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Min Wang

DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Creation of 10 Qualified Dublin Core Records

Using a supplied Data Dictionary as an example, develop a Data Dictionary for your collection of
records from the exercise.
Expand/improve the 10 resources described in the exercise to Qualified Dublin Core.
Discuss the differences between the records created with Simple vs. Qualified Dublin Core
Discuss any challenges faced in creating the records. How does the QDC improve the data? What is still
Resource 1:
Title: Original Allegheny Observatory
Subject: Pittsburgh (Pa.); Observatories--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.; Allegheny Observatory
(Pittsburgh, Pa.) (AAT)
Subject.Alternative: Allegheny Observatory
Subject Spatial: Observatory Hill (TGN)
Subject Temporal: 1886-1922
Creator: Tea, George W
Date: 1886
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh
Description: A photograph of the Original Allegheny Observatory. In this photograph, the
original observatory was a house with an eight-inch telescope mounted on its rooftop in
downtown Allegheny.
Identifier: House with an eight-inch telescope
Type: still image
Format.Medium: prints, negatives, glass plates
Rights: University of Pittsburgh, ULS Archives Service Center, 7500 Thomas Boulevard,
Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, tele: 412-648-3232, email:
Relation: IsPartOf: A related resource in which that is included Allegheny Observatory
Records Collection UA.5.1 in 1886-1922: Series XVI, Subseries1, Box1, and Folder1
Source: Allegheny Observatory Records, 1850-1977

Min Wang

DC Assignment

LIS 2407

I constructed the Identifier using the information provided, OrigAlleghenyObserv1886. What

is the usual or common method of selecting or creating a unique identifier? Is it acceptable to
use the URL, for URLs may change or become broken, for this example:
Ive reviewed this many times and each time I discovered an element could be added or
needed modified. And I found some additional background information by doing a historical
search about the Allegheny Observatory. The process is seemingly straight-forward, but it
requires a development of a feel for the process. After revisiting this so many times, I think
Ive finally got all of the elements and modifiers.
Simplified vs. QDC
Subject and Subject.Alternative, first being ATT controlled vocabulary and locally created
subject assisting the discovery of Allegheny Observatory. Format.Medium (QDC) to identify the
medium, being prints, negative, and glass plates, I believe the QCD medium is a more accurate
description of format.

Resource 2
Title: Allegheny Observatory Construction
Subject: Astronomical observatories--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.; Construction--Pennsylvania-Pittsburgh.; Allegheny Observatory (Pittsburgh, Pa.) (AAT)
Subject.Alternative: Allegheny Observatory History (LCSH)
Subject Spatial: Observatory Hill (TGN)
Subject Temporal: 1886-1922
Creator: Thorn, R.R.M.
Date.Created: 1900-07-17 (W3CDTF)
Description: Photograph of the second Allegheny Observatory construction on July 17, 1900,
photographer R.R.M. Thorn. The new observatory construction is on a hill overlooking
Perrysville Avenue and the Federal Street extension. The hill later became called Observatory
Hill, and between 1890 and 1908, also became the campus of the Western University of

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Pennsylvania, not the University of Pittsburgh. However there on the photograph itself, there is a
date inscription July 28, 1900.
Identifier: Observatory Hill
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh
Type: still image
Format.Medium: prints, negatives, glass plates
Rights: University of Pittsburgh, ULS Archives Service Center, 7500 Thomas Boulevard,
Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, tele: 412-648-3232, email:
Relation: IsPartOf: A related resource in which that is included Allegheny Observatory
Records Collection UA.5.1 in 1886-1922: Series XVI, Subseries1, Box1a, and Folder1
Source: Allegheny Observatory Records, 1850-1977
I couldnt decide on whether or not this required an alternative subject heading, but I ultimately
decided the alternative subject heading would assist users who might be interested/researching
the history of the Allegheny Observatory. After the initial work on the first subject, this
particular still image was much easier.
How should one handle a situation such as this -- on the photograph itself, there is a date
inscription July 28, 1900, and the finding aid lists a date of July 17, 1900?
Simplified vs. QDC
Again I believe the QDC provide another search/access point for those who are research the
history of the observatory. Again, I believe the QCD medium is a more accurate description of

Resource 3
Title: Observatory Grounds
Subject: Pittsburgh (Pa.); Astronomical Observatories--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.; Allegheny
Observatory (Pittsburgh, Pa.) (AAT)
Subject.Alternative: Allegheny Observatory on Observatory Hill
Subject Spatial: Observatory Hill (TGN)
Subject Temporal: 1886-1922
Creator: Jordan, Frank

