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GCSA Forum Minutes

4 September 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Nathanael Lee, Absent
Chris Carlson, absent
III. Reading and Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Academic Affair Committee, Kristen Gandek
ii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
iii. Elections and Appointments Committee, Hannah Wardell
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
i. URC contract
Ryan -Student was unable to get reimbursed because they didn't submit their
receipts in time. Presentation of Spreadsheet with expense account.
Kevin- Does the URC usually refund the money?
Ryan- Yes, but in June the money from these accounts gets cleaned out and
moved to other accounts. So, we cant take it out of the URC account.
Chelsea- Can the URC take it out of their budget this year?
Ryan- Yes, But were righting our wrong on the financial side from last year
Chelsea- Does the bylaws include reimbursing food? I dont know how I feel
about giving money for Chick-fil-A
Ryan- its ok to take it out for food, its an understood expense. They are given a
certain amount of money by the URC when they get the contract.
Jamie- There is always a section for food, on URC last year we gave people
more money for food this year. I suggest the rep initiative account because were
the reps who let this slide on URC last year.
Chelsea- How much is in the rep initiative account
Ryan-$9,500 for both executive and rep initiative.
Jamie- I move to take the $767.50 from the rep initiative account for these
Emily Second, Unanimous Aye, Motion Passes
VII. New Business,
i. Scottie Faire Re-Cap
VIII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
IX. Announcements
i. Office Hours
ii. Initiatives
iii. Other
Ezra will type up the suggestions from Scottie Fair.
We will be in KOSC 127 next week.
Retreat next weekend all Saturday and Sunday in the CFI house.
Physical Plant Point Person
X. Adjourn

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