cream over the mousse and decorate

The world's most popular orange liqueur

tartar and continue beating until they

with chocolate curls.

is cointreau, a triple sec that combines

form soft peaks. Gradually sprinkle

bitter orange peels from the Caribbean

over the sugar, while continuing to



with sweet Mediterranean oranges. You

beat unti the egg whites are stiff and

could also use grand marnier.

very glossy.

D ,. a Desss':: 461

Mocha Cream Pots

The name ofthis rich baked custard,
a classic French desseft, comes from
cuPs, called Pots de
creme. The addition o' coffee g ves
the dessert an exotic touch

the baking

serves 8
5ml/1 tbsp instant coffee Powder

475m1/16f I oz/2 cuPs milk

759l3oz/1A cup caster (superfine) sugar

2259/8oz plain (semisweet)

chocolate, choPPed
0ml/2 tsp vanilla essence (extract)
3Oml/2 tbsp coffee liqueur (optional)

eqg yotKs

whipped cream and crYstallized

mimosa balls, to decorate (optional)


Preheat the oven

to 1 60"c/325"F/

1/z cttp
Gas 3. Place eight 120m1/4fl oz1


cups or ramekins in a roasting Pan

3 -,






Put the instant coffee into a pan and

stlr ln the milk, then add the sugar

and set the Pan over a medium-high

heat. Bring to the boil, stirring

constantly, until the coffee and sugar

ln a bowl, whisk the egg Yolks to

blend them lightly. Gradually whisk in

have completelY dissolved.

the chocolate mixture until thoroughly

blended, then strain the mixture inlo a

Remove the Pan from the heat and

add the chocolate. Stir until the

large 1ug (pitcher) and divide equally

among the cuPs or ramekins. Pour
enough boiling water lnto the roasting

chocolare na: melteo and the sauce i'

smooth. Stir in the vanilla essence and

coffee lrqueur, if using.

pan to come about halfway uP the

sides of the cuPs or ramekins. Cover

the pan with foil.

cool('s rtP
Kahhla is a sweeter coffee liqueur than

the other leading brand,Tia Maria.


for 30-35 minutes, until the

custard is just set and a knife inserted

into it comes out clean Remove the
cups or ramekins from the roasting
pan and leave to cool. Place the cuPs
or rameklns on a baking sheet, cover

with clear f ilm (plastrc wrap) ard cl

in the refrigerator. Decorate !\r

whipped cream and crysta

mimosa balls, if usinq

tl :-:


462 Diva Desserts

Cold Lemon Souffl6 with Almonds

to look at, yet easy to make,
this dessert is mouthwatering, ideal
for the end of any party meal"

serves 6
vegetable ail, for greasing
grated rind and juice of large lemons


5 large (US extra large) eggs, separated






cup caster
ace the lemon juice in a smal

6 To make the almond topping, brush

25mll11/z tbsp pawdered gelatine

heatproof bowl and sprink e over the

baklng tray light y with oil. Preheat the

450mll3/< pint/scant 2 cups double

gelatine. Set aside for 5 minutes, then

qr ll (broiler). Sprink e the flaked

(superfine) sugar

(heavy) cream
For the almond

p ace the bowl in a pan of srmmerirg

a monds over the baking tray and

water Heat, stirring

occas ona ly, until

the gelatine has dtssolved. Cool s ight y


759/3ozl3A cup flaked (sliced) almonds

t1e1 st r rhe ge atine and

759/3ozl3A cup icing

into the egg yolk mixture.

(co nf ect i o

n e





ft the cinq suqar over. Grill (bro


until the nuts turn a rich golden colour

and the sugar has caramelized.


to cool, then remove the

almond mixture from the tray with

a palette knife or metal spatula and

1 To make the souffl6 co lar, cut a strip

of baking parchment long enough to

it around a


break t into pieces.

p nt133/n cup

souffl6 dish and w de enough to extend


.scm/3in above the rim. Fit the strip

around the dish, tape and then tie it

around the top of the dish w th string.
Uslng a pastry brush,
ns oe


ghtly coat the

rl-e paper col'ar will^ oi

4 ln a separate bowl, lightly whip the

cream to soft peaks. Fold into the egg

yolk mixture and set aside.

8 When the souffl6 has set, careful y
peel off the paper lf the paper does
not come away easi y, hold the blade of
a knife against the set souffl6 to help it
keep its shape. Sprinkle the carame ized
a rnords over the top belore servirg.


Put the lemon rind and yolks 1n a bow

Add759/30z/6 ibsp of the caster sugar

and wh sk until the mixture is creamy.

when served semi-frozen. Place the

This souffl6 is wonderfully refreshing

5 Whisk the whites to stiff peaks.

undecorated, set souffl6 in the freezer

cool(,s TIP

Gradua ly whisk in the remaining caster

for about an hour. Just before serving,

Heat the lemon juice and gelaline in a

sugar untii stiff and glossy. Quickly and

remove from the freezer and decorate

ightly foLd the whites rnto the yolk mix.

with the caramelized almonds.

bursts, stirring between each burst, until

Pour nto the prepared dish, smooth

o You can also vary


the surface and chill for

microwave, on full power, in 30-second


fully dissolved.

5 hours.

the flavour slightly

by using the juice and rind of 5 limes.

464 Diva Desserts

Clementines in Cinnamon Caramel

The combination of sweet, yet
sharp clementines and caramel

with a hint of spice



Served with Greek yogurt or crdme


fraiche, this makes a delicious and

refreshing dessert.

Serves 4-5
8-12 clementines
granulated sugar


2 cinnamon sticks
3 0m


2 tbsp

ora ng

Peel all the clementines, removinq all

traces of the bitter. white pith, but

e-f lavou red

I iqu eu r

Cover your hand with a dishtowel

to protect it and pour in 300m1/% plnV

keeping them inta(1.. Put the fruits in a

17a cups warm water (the mixture wrll

serving bowl.

bubble and splutte.t. Gradually brrng

to the boil, stirring constantly until

259/1 ozll/t cup shelled pistachio nuts

3 Gently heat the sugar in a small,

the caramel has dissolved. Add the

heavy pan until it melts and turns a

shredded clementine peel and

using a vegetable peeler and cut it into

rich golden brown. lmmediately turn

cinnamon sticks, then simmer gently

fine strips. Set aside.

off the heat.

for 5 minutes. Stir in the orange-

Pare the rind from

two clementines

flavoured liqueur.

Leave the syrup to cool for about


minutes, then pour it over the

clementines. Cover the bowl with clear

film (plastic wrap) and chill for several

hours or overnight.

Blanch the pistachio nuts in boiling

water Drain, cool and remove the

dark outer skins. Sprinkle over the
clementines and serue immediately.


Diva Desserts 465

Lime Sorbet
This light, refreshing sorbet is
a good dessert

to serve after

substantial main course.

1 ln a small, heavy pan, dissolve the

sugar in 600m1/1 pintl2lzcups

water. without stirring, over medium

heat. When the sugar has dissolved,

Serves 4

bring to the boil and continue to

boil for 5-6 minutes. Remove the

250gl9oz/ 1 1/a cups sugar

grated rind of 1 lime

75mll6fl ozP/t cup freshly squeezed


pan from the heat and leave

to cool.


5-30mll1 2 tbsp freshly squeezed

lemon juice

ici ng (confectioners') suga c

to taste
slivers of lime rind, to decorate

2 Combine the cooled sugar syrup and

lime rind and juice in a measuring jug

(cup) or bowl. Stir well. Taste and

makeq following the manufacturer's

adjust the flavour by adding lemon

juice or some icing sugar, if necessary


Do not over-sweeten.

Freeze the mixture in an ice-cream

lf you do not have an ice-cream

maker, pour the mixture into a metal

or plastic freezer container and freeze

for about 3 hours, until softly set.

5 Remove the mixture from the

container and chop coarsely into
7.5cm/3in pieces. Place in a food
processor and process until smooth.
Return the mixt[ire to the freezer

container and freeze again until set.

Repeat this freezing and chopping

two or three times, until

smooth consistency is obtained.

Serve in scoops decorated


slivers of lime rind.

cool('s rtP
lf using an ice-cream maker for these
sorbets (sherbets), check the

manufacturer's instructions to find out

the freezing capacity. lf necessary,
halve the recipe quantities.

465 Diva Desserts

Frozen Grand Marnier Souffl6s

2 Heat the milk until almost


ano pour tt on to tne YolKs, whiSl

constantly. Return to the pan and



over a gentle heat until the custarc


is thick enougn to coat tne bacl o'

the spoon. Remove the Pan from tl^e
heat. Stir the soaked gelatine lnto


the custard. Pour the custard into a bc

and leave to cool. Whisk occasional I

until on the Point of setting.

3 Put the remainlng sugar in a Pan

with 45ml/3 tbsp water and dissolve

it over a low heat. Bring to the boil
and boil rapidly until rt reaches the s
ball stage or 119"C1238'F on a suga

thermometeL Remove from the hea

ln a clean bowl, whisk the egg whitt


until stiff. Pour the hot syrup on to

the whites, whisking constantly.
Leave the meringue

to cool



Light and f luffY, Yet almost ice

cream, these delicious souffl6s are
perfect and wonderfullY easY for
special dinner. Start preparations
the day before as the desserts
have to be frozen overnight.

