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GCSA Forum Agenda

21 October 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Pharvyana Marcelin, tardy
Kuo Lu, tardy
Chris Carlson, got a well deserved day off
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
Meeting with first potential new clubs this week.
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Nothing new.
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Nothing new.
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
Nothing new.
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
VII. New Business,
i. Vox Populi Budget Extension
Want to extend the budget to produce 300 copies each time they publish
(quarterly). The Vox Pop is theme driven. Idiom is an arts journal, Vox is a social
critique, essay non fiction and fiction piece. Works on integrating all disciplines.
New cost would add $540 a semester--$1080 for the whole year. We are
increasing the number of copies and increasing the cost to make them. 300
copies a semester, the new additions would have a color insert to add to the Vox
aesthetic and that would cost more. There is no surplus of Voxs, wanting to make
it more accessible. We would reassess in the spring based on how they
distribute. Coming out of Club Contingency. Still do not have an advisor, Chris
Carlson is the interm.
Jamie move to approve the Vox Pop Budget, Rosie seconded, approved
ii.Redeemed Mosaic Conference
ReMo is in two weekends! John and Sandev working on the communications
stuff. Waiting to know about how many can fit in the church. Dom and Jay, the speakers, are
working on social work and ALANA events before they help with ReMo. Ivy George is also
speaking. Carl Brooks is putting student panels together for Friday night and scattered
throughout saturday. 3 workshops on saturday morning. SJI is doing one, ACD is working with
Katie Knudson to do one, third will be Dom and Jay. Need help getting in touch with RDs and
RAs, want to use them to talk to the student leaders on their floor. Kristen will send out a draft
email to send to the RDs.
Ezra-- Nyland
Kevin-- Wilson
Connor-- Chase

GCSA Forum Agenda

21 October 2014
Jamie-- Evans
Evan-- Lewis
Kuo-- Ferrin
Nathanael-- Road Halls
Chelsea-- Bromley
Kristen-- Michael Curtis
We need RSVPs. Basing it on the LEAD conference list.
iii. Parking on Campus
Parking is a big issue lately, there are more cars than ever.
Henry: We need something drastic and we cannot afford to build a new parking
lot. I think the most plausible to have Freshman and Sophomores have to park in
Woodland. Maybe we can cut cost for Sophomores or set up a Woodland shuttle.
Kevin: We could raise price of on campus parking and lower cost for Woodland.
Less people took the woodland incentive last semester.
Ezra: Could we distribute parking based on where you live?
Rosie: Are they selling more spots on campus? They count woodland in the on
campus parking.
Henry: We could establish a lottery system for on campus spots like the
apartment lottery with a point system (ie. more points for upperclassmen ect.)
Kristen: We need to keep student teachers and practicum people in mind
because they have the hardest time. Commuter parking habits.
Rosies going to look into the lottery (look into apartment lottery)
Steve: Could we give an incentive to turn in all campus parking for woodland
Nathanael: We need to commit. Cant incentivize unsuccessfully then just take it
Rosie: can we fuse both options? We could make lotteries specific and make
proportional representation for parking passes.
Can we implement lottery in January?
Henry: We could guarantee spots to upperclassmen and then lottery off spots to
Ryans going to get in touch about who has cars and who needs spots.
Kristen: We need to make sure that spots are not wasted. Faculty were
complaining about how they have no spots--want Ferrin spots.
Abel: There is already an incentive plan that is not working. We need strict
guidelines, not unnecessary lotteries.
Rachel O: We need to take consideration to the use of cars.
Lets invite the campus two forums from now, have more solidified plans next
iv. GE Day Table Report
VIII. Representative Initiatives

GCSA Forum Agenda

21 October 2014
We need to spend all of the money by the end of the year or we lose it so we
should probably be at a quarter of spending. We want to spend it on activities for
students more than capital expenses.
i.Office Carpet
Option 1 (7)
Option 2 (8)
Option 3 (2)
Option 4 (0)
Option 5 (0)
IX. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
X. Announcements
Corn maze this sunday. Drivers: Chelsea, Henry,
Want you to come up with a formal attendance policy.
The Cube - Follow up to LEAD this week, Chelsea, Kevin, and Emily representing
XI. Adjourn

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