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GCSA Forum Minutes

6 October 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Kevin Neil and Pharyanna Marchlin Absent
Micheal Santulli tardy
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Nothing new to report.
ii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Working on a new banner for outside the office.
iii. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
Nothing new to report.
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
VII. New Business,
i. Mascot Costume Report, Stephen Bouchie
391 responses, shield B and sporran B won. These decisions will now go to
marketing and athletic department with our recommendations. There may have
been a vote back in 08 for the name of the mascot. Are we worried that both
options have a lion on them? We will get more information on the decision closer
to winter break with the hopes of introducing the mascot in the Spring at the
Highland Games.
ii. Overview of Budget Changes, Ryan Daly
Student activities fee is where student activities (like GCSA) get our funding.
Each student pays a certain amount to this fund that becomes our budget. The
government recognizes that this is where we get our funding. Can we find out the
breakdown between tuition, room and board, and student activities? Can we
make that more accessible and help students understand where their money is
going better. The student activities fee is projected based based on enrollment
and is subject to change when the year begin. We will do a detailed explanation
of the budget in the near future.
VIII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
Great job Abel, Steve, and Jamie on Homecoming and Mascot Polling!
IX. Announcements
i. Strategic Plan Listening Session
This Friday from 4:30-6 on the Strategic Plan for the College to give feedback as
student leader. Please make it a priority.
ii. Corn Maze
After Oktoberfest on October 25th. $5, were going to build team camaraderie.
X. Adjourn

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