4 Add the Grand lvlarnier to the co

custard. Whisk the cream until it h(

soft peaks and fold into the cooled

nenngJe, w th the custard. Pour ,r

the prepared glasses or dlshes Fre<

overnight. Remove the paper collar
and leave at room temperature for

serves 8

2009/7ozll cu? caster

(superfine) sugar

6 larqe (lJS extra large) eggs, separated

25Oml/8fl oz/1 cuP milk
15ml/1 tbsp powdered gelatine,


5 minutes before serving.

1 Wrap a double collar of baking


parchment around eight dessert glasses

or ramekins and tle with string. Whisk


The soft ball stage of a syrup is whr

teaspoon of the mixture dropped intr

glass of cold water sets into a ball.

60mll4 tbsp grand marnier

together 75gl3olscant % cuP of the

caster sugar with the egg yolks, until
the yolks are pale. This will take about

45Omll3/t pint/scant 2 cups double

5 minutes by hand or about 3 minutes

eight individual ones, or serve in veq

with an electric hand mixer'

small glasses for a buffet.

soaked in 45ml/3 tbs7 cold water

(heavy) cream

. lf you prefer, You can make
dessert in a large souffl6 dish, rather


D va Desserts 467

lced Lime Cheesecake



the cottage cheese through

a sieve into a

bow. Beat ln the

mascarpone cheese, then



syrup. By hand, I ght y whlp the cream

and then fo d lnto the cheese mixture.
Pour into a shal ow container and
freeze until th ck. lf you are using an
ice cream maker, add the I qhtly

whipped cream and churn in an lce

cream maker untl th ck.



ghtly grease the

of a 20cm/8in

This frozen dessert has a deliciously

tangy, sweet flavour but needs no

spr ngform cake tin (pan) and I ne w th

gelatine to set the filling, unlike

most unbaked cheesecakes. lt is not
difficult to prepare and an added

a str p of bakinq parchment. Break up

the almond biscuits s ightly, put them



that it can be made

s des

5 Meanwh le, cut a sllce off either end

in a strong plastic bag and crush

them wth a roll ng pin.

of each of the rema n ng I mes, stand

them on a board and slice off the sktns

several days beforehand.


Cut them lnto very thin sllces.

2 Me t the butter n a sma pan and

stir rn the b scu t crumbs unti evenly


6 Arrange the I me sllces around the

comb ned. Spoon the mlxture into the


/ 59l6oz almond biscuits (cooktes)

659 /21 b ozl 5 tbsp unsalted

t n and pack t down wth the back of

spoon. Freeze the b scutt m xture whi


sides of the


press ng them aga nst

the paper.

you make the f ll ng.

(sweet) butter
S limes
1 1 Sg/4oz/generouslb cup caster

3 F nely grate the rind and squeeze

90ml/6 tbsp water

the 1u ce from five of the llmes.

Heat the sugar and water n a small


pan, stirring unt I the sugar d ssolves.

(superfine) sugar

cup cottage cheese


cup mascarpone


300mllb pint/11/4 cups double

(heavy) cream


Br ng to the

bol and bo I for 2 minutes

w thout stirr ng, then remove the syrup

from the heat, stir in the I me juice and

r nd


eave to coo

7 Pour the cheese mixture over the

b scu t base in the tin and leve
the >ur ace. Cove'a".lo'reeze lhe
cheesecake overnight.

8 AooJl 1


be o'e )oJ dre qo rg

to serve the cheesecake, carefu ly

transfer it to a serving plate and put it
in the refr gerator to soften sl ghtly.

458 Diva Desserts

White Chocolate Parfait

This dessert is everything you could

wish for in one mouthwatering slice.



2259/8oz white chocolate, chopped

600m1/1 pint/21/z cups whipping cream
120m1/4fl oz/t/z cup milk

0 egg yolks

sml/1 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar

259/ I ozlscanl 'tt <up desictated (dry

u nsweetened



4 Meanwhile, whisk the egg

yolks and

shredded) cocon ut

caster sugar together in a large bowl,

cup canned sweetened

until thick and pale.

coconut milk

p la i n

remaining parfait mixture. Cover the

overnight, until the parfait is f irm.

For the chocolate icing (frosting)

59/ 8oz

Sprinkle the macadamia nuts evenly

over the frozen parfait. Pour in the

terrine and freeze for 6-8 hours or

509/5oz/1l/a cups macadamia nuts


1O To make the icing, melt the

chocolate with the butter and syrup rn

(sem isweet) chocol ate

759/302/6 tbsp butter

the top of a double boiler or in a

2)ml/generous 1 tbsp golden (light

heatproof bowl set over a pan of

corn) syrup

barely simmering water, stirring the

175m1/6fl oz/% cup whipping cream

mixture occasionally.

curls of fresh coconut, to decorate

5 Add the hot cream m xture to the

11 Heat the cream in a pan, until lust

simmering, then stir into the chocolate

egg yolks, beating constantly. Pour

mixture. Remove the pan from the

back into the pan and cook over a low

heat and leave to cool until lukewarm.

heat for 2-3 minutes, until thickened.

To turn out the parfait, wrap the

Stir constantly and do not allow the


mixture to boil. Remove the pan from

terrine in a hot towel and set rt upside

down on a plate. Lift off the terrine

the heat.

mould, then peel off the clear film.

5 Add the melted chocolate,

Place the parfait on a rack over a

desiccated coconut and coconut milk,

baking sheet and pour the chocolate

then stir well and leave to cool.

icing evenly over the top. Working

7 Whip the remaining cream until

thick, then fold into the choco ate and


coconut mixture.

further 3-4 hours.

Put 475m1/1 6fl o/2 cups of the

parfait mixture in the prepared mould

13 Cut into

and spread evenly. Cover and freeze

for about 2 hours, unt I just frrm.

curls of fresh coconut.

barely simmering water. Stir until

melted and smooth. Set aside.

Cover the remaining mixture and chill.

Line the base and sides of a 1.4 litre/

21/: pinlJ1 cup terrine mould


'10cm/10 x 4in) with

clear f ilm

(piastic wrap).

quickly, smooth the icing down the

with a palette knife or spatuia.

edve lo sel slightly, then freeze for

Place the chopped white chocolate

ald 50ml/2ll ozl't

cup of the r ream in

the top of a double boiler or in a

heatproof bowl set over a pan of

slrces u:ing a knife dippec

in hot water. Serve, decorated with

coot(,s TtP
When melting chocolate over a pan of ho:

3 Put 250m1/8fl ozl1 cup of the cream

wate[ do not let the base of the bowl

and the milk in a pan and bring to

touch the surface of the water. Keep the

boiling point.

water at simmering point.

47O Diva Desserts

lced Christmas Torte

Not everyone likes traditional
Christmas pudding. This makes an
exciting alternative, but do not feel
that you have to limit it to the

4 Whip the cream wlth the icing sugar

festive season. Packed with dried

fruit and nuts, it is perfect for

that has not been absorbed.

any special occasion.

5 Spread a third o{ the mixture over the

and mixed spice unti jt


thick but not

yet standing in peaks. Fold in the braziL

nuts w th the fruit mixture and any port

breadcrumb base rn the trn, taking care

Serves 8-1O
759/3oz/% cup dried cranberries
759/3oz/scantlh cup pitted prunes

3 Tip the breadcrumbs into a tood

processor or blender and process to

50g/2ozll,b cup sultanas (golden raisins)

finer crumbs. Spr nk e one-third into

cup port

an 1 8cm/7in loose-based sprinqform



layer of the cream mixture. Freeze

the torte overnight.



pieces preserved stem ginget

cake tin (pan) and spread them out

6 Chil. the Lorte'or aboJt

finely chopped

to cover the base of the tin even

before servinq, decorated with sugared

259/1oz/2 tbsp unsalted (sweet) butter

45mll3 tbsp light muscovado
(brown) sugar
909/31hoz/scant 2 cups fresh

white breadcrumbs
600mll1 pint/21h cups double
(heavy) cream

30ml/2 tbsp icing (confectioners') sugar

smul tsp mixed (pumpktn pte) spice
759l3oz/3/t cup brazil nuts,

finely chopped
sugared bay leaves (see Cook's Tip)

and fresh cherries, to decorate


not to dislodge the crumbs. Sprinkle

with another ayer of the breadcrumbs.
Repeat the ayerng, fin shing with a

Put the cranberries, prunes and

sultanas in a food processor and

process briefly. Tip them into a bowl

and add the port and ginger. Leave to

absorb the port for 2 hours.

2 Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add

the sugar and heat gently unt I it has
dissolved. Tip in the breadcrumbs, stir,

then cook over a low heat for about

5 minutes, or until lightly co oured and

turning crisp. Leave to cool.

coor(,s TtP
To make

the sugared bay leaves wash

and dry the leaves, then paint both sides

with beaten egg white. Sprinkle with

caster (superfine) sugar. Leave to dry on

baking parchment for 2-3 hours.

Freeze until firm.


bay leaves and fresh cherries.

Diva Desse:rs 471

Blackforest G6tea u
Morello cherries and kirsch lend

their distinctive flavours to this

ever-popular g6teau.

Serves 8-1O
6 eggs

2009/7oz/1 cup caster (superfine) sugar

5ml/1 tsp vanilla essence bxtract)
50gl2oz/1h cup plain (all-purpose) flour
5 0g / 2

oz/ t,b cu p (u n sweete n ed)

cocoa powder

5g/4oz/1b cup unsalted (sweet)

butte6 melted
For the

filling and topping

6Amil4 tbsp kirsch

600m1/1 pint/21h cups double
(heavy) cream

30ml/2 tbsp icing (confectioners') sugar

2.5m1/1b tsp vanilla essence (extract)



pr pitled marello cheilie\,

well drained

3 Divide the mixture among the

To decorate

prepared cake tins, smoothing them

icing (confectioner's) sugar, far dusting

grated chocolate

leve . Bake for 1 5-1 8 minutes, or until

the cakes have r sen and are springy

chocolate curls
fresh or drained canned morello cherries

to the touch. Leave them to cool in the

tins for about 5 minutes, then turn

1 Preheat the oven to 1 80"C/350"F/

Gas 4. Grease three 19cm/11hin

out on to wire racks and leave to cool

compietely. Remove the lininq paper
from each cake ayer.

sandw,ch ca.e trrs rlayer pans/. Lne

the bases with baking parchment.

5 To assemble, spread one cake layer

Combine the eggs, sugar and vanilia

w th a thick layer of flavoured cream

essence n a bowl and beat w th a hand-

and top with aoout hal' rhe cherrres.

held electric mixer until pale and thick.

6 Spread
2 5 ft the flour and cocoa powder
over the mixture and fold in ightly and
even y with a metal spoon. Gent y

a second cake ayer


c'eam, top wilh Ihe rerairrrg


r es,

then place it on top of the first layer


with the final cake


stir in the melted butter.

coot(,s TrP

7 Spread the remaining cream a I over

with a skewer
or fork, then spr nkle with kirsch. Using

the cake. Dust a serving plate with

chocolate over a marble slab to a depth

a hand-held electric mixer, whip th-"

carefully in the centre. Press grated

of about 5mm/7+ in. Leave to set, Draw a

cream until it starls to thicken. then

knife across the chocolate at a 45" angle,

beat in the icing sugar and vaniila until

chocolate over the sides and decorate

the top of the cake with the chocolate

using a seesaw action to make long curls.

the mrxture begins to hold rts shape.

curls and fresh or drained cherries.

To make

chocolate curls, spread melted

Prick each layer all over

icing sugar, and positron the cake

472 Dtva Desserts

Marbled Swiss Roll

Simply sensational - that's the only
way to describe this superb cake.

Serves 5-8

cup plarn

(all-purpose) flour

5ml/1 tbsp (unsweetened)


cocoa powder

59/1 oz plain (semisweet)

chocolate, grated
259/1 oz white chacolate, grated

3 eggs

5g/4oz/generaust/, cup caster

(superfine) sugar

For the


759/302/6 tbsp unsalted (sweet) butter

1759/6oz/1 'h cups icing
(confect i o n ers' ) su ga r

5ml/7 tbsp (unsweetened)

cocoa powder

2.5m1/1h tsp vanilla essence (extract)

45ml/3 tbsp chopped walnuts

plain and white chocolate curls, to

decorate (optional)


Slft half the flour

wth the


powder into bow. Stir in the grated

p ain choco ate. Sift the remaining

flour into another bowlj stir in the

qrated whlte chocolate.

Remove the bow from the heat and

tip half the mixture into a separate

5 To make the buttercream fil ing, beal

the buttet icing sugar, cocoa powder

bowi. Fold the white chocolate mixture

.'rlo o"le porLiol, l1e''r fo d Lhe pld 1

and vanilla essence together in a bow

untilsmooth, then mix ln the waLnuts.

choco ate mixture into the othet St r

15ml/1 tbsp boi inq water into each

half to soften the m xtures.

the baking parchment and spread the

Uncover the sponge cake, ift o{f

surface with the buttercream. Roll up

Place alternate spoonfuls of the


carefully from

a ong

a serurng plate Decordte wrlh o ar1

I ghtly together to create a marbled

effect. Bake for about '12-'l 5 minutes,

and white chocolate curls, if you I ke.

or until flrm. Turn out on to a sheet of

non-stlck bak ng parchment.

Preheat the oven to 200"c/400"F/

12 x 8in Swiss roll tin (el y roll pan).

5 Trrm the edges to neaten and cover

with a damp, c ean dishtowel and

Whisk the eggs and sugar in a

leave to cool.

Gas 6. Grease

and ine a 30 x 20cm/

heatproo{ bowl then set over a pan

of hot water until thirkened.

side and place on

mixtures in the prepared tin and swirl



" r.^t=*-u

o*S .. +i.


Diva Desserts 473

Chocolate Layer Cake

The cake layers can be made

ahead, wrapped and frozen.

salt into another bowl. With the

Serves 1O-12

the flour mixture n quarters and the

in the vanilla. Strain into a bowl and

buttermilk in thrrds into the egg

mixture. Add the oeet.oot ano jurce

chill in the refrigerator, stirrlng every

10 minutes, for about 'i hout until the

and beat for 1 m nute. Divide

frostrng is spreadable.

Sift the flour, baklng powder and


unsweetened cocoa, for dusting

2259/8oz can cooked whole beetroot
(beet), drained and juice reserved

on ow

speed, alternately beat

59/4oz/1/, cup unsalted (sweet)

30-35 minutes, or unti

inserted in the centre comes out clean

5009/11/alb/21/z cups light brown sugar,

firmly packed

a cake tester

oz coo

k i ng (u nsweeten


chocolate, melted
2759/1 0oz/2l/t cups plain
(all-purpose) flour

l0ml/2 tsp baking powder

2.5m1/1/, tsp salt

120m1/4fl oz/t/, cup buttermilk

chocolate curls (optional)
For the chocolate ganache frosting
475m1/7 6fl oz/2 cups whipping cream

5009/1l/lb dark (bittersweet) or plain


5 Assemble the cake. Place one layer

on a seruing plate and spread with

Cool for 10 minutes in the trns, then

one-third of the chocolate ganache

frosting. Turn the cake layer bottom
side up and spreaci the remaining

5ml/1 tbsp vanilla essence (extract)

7 59 /3

until it is until melted and smooth. Stir

turn out and cool completely.

3 eggs

Remove the pan from the heat and

add the chocolate, stirring constantly

belween tl^e cat e tin5 and bake lor

buttet softened

(sem isweet) ch ocol ate, chopped

5ml/1 tbsp vanilla essence (extract)






1 Preheat the oven to 1 80"C/350oF/

two 23cml9in cake tins

Gas 4. Grease

(pans) and dust the bases and sides

with cocoa powder. Grate the beetroot

and add to the beetroot juice. With an
electric mixer, beat the butter, brown
sugar, eggs and vanilla essence for

3-5 rrinutes, until pale and tll"y.

Reduce the speed of the mixer and

beat ln the chocolate.

To make the ganache frostinq, heat

ganache over the top and side of the

the cream in a heavy pan over a

medium heat unt I it just beqins to

curls. Leave the ganache to set for

borl, stirring occasionaily to prevent lt

20-30 minutes, then chill n the

from scorching.


cake. lf usinq, top with the chocolate



ore servi nq.

474 Diva Desserts

Raspberry and White Chocolate Cheeseca ke

Raspberries and white chocolate

are an irresistible combination,

cheese mixture and gently fold in

especially when teamed

with rich

Stir the melted chocolate rnto the

the raspberries.

mascarpone on a crunchy ginger

5 Tip the filling into the prepared tin

and pecan nut base.

and spread it evenly with a palette

Serves 8

knife or spatula, then bake for about

t hour. or until just set. Switch off

509/2ot/4 lbsp unsalted (sweet) butter

the oven, but do not remove the

cheesecake. Leave it until cold and

2259/8oz/21A cups ginger nqt biscuits,

(gingersnaps) crushed
509/2oz/1/z cup chopped pecan nuts

or walnuts
For the


farmer's cheese
2 eggs, beaten
45ml/3 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar
2509/9oz white chocolate


tin and lift the

bowi, then beat in the eggs and caster

sugar until evenly mixed.

cheesecake on to a plate. Make the

Release the

topping by mixing the mascarpone

cups mascarpone cheese

1759/60z/% cup fromage frais or

22 59 / 8oz/

completely set.

Ll.e mascarpone and fromage rra's in a


275911 0oz/

For the

To make the filling, beat together

cu ps



5g/4oz/1h cup mascarpone cheese

759/3ozl1A cup fromage frais or

farmer's cheese
white chotolale curls and raspberries,
to decorate

1 Preheat the oven to '1 50'C/300'F/

Gas 2. Melt the butter in a pan over a

low heat, then stir in the crushed

biscuits (cookies) and nuts. Press the

mixture evenly into the base of

23cm/9in springform cake tin (pan).

Break up the white chocolate and

and fromage frais in a bowl and

melt it gently in a heatproof bowl set

spread over the cheesecake. Decorate

over a pan of barely simmering water.

wil.h (ho(olate cu'ls and raspberries.

Diva Desserts 475

Chocolate and Cherry Polenta Cake

This delicious dessert has an

unusual nutty texture.

Serves 8
5 0g / 2oz/1/i cu p q u ic k-coa

k pol enta

009 / 7 oz pl a i n (sem i sweet) chocolate

5 eggs, separated

1759/6oz/%cup caster
(superfine) sugar

5g/4oz/1 cup ground almonds

60ml/4 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour

finely grated

ind of 1 orange

59l4oz/1/, cup glacd (candied)

cherries, halved
icing (confectioners') sugar, fot dusting

Place the polenta in a heatproof

bowl and pour over just enough

bo ling water to covet about 120m1/

4tl ozll/z cup. Stir well, then cover the

bowl and leave to stand for about

30 minutes, untiL the polenta has
absorbed all the excess moisture.

Preheat the oven

to 1 90"C/375"F/

Gas 5. Grease adeep22cm/81/zin

round cake tin (pan) and line the base

wilh ror-stick bal irg parch'ner,.

3 Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar

Break the chocolate into squares and

in a bowl until thrck and paie. Beat in

grease-f ree bowl untrl stiff . Stir

melt it in a heatproof bowl set over

the melted chocolate, then fold in the

pan of barely s mmering water

Whisk the egg whites in a clean,



tbsp of the whites into the chocoiate

polenta, ground almonds, flour and

mixture, then fold ln the remainder.

orange rind.


cool('s TtP

5 Scrape the mixture into the prepared

tin and bake for 45 55 minutes, or

Citrus fruits are often "waxed" to

fold ln the cherres.


risen and firm to the touch.

preserve their appearance. For grating,


use unwaxed fruit or thoroughly wash the

Cool on a wire rack. Dust with rcing

orange in hot water first.

sugar to serve.






Fresh Berry Pavlova

Pavlova is the simplest of desserts, but it can also be the most stunning. Fill with a mix of berry f ruiis 'f -.:
raspberries and blueberries make a marvellous combination.

Serves 5-8


2 Spoon the mer


the papetr ined she:: :-: :

2259r8ozt' tLlp ta,l't


th:a:r :
unt :'. :

round, swirl ng

4 egg whites, at room temperature

hna 3sg6t

I 7r hours, or

meringue to coo fc'

5ml/1 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)

and ightygolden

5ml/7 tsp cider vinegar

keeping the door c

2.5m1/tk tsp pure vanilla

essence fextracr)

300mlllh pintlT


cups double


mer ngue and

759/6az/1 cup raspberrtes

5ql6oz1 1 t/z cups blueberries

fresh mint sprigs, ta decarate


ci n


nf ecti on

far dusting

e rs' ) su g


transr: : ::

3 Carefu ly pee the

(heavy) cream

lSAml/th pint/2/: cup creme fraiche

1 Preheat the oven to 140"C/215"F/

plate. Wh p the cr-"a^- -

Gas T. L ne a baking sheet with bak ng

soft peaks, fo


A' :. t\e



bow to

ff peaks. Whisk


rh te- r "

in the sugar to make a st ff, glossy




t-. :'.

uel: :
decorate w th :he m r: ::
sugar over the top arc ::of the meringue case
raspberr es and b

mer ngue. Slft the cornf our over and

fod t nwththevnegarand,ran

then spoon the m,xiL':

Diva Desserts 479

Fresh Cherry and H azelnut Strude!

Serve this

wonderful old-world treat as a warm dessert with crdme fraiche or custard, or leave it to cool and offer it
of a buffet-style brunch.

a scrumptious cake as part

Serves 6-8
759/3oz/6 tbsp butter
90ml/6 tbsp light brawn sugar
3 egg yolks
grated rind of


I.5ml/1,/4 tsp grated nutmeg

2sAg/goz/generous I cup
ricatta cheese


8 large sheets filo pastry

7 59 /3

oz ratafias, crushed

45ag/1 lb/21/: cups cherries, pitted

3Aml/2 tbsp chopped hazelnuts

icing (confectioners') sugar, for dusting





Preheat the oven

to 1 90"c/375.F/

Gas 5. Soften 159/Y,az/1 tbsp of the

butter in a bowi and beat n the sugar

and egg yolks


ight and f uffy. Beat

n the lemon rind, nutmeg and r cotta.

2 Melt the rema n ng butter in

a srnai

pan. Working qutck y, place a sheet of

fi o on a clean d shtowel and brush it

generous y w th me ted butter. Place a
second sheet on top and repeat the
process. Contlnue until al the fl o has

beer la'e'eo dro oJ tp-eo

,p.e. ^g

some of the me ted butter.

3 Spr nkle the crushed rataf as over the

top, eaving a 5cm/2in border around

4 Fold n the f lo pastry border and

use the dishtowel to help roll up the
strudel, Swiss rol lelly,ro l) nyle,

the outs de. Spoon the ricotta m xture

over the ratafias, spread rt ight y to

beginning from one of the ong s des

of the pastry. Grease a baking sheet




r.le ore'


cTe". es

l" tfe er

a ''t

rg re fed oJTie.


o tl-eoal gs-i

ancl sprink e the haze nuts over tl-e

surface. Bake for

unt the strude

35 40

m nutes, c,

s go den and


Dust w th icing sugar anc se.,..

mmediate y if serv nq "o,


480 Diva Desserts

Chocolate Chestnut Roulade

This is a dream dinner party finale

2 lvlelt the chocolate in the top of

to have chocoholics swooning. The

combination of intense flavours

double boiler, over a low heat, stirring

produces a very rich dessert, so

cocoa in the coffee. Stir to make a

serve it well chilled and in thin

smooth paste, and set aside.

slices. lt slices better when


frequently. Set aside. Dissolve the

is cold.

Serves 1O-12
vegetable oil, for greasing

759/602 dark (bittersweet)

8 To make the filling, whip the cream

and rum or liqueur until soft peaks

chocolate, chopped

{orm. Beat a spoonful of cream into the

30ml/2 tbsp (unsweetened) cocoa

chestnut pur6e to lighten it, then fold

powder, sifted, plus extra for dusting



in the remaining cream and most of

cup freshly brewed

the grated chocolate. Reserve a quarter

strong coffee or espresso

759/302/6 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar

3 ln an electric mixer or in a bowl usang

a whisk, beat the egg yolks with half

pinch of cream of tartar

the sugar for about 3-5 minutes, or

6 eggs, separated

Sml/1 tsp vanilla essence (extract)

until pale and thick. Gradually beat in

glacd (candied) chestnuts,

the melted chocolate and cocoa-coffee

paste until just blended.

to decorate (optional)
For the chestnut cream


475m1/1 6fl ozl2 cups double

(heavy) cream

I iq

thoroughly, and continue to beat until

chestnut purde

and cream of tartar until stiff peaks

over in two batches incorporating each

ueu r

3509/1 2oz can sweetened

4 ln another bowl, beat the egg whites

form. 5prinkle the remaining sugar

30ml/2 tbsp rum or


of the chestnut cream mixture.

the whites are stiff and glossy. Then

9 To assemble the roulade, unroll the

beat in the vanilla essence.

cake and spread with the filling, to

5g/4oz dark (bittersweet)

within 2.5cm/1 in of the edges. Gently

chocolate, grated

5 Stir a spoonful of the whisked whites

thick cream, to serve

into the chocolate mixture to lighten it,

roll it up, using the towel for support.

then fold in the remainder.

5 Spoon the mixture into the tin and
level the top. Bake for 20-25 minutes,

or until the cake is firm, sel and risen,

and springs back when lightly pressed

with the fingertips.

1 Preheat the oven to 1 80'c/350'F/

7 Meanwhile, dust a clean dishtowel

with the extra cocoa powder. As soon
as the cake is cooked, carefully turn it
out on to the towel and gently peel off

Gas 4. Oil the base and sides of a

the bakinq parchment from the base.

the reserved chestnut cream into an

icing (pastry) bag and pipe rosettes

Starting at a narrow end, roll the cake

along the top of the roulade. Dust wir-

38 x 25cn/1 5

x 10in Swiss

roll tin (jelly

roll pan). Line with baking parchment,

and towel together Swiss-roll lashion.

allowing a 2.5cm/1in overhang.


to cool completely.

1O Place the roulade on a plate. Spoor

more cocoa and decorate with glace

chestnuts and grated chocolate.





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482 Diva Desserts


rte a u Citro n

You can find this classic lemon tart in

bistros all over France.

Serves 8-1O
3509/1 2oz unsweetened ar sweet
shortcrust pastry

grated rind of 2 or 3 lemons


50ml/t/a pintf/: cup freshly squeezed

lemon juice

909/31/roz/1/, cup caster

(superfine) sugar

60ml/4 tbsp creme fraiche


Preheat the oven

to 190"C/315"F/

Gas 5. Ro I out the pastry thinly and



ine a 23cml9in f an tin (tart

4 eqqs, plus 3 eqq yolks

pan). Prick the base of the pastry a

icinq konfecttoners sugar {at drst..g


Line the pastry case (pie shel ) w th

foil or baking parchment and fi

with baking beans.


Bake for about

5 minutes, until the edges are set

and dry. Remove the foil and beans

and conlrnJe bal,rng 'or a [udhe"
5-7 mlnutes, until golden.

Place the iemon rind, juice and sugar

in a bowl. Beat until combined and

then gradually add the creme fraiche

and beat until well blended.

Beat in the four eggs, one at a time,

then beat in the remaining egg yolks

and pour the filling into the pastry
case. Bake

/t//tng s set

for 5-20 mlnutes, untll the


/f the pdsl,r/



{or/. Leave to coo(. Dust

with a httte

icing sugar before serving.

- --r={\==


482 Diva Desserts

Tarte au Citron
You can find this classic lemon tart in
bistros all over France.

Serves 8-1O
3509/7 2oz unsweetened or sweet
shortcrust pastry

grated rind of 2 or 3 lemons


50ml/1h pintl% cup freshly squeezed

lemon juice

909/ 31/zoz/1/z cu p caster

(superfine) sugar

1 Preheai the oven to 1 90'C/375'Fl

Gas 5. Roll out the pastry thinly and

to line a 23cm/9in flan tin (tart

Line the pastry case (pie shell) with

foil or baking parchment and fill

with bakinq beans. Bake for about

60ml/4 tbsp crdme fraiche


4 eggs, plus 3 egg yolks

pan). Prick the base of the pastry all

icing (confectioners') sugaa for dusting

over with a fork.

and dry. Remove the foil and beans

5 minutes, until the edges are set

and continue baking for a further

5-7 minutes, until golden.

Place the lemon rind, juice and sugar

in a bowl. Beat until combined and

then gradually add the crdme fra?che

and beat until well blended.

Beat in the four eggs, one at a time,

then beat in the remaining egg yolks

and pour the fllling into the pastry

case. Bake for

5-20 minutes, until the

filling is set. lf the pastry begins to

brown too much, cover the edges with


Leave to cool. Dust

with a little

rcing sugar before serving.

Diva Desseris 483

Pear and Almond Cream Tart





successf u, made

with other kinds of fruit, ano some

variation can be seen in al-ost
every good French patlsserie.

Serves 6
3509/1 2oz unsvleeiened or sweet

shartcrust pastry
3 firm pears
lemon juice


tbsp peach brandy ar water

60ml/4 tbsp peach preserve, strained

For the almond cream


59/4oz/% cup blanched

whole almonds
509/2ozl1/r cup caster
(superfine) sugar

659/2hoz/5 tbsp butter


egg, plus

I egg white

few drops almond essence fextract)

Put the pear ha ves, cut-side down,

on a board and s ice thinly crossways,

keep ng the slices together.

1 Ro I out the pastry thrnly and use to

lire a 23rml9in Ilan tin itart pan).

Pour the almond cream

the pastry case.

filling nto

ide a palette knife

Chill the pastry case (pie shell) while

or spatula under one pear half and

you make the filling. Put the a monds

press the top

and suqar in a food processor and

oJL the slrces.'rarsler [o lhe rart,

with your flngers to fan


pulse unti fine y ground; they should

placinq the fruit on the f ll

not be pasty. Add the butter and

spokes of a wheel. lf you like, remove

process until creamy, then add the

a few slices from each half before

egg, egg wh te and almond essence

arranglng and use them to

and mix well.

gaps in the centre.


ike the

in any

6 Meanwhile,

heat the brandy or

water and the preserve in a small pan
over a low heat, then brush over the

top of the hot tart to glaze. Serve the

tart warm, at room temperature.

Place a baking sheet in the oven and


to 1 90"c/375"F/Gas

5. Peel

Place the tart on the baking sheet

and bake for about 50-55 minutes,

the pears, halve them, remove the

until the fiLling is set and golden

cores and brush with lemon juice to

brown. Place the tart on a rack and

prevent them from discolourinq.

leave to cool.

484 Diva Desserts

Boston Banoffee Pie

This is a simple but impressive party
dish. You can press the wonderfully
biscuity pastry into the tin, rather

than rolling it out. You can make

the pastry case and the fudgetoffee filling in advance and then
arrange the sliced banana topping
and cream before serving. lt will
prove irresistible.

Serves 6

5g/4oz/1h cup butter diced

200gl7oz can skimmed, sweetened

condensed milk
1159/4ozl1,b cup soft brown sugar

30ml/2 tbsp golden (light corn) syrup

2 small bananas, sliced
a little lemon juice

whipped cream, to decorate

5mll1 tsp grated plain
(semisweet) chocolate


the pastry

50gl5ozl11/< cups plain

(all-purpose) flour

5g/4ozl1h cup butter, diced

509/2oz/1/a cup caster

(superfine) sugar

3 To make the tilling, place the butter

in a pan with lhe condensed milk,

brown sugar and syrup. Heat gently,

stirring, until the butter has melted
and the sugar has completely dissolved

5 Pour the hot caramel filling into

the pastry case and leave until it

1 Preheat the oven to 1 60"C/325"F/

Gas 3. ln a


completely cold. Sprinkle the banana

food processor, process

with lemon juice to stop them

the flour and diced butter until


crumbed. Stir in the caster sugar

going brown and arrange them in

and mix to form a soft, pliable dough

4 Bring to a gentle boil and cook for



the dough into a 20cm/8in

0 minutes, stirring constantly, until

overlapping circles on top of the

Iilling, leaving a gap in the (entre.
Pipe a qenerous swirl of whipped

loose-based flan tin (tart pan). Bake

the mixture thickens and turns a light

cream in the centre and sprinkle

for 30 minutes.

caramel colout

with the grated chocolate.

Diva Desserts 485

Greek Chocolate Mousse Tartlets

Prick the base of each pastry case (pie

5 Whisk the sugar, vanilla

essence and

The combination of chocolate and

yogurt makes an irresistibly light,

but not too sweet, filling.

shell) all over with a fork, cover with

egg yolks in a large bowl, then beat in

greaseproof (waxed) paper weighed

the chocolate mixture. Beat in the

down with baking beans and bake

blind for 10 minutes. Remove the

yogurt until evenly mixed.

baking beans and paper, return to

7 Whisk the egg whites in a clean,

grease-free bowl until stiff, then fold

Serves 6

the oven and bake a further

75916oz11'/z cuPs Plain

3)ml/2 tbsp (unsweetened)

cocoa powder

Leave to cool in the tins,

into the mixture. Divide among the

pastry cases and leave to set.

30ml/2 tbsp icing

(all-purpose) flour


5 minutes, or until the pastry ls rirm

Make the filling. Break the chocolate

into squares and melt in a heatproof

nf ecti o n e rs' ) sug a r

bowl over a pan of barelY srmmering

5gl4oz/1/, cu? butter

water. Pour the milk into a Pan,

sprinkle over the gelatine and heat

melted chocolate, to decorate

Drizzle the melted chocolate over

the tartlets to decorate.

coot(,s TIP
You can decorate the tartlets with melted

gently, stirring, until the gelatine has

dark (bittersweet) or plain (semisweet)

200g17 oz white chocolate

dissolved completely. Remove from the

chocolate. Both provide an attractive

120m1/4ll ozlt/z cuP milk

heat and stir in the chocolate.

contrast to the filling.


the filling

10ml/2 tsp powdered gelatine

30ml/2 tbsp caster (supertine) sugar
5ml/1 tsp vanilla essence (extract)
2 eggs, separated

cuP lJreeK

strained plain) yogurt

1 Preheat the oven to 1 90"c/375"F/

Gas 5. Sift the flour, cocoa and icing
suqar into a large bowl.

Place the butter in a Pan


60ml/4 tbsp water and heat gentlY

until just melted. Leave to cool, then
stir into the flour to make a smooth
dough. Cover with clear film (plastic
wrap) and chill until firm.

Roll ouL the pastry and use

to line

deep 1 Ocm/4in loose-based flan lins

(tart pans).


486 D i,a Desserts

Chocolate Amaretti Peaches

This delicious dessert can also be
made with fresh nectarines.

Serves 4
1 1 59/4oz amaretti, crushed
509/2oz plai n (semisweet)

chocolate, chopped

grated rind afl/, orange


5ml/1 tbsp clear honey

.5ml/1A tsp ground cinnamon

egg white, lightly beaten

4 firm ripe peaches

150m1/1h pint/% cup white wine

5ml/1 tbsp caster (superfine) sugar

whipped cream, to serve

1 Preheat the oven to 1 90'ci375'Fl

Gas 5. Mix together the crushed

amaretti, chopped chocoiate, grated

o ange rind, honey and c



bow until well combined. Add the

beaten egg whlte and mix to bind the
mlxture toqether.

3 Arrange the stuffed peaches in

Halve and stone (p t) the peaches


fil the

resu trng cavrties

with the

chocolate and amaretti mixture,

mounding lt up slightly.

Pour the wrne mixture around tl-e

lightly buttered, sha low ovenproof

peaches. Bake for 30-40 minuTes,

dish that wlll lust ho d the peaches

comfortably in a single layer Pour the
wine into a measuring jug (cup) and

until the peaches are tender. Serve

lhen immed alely w lh a illle o[

cooking juices spooned over and

stir in the suqar.

the whipped cream.


Diva Desserts 487

Pea rs in

Chocolate Fudge Blankets

Warm poached pears coated in a

rich chocolate fudge sauce - who
could resist?

Serves 6
6 ripe eating pears
30ml/2 tbsp lemon juice



cup caster

(superfine) sugar

cinnamon stick

For the sauce

200m1/7fl ozF/B cup double
(heavy) cream


cup brown sugar

259/1 oz/2 tbsp unsalted (sweet) butter

60mll4 tbsp golden (light corn) syrup

120mll4fl oz/1/z cup milk
2009/7oz plain (semisweet) chocolate

4 Meanwhile,

rnake the sauce. Place

the cream, sugar, butter, golden syrup

and milk in a heavy pan. Heat gently,
stirring constantly, until the sugar has
compietely dissolved and the butter

Peel the pears thinly, leaving the

and syrup have meLted, then bring to

stalks on. Scoop out the cores from

rhe boil. Boi., sr rring corsl.antly, for

the base. Brush the cut surfaces with

about 5 minutes, or Jntil

lemon juice to prevent them from

thick and smooth.




turning brown.



Using a slotted spoon, transfer the

poached pears to a dish and keep hot.

Place the sugar and 300m1/h pinV

Boil the syrup rapidly to reduce to

cups of water in a large, heavy

pan. Heat gently, stirring constantly,

about 45-60m1/3-4 tbsp. Remove and

untrl the sugar drssolves. Add the

discard the cinnamon stick and then

pears and cinnamon stick with any

gently stir the syrup into the chocolate

remaining lemon juice, and, if

fudge sauce.

necessary. a little more water, so

Serve the pears in individual bowis
or on dessert plates, with the hot

the pears are almost covered.

3 Bring to the borl, then lower the heat,

5 Remove the pan from the heat.

cover the pan and simmer the pears

Break up the chocolate and stir in a

gently for '15-20 minutes.

few squares at a time.

chocolate fudge sauce spooned over.



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This luxurious combination


summer berries under a light and

fluffy alcoholic sauce is lightly
grilled to form a deliciously crisp,

1 Divide the fruit among eight

ind v dual heatproof glass dlshes or
ramekins. Preheat the grill (broiler).

caramelized topping.

Serves 8
9a0gl2lb/8 cups mixed summer bet ries,
or soft fruit
8 egg yolks

3 Pour equal quantities of the sauce

into each dish. Place under the gnll for
1 2 minutes, or unttljust turn ng brown.

5g/4oz/generouslh cup vanilla sugar

or caster (supeffine) sugar

250m1/8fl oz/1 cup liqueur, such as

Spnnkle the fruit with rcing sugar and

Cainueau, Kitsch or Grand Marnieq

2 Whisk the egg yolks in a large

decorate with mint leaves just before

or white dessert wine, plus extra

for drizzling (optional)

heatproof bowl with the sugar and

iqueur or wine. Place the bowl over

serv ng, if you ltke.

a liLtle (ing tconle( Lioners ) sugar

sifted, and mint leaves, to
decorate (optional)

pan of hot simmering water and whisk


constantly until the yolks have become

th ck, fluffy and pale.


omit the alcohol, use a juice substitute,

such as grape, mango or apricot.

Diva Desserts 489

Hot Chocolate Zabaglione

A deliciously chocolate-f lavoured
variation of a classic ltalian dessert,
this is a perfect way to end a
celebratory meal.

Serves 6
6 egg yolks

50gl5oz/% cuP caster

(superfine) sugar

45ml/3 tbsp (u nsweetened)

cocoa powder
2O0ml/7fl oz/% cuP Marsala
(Lrns!4 ee/Fned, rctad powder or icing

has dissolved.

with almond biscuits.

3 Add the cocoa Powder and

cool('s TrP

(co nfecti on ers') suga r, f or d usting

almond biscuits kookies). such as

amaretti, to serve

1 Half fill a medium


with water

and bring to the simmering Point.

Pour quicklY into tall heatproot

Place the egg yolks and sugar ln a

heatproof bowl and whisk well until
the mixture is pale and all the sugar

glasses, dust lightly

with cocoa powder

or icing sugar and serve immediately

lvarsala, then place the bowl over

Marsala is a {ortified wine from Sicily. lt

the simmering water Whisk until the

conslstency of the mixture ls smooth,

versions, including chocolate and coffee,

thick and foamy.

are also produced.

may be dry or sweet and flavoured






490 Diva Desserts

Amaretto Souffl6

A mouthwatering and luxurious

souffl6 with rather more than a
hint of Amaretto liqueur.

Preheat the oven to 200'C/400'F/

Gas 6. Put the amaretti in a bowL.

Sprinkle them with 30m1/2 tbsp of the

Amaretto liqueur and set aside.

serves 6

30gl31hoz/1/, cuP caster

$upertine) sugar

6 amaretti, coarsely crushed

90ml/4 tbsp Amaretto liqueur
4 eggs, separated, plus 1 egg white






3Oml/2 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour


cup milk

pinch of cream of tartar (if needed)


Heat the milk to lust below boiling

point in a heavy pan. GraduallY add

the hot milk to the eqg mixture,

stirring constantly.

icing (confectioners') sugar, for dusting

a wooden spoon, carefully mix
together the egg yolks, 30ml/ 2 tbsp of
the remaining caster sugar and all of

3 Using
1 Butter a .5 litre/21/z Pint/

67a cup souffl6 dish and sprinkLe it

with a ittle of the caster


Pour the mixture back into the Pan

Set over a low heat and slmmer gent v


4 minutes, or until thickened,

stirring occasionally.

lour in another bowl.

Stir in the remaining Amaretto


liqueur, then remove the pan from

heat and leave to cool slightlY.

ln a clean, grease-free bowl. wh :':

all the egg whites until theY w ll ho

soft peaks. (lf not using a copper c:,,

add the cream o{ tartar as soon as:-:
whites are f rothy.) Add the remair caster sugar and continue wh skir:

until sti{f.

8 Add about one-quarter of the

whites to the liqueur mlxture anl i.
ln with a rubber spatula



Ado tne rema,nrng egg whites e-

fold in gently.

Spoon half of the mrxtlre

rto '- :

p'epareo souffle dish. Cover v.

:- :

layer of the moistened amarelt , :-:-


spoon rhe remarning souffle

': -'=

top to covel

.': -:
ser ;-: :'
souH,e rs wel' rrsen,
orowned. Spr.nkre witn a lF i : .::
1O Bake for 20 TrtnLles,



icing sugar to derorate aro .e'.

souffl6 immediately.


Diva Desserts 491

Hot Mocha Rum Souffl6s

Serve these superb souffl6s as soon

they are cooked.


serves 6
259/1 oz/2 tbsp butter, melted
6 5g / 21./zoz/generous


cu p

(unsweetened) cocoa powder

7 59 / 3

ozl gen erou s


cu p caste r

(superfine) sugar

6Aml/4 tbsp strong black coffee

30ml/2 tbsp dark rum
6 egg whites
icing (confectianers') sugar, for dusting

1 Preheat the oven wlth a baking

sheet inside

to 190"c/315"F/

Gas 5.

Grease six 250mLi8f I ozl1 cup souffi6


with the melted butter.


Mix 'l5ml/T tbsp of the cocoa

powder with 15ml/1 tbsp of the caster

suqar in a bowl. Tip the mixture into
each of the d shes in turn, rotating

4 Whisk the egg whites in

them so that they are evenly coated.

scrupulously c ean, grease-free bowl

Tip out any excess.

untiL they form

flrm peaks.




. When serving the souffl6s at the end of


dinner party, prepare them just before

add the remaining caster sugar,

the meal is served. Pop in the oven as

wh skjng constantly. Stir a generous

soon as the main course is finished and

spoonful of the egg whites into the

cocoa mixture to lighten it, then gently

serve freshly baked.


earthenware or stainless steel bowl or,

n the remaining whites.

When whisking egg whites, use a glass,

best of all, a copper one. As a result of a

Mix the remaining cocoa with the

coffee and rum.

5 Spoon the mixture into the prepared

chemical reaction with the coppei the

dishes, smooth ng the tops. Place on

foam is more stable. However, do not

the hot baking sheet, and bake for

leave the egg whites in a copper bowl for

5 minutes or they will

12-1 5 minutes, or until well r sen.

more than about

Serve the souffl6s mmed ate y, iightly

turn grey. A plastic bowl is not suitable as

dusted with icing sugar.

it is difficuh to be sure that it

completely grease-free.


492 Diva Desserts

Chocolate Cr6pes with Plums and Port

This dish can be made in advance

2 Meanwhile,

and always looks impressive.

and stone (plt) the plums. Place them

f ip it over to cook the other

in a pan and add the sugar and 30ml/

the crepe out on to the sheet of

Serves 5
5 0g / 2


p Ia i


(se m

isweet) chocol ate

oz/% cup milk

make the filling. Ha ve

1 I

crCpe has set, then

2 tbsp of water. Brrng to the boil, then

parchment, then cook

lower the heat, cover and s mmer

cropes in the same way.

gently for about


de. S ide

1 more

0 m nutes, or until

the plums are tender.

5 To make the sauce, break the

120m1/4fl oz/lh cup single (light) cream

30m l/2 tbsp (unsweetened)

5 Cook unt I the

choco ate irro squares ard place

3 Stir in the pori and s mmer for


pan with the cream. Heat gently,

cocoa powder

further 30 seconds. Rernove the pan

stirrrng until smooth. Add the port and

5g/4oz/1 cup plain

from the heat and keep warm.

heal gerlly, sl

,r'rg.'o, I milJLe.

(all-purpose) flour

2 eggs

Have ready a sheet of non-stick

bak ng parchment. Heat a crepe pan,

For the



5009/11/lb red or golden plums


ight y with a llttle o l, then


de the p um fl llng between the

cr6pes, add a spoonful of crdme

fraiche to each and ro I them up

carefu ly. Serve immediately ln shal ow

509/2oz/1A cup caster (superfine) sugar

pour in lust enough choco ate batter to

cover the base of the pan, sw ding

30ml/2 tbsp pott

to coat it evenly.

spooned over the top.

vegetable oil, for frying


/59/6az/% cup crdme fraiche

For the sauce


5Ag/5oz plain (semisweet) chacolate

175m1/6fl oz/% cup double (heavy)


30ml/2 tbsp port


Break the choco

ate nto squares and

place in a pan with the mi k. Heat

gent y Lrntil the chocolate has me ted.
Pour into a b ender or food processor

and add the cream, cocoa powder,

f our and eggs. Process until smooth,
then tip into

for 30 mlnutes


(pitcher) and chi//



plates, with the chocolate sauce

Diva Desserts 493

Chocolate and Orange Scotch Pancakes

Fabulous baby pancakes in a rich
creamy orange liqueur sauce.

Serves 4

5g/4oz/1 cup self-raising

(self+ising) flour

30ml/2 tbsp (unsweetened)

cocoa powder

2 eggs
5 0g / 2

oz pla i n (sem isweet) choco late

200m1/7fl ozf/s cup milk

finely grated rind of 1 orange
30ml/2 tbsp orange juice

butter or oil for frying

60ml/4 tbsp chocolate curls
For the sauce

2 large oranges
30ml/2 tbsp unsalted (sweet) butter
45mll3 tbsp light brown sugar
250m1/8fl oz/1 cup crdme fraiche

30ml/2 tbsp grand marnier

To make the sauce, grate the rind


one of the oranges into a small bowl

and set aside. Peel both oranges,
taking care to remove all the pith, then
slice the flesh fairly thinly. Remove any
pips (seeds) if necessary.

1 Sift together the flour and cocoa

powder into a large bowl and make a

5 Heat the butter and sugar in

we I in the centre. Add the eggs to

shallow pan over a low heat, stirring

the well and beat with a balloon

whisk, gradually incorporating the

- sr:rrorrlionr! ury

trrgrlio rdn

Lo trldKe

a smooth batter.

a wide.

until the sugar dissolves. Stir in the

Heat a large heavy frying pan or

gl r{lordi u rease WrLrr


lILrE uu


crdme fraiche and heat gently. Do not

'lrruW rrre sduce



or oil. Drop large spoonfuls of the

chocolate batter on to the hot surface.

6 Add the

Cook over a medium heat. When the

to the sauce, warm through gently

and mix it with the milk in a pan. Heat

pancakes are ightly browned


gently, stirrjng occasionally. until the

underneath and bubbly on top, flip

the grand marnier. Spr nk e with the

choco ate has melted, then beat

them over to cook the other

de. Slide

reserved orange rind. Transfer to

the mixture into the batter until

on to a plate and keep hot, then make

warmed plates, sprinkle over the

Break the chocolate into squares


pancakes and orange slices

minutes, then spoon over

smooth and bubbly. Stir in the grated

more pancakes in the same way until

chocolate curls to decorate and serve

orange rind and orange juice.

all the batter has been used.

the pancakes immediately.

494) .a


Cherry Pancakes
These pancakes are virtually fat-

free. and lower in calories and

higher in fibre than tradltional
ones. Serve with a spoonful of

natural yogurt or crdme fraiche.

Serves 4
509/2oz/1/t cup plain
(all-purpose) flour
509/2oz/1/, cup plain wholemeal

(whole-wheat) flour
pinch of salt
egg white


pint/% cup skimmed milk

a little oil, for frying

4259/ I 5oz can black cherries





2 Make a well

in the centre of the

lour and add the egg white. Gradually

beat in the milk and 150m1/7a pinv

about 30ml/2 tbsp of the luice from

% cup of water, whisking vigorously

the can of cherries with the arrowroot

with a balloon whisk until all the liquid

in a small pan. Stir in the remaining

juice. Heat gently, stirring constantly,

has been incorporated and the batter



5 Drain the cherries, reserving the

juice. Set the cherries aside. B end


smooth and bubbly.

until boiling. Stir over a medium heat


for about 2 minutes. until thickened

and clear.

1 Sift the plain flour, wholemeal flour

Heat a non-stick pan with a small

and salt into a large bowl, adding any

amount of oil until the pan is very hot.

Pour in just enough batter to cover the

5 Add the cherries and stir unti

bran rema ning in the sieve to the

base of the pan, swirling the pan

thoroughly heated. Spoon the cherries

bowl at the end.

cover the base evenly.


into the pancakes and fold them rnto

quarters. Transfer to warm plates and

Cook over a medium heat until the



set and the underside

serve lmmediately.


golden and then turn to cook the

other side. Remove to a sheet of
absorbent paper or baking parchment
and then cook the remaining batter to


make about eight pancakes.

Substitute 30ml/2 tbsp kirsch or brandy

coo!(,s TrP
Ihe basic pancakes can be made in

for the same quantity of juice from the

advance, as they freeze very successfully

can of cherries.

Cook them and leave to cool, then

You can use other canned fruits for the

interleave them with non-stick baking

filling, such as chopped apricots.

parchment or absorbent paper, wrap

. After spooning the

them in plastic and seal. Freeze for up to

cherry filling into the

pancakes, sprinkle with a few toasted

6 months. Thaw thoroughly at room

flaked (sliced) almonds before folding.

temperature before reheating.

t::l-:: . :::+: :::

496 D .a iesserts

Steamed Chocolate and Fruit Puddings

turn out well,
including these wonderful little
puddings. Fluffy chocolate sponge

Some things always

with tangy cranberries and apple

served with a chocolate syrup.


Serves 4

5q/4oz/'/: cup dark muscovado

(molasses) sugar

eating apple

759/3oz/% cup cranberies, thawed

if frozen
1159/4oz/1h cup soft margarine
2 eggs
759/3oz/% cup plain (all-purpose) flour

2.5m|/t/, tsp baking powder

45 ml /3 tbsp (unsweetened)

cocoa powder
For the chocolate syrup

5g/4oz plain (semisweet) chacolate

30ml/2 tbsp clear honey

15ml/1 tbsp unsalted (sweet) butter

tsp vanilla essence (extract)

Place the remaining muscovado

sugar in a mixing bowl. Add the

margarine, eggs, flour, baking powder

Prepare a steamer or half fill a large

pan with water and bring it to the

combined and smooth.

stirring, until melted and smooth. Pour

the syrup into a jug (pitcher).

Spoon the mixture into the

heatproof bowls and cover the top of

ayer of greaseproof

boil. Grease four individual heatproof

(waxed) paper and a double th ckness

bowls and sprinkle each one with


foi tled secure



lltt e of the muscovado sugar to coat


all oven Tip out any excess

muscovado sugar.

Pee and core the apple. Finely dice

rro a bowl, add the cranoerries

a:d mrx together well. Divide the fruit
- :ii::e equally among the prepared



n a small pan with the honey, butter

and vanilla essence. Heat gently,

each w th


and cocoa powder beat well unti


5 Meanwhile, make the syrup.

the chocolate into squares and place it

7 Run a round-bladed knife around

the edge of each pudding to loosen it,
then turn out on to individua warm
plates. Serve immediately, with the

chocolate syrup.
5 Steam in a covered pan for about
45 minutes, topping up the boiling

coot('s TrP

water as requ red, until the puddings

The puddings can be cooked very quickly

are well r sen and f irm.

in the microwave. Use non-metallic bowls

and cover with greaseproof (waxed)

paper instead of foil. Cook on High
(100% power) for 5-6 minutes, then
stand for

2-3 minutes before turning out.

Diva Desserts 497

Chocolate Chip and Banana Pudding

Hot and steamy, this superb light
pudding tastes extra special serued
with chocolate sauce.

Serves 4

009 / 7 oz/ 1 % cu ps self- ra

isi ng

(self+ising) flour

/59/30216 tbsp unsalted (sweet) bulter

2 ripe bananas
759/3oz/1A cup caster (superfine) sugar

60ml/4 tbsp milk

1 egg, beaten
60ml/4 tbsp plain (semisweet)

chocolate chips
glossy chocolate sauce and whipped
cream, to serve



1 Prepare a steamer or half fill a pan

with water and bring it to the boil.
Grease a

liIrells/+ pinl/4 cup

heatproof bowl. Si{t the flour into a

bowl and rub in the butter with your

Run a knife around the top of the

3 Whisk the milk wlth the egg in a

iuq (pitcher) or small bowl, then beat

into the puddinq mixture. Stir in the

pudding to loosen it. then turn it out

chocolate chips and mrx well until

on to a warm serving dish. Serve hot,

with the chocolate sauce and a

thoroughly combined.

spoonful of whipped cream.

fingertips until the mixture resembles


C(,(,K'S TTP
To make glossy

chocolate sauce:

Place 130gl41hozlscant % cup caster

(superfine) sugar in a pan with

120mll4tl ozllh cup water, and heat until
the sugar has dissolved. stir in

Spoon the mlxture lnto the

75gl6oz plain (semisweet) chocolate,

broken into squares, until melted.Then

heatproof bowl, cover c oseLy with

add 259/1 ozl2 tbsp butter and melt in

Mash the bananas in a bowl. Stir

greaseproof (waxed) paper and a double

the same way. Do not let the sauce boil.

them into the flour mixture, with the

thlckness of foil, and steam for 2 hours,

Add 30ml/2 tbsp brandy or the grated

caster sugar.

topping up the water as requlred.

rind of an orange. Serve warm.

Hot Chocolate Cake


is rvonderful
seryed as a
cessert with a
chocolate sauce.

Makes ,O_12 slices

2aa-ol,tortr , cup


ri si n g ) wh o lem _.a 1

tuvh 6

wheat) flour
259// oz/% cup (unsweetened)


cocoa powder

pinch of salt


*, *ft marganne
,,: sort risni b,o,wn susar

4 eggs
7 59/3

essence .r.,vract)

oz wh ite chocolate


ledves and (urls.

rc dccorate

For the whhe

chocolate sauce

59/3oz white chocolate

150m1/'/q pintpn
cup sinote

(|ryhil cream


tbsp mitk


reheai the oven

to I 60oc/325oFl
, J..5rtt
the flour, cocoa powder
salt into a bowl,
addrng in anv
t remaining rn


a separate bowl,
cream the

lalne, sugar and vanilia


fler wJth a wooden

spoon until
then sentrv beat


in one


choo rhe whirs q116661.1.,

the mrxrure spoon


o r 5t9009/

loaf tin (pan)

greased ca(e
mrnutes, o. Lrnliliust
firm io lhe
besinnins ro shrinr
rrom the srdes


lua.lly stlr rn the

remaining eqqs.
d Lme, alternately
foldino rn
,r the flout

untrl the mixt;re



of the tin

5 Meanwhile, p.eoare
lhe saur e
Ereal the while
chocolate ;nr" .^ ...
and ptace tn a pan
' '

wilh ,nu ,,aa_

FJat very gentlv
unhl rhe choco.-.:
rlas melted.
Add the m;lt and s_.

lhe saucF is cool

6 SlJCe tne cake

and serve ,n a n - saJce, decorated
*lfn anoao,a,. ..
and cur,s

Diva Desserts 499

Chocolate Almond Meringue pie

This dream dessert combines three
very popular flavours.

Preheat the


serves 6

7 59/602/11/2

ovenlo 190"C/315"F/

Gas 5. Prjck the pastry base all over

a fork, cover

with greaseproof

(waxed) paper weighed down with

cups plain

(all-purpose) flour

baking beans and bake blind for

1 0 minutes. Remove the pastry case
(pie shell).

509/2oz/1/: cup ground rice

509/5oz/% cup unsalted

(sweet) butter
finely grated rind

of 1 orange

egg yolk

flaked (sliced) almonds and melted

chocolate, to decorate
For the


509/5oz plain (semisweet) chocolate

509/2oz/4 tbsp unsalted (sweet)

buttel softened
759/3oz/1/3 cup caster (superfine) sugar

0ml/2 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)

4 egg yolks
759/3oz/% cup ground almonds

the meringue

3 egg whites

509/5oz/3/a cup caster

(superfine) sugar

1 Sift the flour and ground rice into a

bowl. Add the butter and rub in with
your fingertips until the mixture
resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the
orange rind. Add the egg yolk, mix
well and bring the dough together
Roll out on a lightly floured surface
and use to line a 23cml9in round

flan tin (pie pan). Chill in the

refrigerator for 30 minutes.

To make the filling, break the

chocolate into squares and melt in
heatproof bowl set over a pan of

Spoon the meringue over the

barely simmering water Cream the

chocolate filling to cover it completely,

butter with the sugar in a bowl, then

beat in the cornflour and egg yolks.

lifting it up with the back of the spoon

to form peaks. Reduce the oven

Fold in the almonds. then the

chocolate. Spread in the pastry case.
Bake for a further 10 minutes.

temperature to 80"C/350'F/Gas 4
and bake the pie for '15-20 minutes,

or until the topping is pale gold. Serve

warm, sprinkled with almonds and

To make the meringue, whisk the

egg whites until stiff, then gradually

add half the sugar. Fold in the

remaining sugar.

drizzled with melted chocolate.

5O0 Diva Desserts

Christmas Pudding
This reciPe makes enough to fill
one 1.2 litre/2 PinV5 cuP bowl or


two 600m1/1 Pintl2lh cuP bowls lt

can be made uP to a month before
Christmas and stored in a cool, drY


" i:;;...



place. Steam the Pudding

2 hours before serving.

Serves 8

225g/8oz/1 heaPinq cuP soft dark

brown sugar
5Ogl2ozllh cuP self+aisi ng
(self-rising) flour
5ml/ltsP ground mixed


.5ml/t/4 ts7 grated nutmeg

2.5m\lb tsq ground cinnamon

across the centre

large piece of greaseproof paper

cover the bowl(s) with it, tying

the flour, spices and egqs Stir in the

remaining ingredients thoroughly' The




place w.1h >lring under lhe rr' C

orf 1ne evcess Pdper. P'eal a o ece

mrxtJ"e ShoLlo nave a so'I otooo'ng

pie) spice

5 Make a Pleat

Beat the butter and sugar together

u-til treany and conb neo' Beat tn

5g/4ozl1/, cu7 butter



foil in the same waY and cover the

bowl(s) with lt, tucking it aroun.d the

(pourable) consistenc\/.


bowl neatlY, under the greaseProof

frill. Tle another piece of string arou^:


and across the top, as a handle'

2 eggs

5gl4az/2 cuPs fresh white


(qolden raistns)


1 cuP

pan ol


enough bolling water to come ha f\t'

up the bowl(s) and cover the pan wlt-

chopped finelY
259/1ozllh cuP choPPed almonds
1 smatl cooking aPPle, Peeled, cared

a t,gni-{irtrrg ,rd. Checl tne ware' '1

simmering and top it up with boiling

3 Turn the mixture into the prepared

bowl(s) and level the surface with the

water as t evaporates. When the

pudding(s) have cooked, leave to coc
completely. Then remove the foil anc

back of a sPoon.

and coarselY grated

finely grated rind or 1 orange or lemon

juice of 1 orange or lemon, made uP



si-rering wdlel aro >IedT

6 hours. Alternatively, put the bowlts

into a large Pan and Pour around

cuP raisins

Sgl4ozlth cu7 currants

25g/1 oz/3 tbsp mixed (candied) peel,

jn a steamer ove'
Place the bowl(s)


l5Omllt/1 pintl'A cup with brandy

greaseproof paper. Wipe the bowl(si

clean and rePlace the greaseProo{

paper and foil wlth clean pieces, reac:

for reheatlng.

T(, SER\,E
Steam for 2 hours Remove and
discard the paper.and foll, run a kn fe

4 Cover with another disc of buttered

greaseproof PaPer.

1 Cut a disc of greaseproof (waxed)

paper to fit the base of the
heatproof bowl(s) and grease the
disc and bowl(s) well with butter'

around the bowl(s) and turn the

pudding out on to a warm PIate Lea
it to stand for about 5 minutes befor:
removing the Pudding bowl(s)
steam will rise to

and help to loosen the Pudding)'

Decorate with a sprig of holly' Serve

wiln brd'.ldy or rJn bJlte" whlppec

cream or f"esn'Y m6gq 6llstard

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