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Date: 1924-03-03 (W3CDTF)

Description: In this photograph the new Allegheny Observatory has three observatory domes
housing three telescopes on Observatory Hill with steps and walking trail leading up to the
observatory. Photographer and exact date of photograph is not known.
Identifier: Observatory Hill Grounds
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh
Type: still image
Format.Medium: prints, negatives, glass plates
Rights: University of Pittsburgh, ULS Archives Service Center, 7500 Thomas Boulevard,
Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, tele: 412-648-3232, email:
Relation: IsPartOf: A related resource in which that is included Allegheny Observatory
Records Collection UA.5.1 in 1886-1922: Series XVI, Subseries1, Box2, and Folder14
Source: Allegheny Observatory Records, 1850-1977
The elements Creator and Date are left blank because no information is listed in the search aid.
Simplified vs. QDC
I believe the QDC Subject.Alternative provides another access point for users/researchers to
identify the observatory. Again, I believe the QCD medium is a more accurate description of

Resource 4
Title: Pitt: the story of the University of Pittsburgh, 1787-1987
Subject: University of Pittsburgh History (LCSH)
Creator: Alberts, Robert C.
Date.Issued: 2006 (W3CDTF)
Coverage. Temporal: 1787-1987 (W3CDTF)
Language: eng (ISO-639-2)
Description: The University of Pittsburgh was originally named the Pittsburgh Academy.
Pittsburgh Academy began in a log cabin on the American frontier. Hugh Henry Brackenridge
the founder of what is now called University of Pittsburgh, wrote a petition to the Pennsylvanias

Min Wang

DC Assignment

LIS 2407

state assembly to charter an academy of learning in Pittsburgh, in which he said, We all know
that the strength of a state greatly consists in the superior mental powers of the inhabitants.
Brackenridge was a young Philadelphia lawyer who left Philadelphia because, I saw no chance
for being anything in that city, there were such great men before me.
Identifier: 0-8229-1150-7
Relation.IsPartOf: Assorted University of Pittsburgh Publications
Type: Text
Format.Extent: p. 511
Format.IMT: text/html
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15260
Rights: Copyright 1986, University of Pittsburgh Press. All rights reserved.
Note: I didnt encounter much difficulty with this resource, however, I wonder if this is the
proper usage of the Relation.IsPartOf DCQ element. I removed this elements several times but
ultimately decided to reinsert it based upon the Collection: Assorted University of Pittsburgh
Publications statement. I believe based on this statement, it would be safe to establish a
relationship of this book to the overall, assorted University of Pittsburgh publications.
Simplified vs. QDC
I chose to use Date.Publication (instead of created) believing this representation of date removes
any ambiguity of the date. Coverage.Spatial, the time coverage of 1787-1987, time being a
spatial dimension. Relation.IsPartOf, to express this book one of many associated with the
collection of other books University of Pittsburgh Press.

Resource 5
Title: The Red Moon
Subject: Performing Arts (AAT)
Creator: Edmudson, Walter B.
Date.Temporal: 1926-05 (W3CDTF)
Language: eng (ISO-639-2)
Description: The Red Moon is a musical comedy presented by the Cap & Gown Club of the
University of Pittsburgh, performance at the Nixon Theatre, Pittsburgh. It was the nineteenth
annual production and was staged under the direction of Walter B. Edmundson; dances

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

originated and staged by Eliza M. Schnabel; Orchestra and Glee Chorus under the direction of
Gus A. Schnabel, and Technical Director Dr. Earl J. Cox. The action takes place in KoohKooh, the capital of the Balkan Kingdom of Monomania.
Identifier: The Red Moon Monomania
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh
Rights: University of Pittsburgh
Type: Text
Format.Medium: PDF
Note: I did not have much trouble with this resource. It appear straight-forward to me, however,
I am always nervous when I believe it is straight-forward. I hope this is the proper usage of
the DCQ Format.Medium being a PDF. Also the Date.Temporal being May 1926, initially I
used the date 1926-05-5-8, but then I debated this is the performance dates, whereas the 1926-05
in which I believe to the publication of the playbill. I also debated whether or not I should
include the Cap and Gown Club Record, 1908-1978 Coverage.Spatial: 1908-1978 (W3CDFT).
I did not believing this is pertinent to the collection and not pertinent to this particular playbill.
Simplified vs. QDC
I chose Date.Temporal, to express this playbill is of May 1926 date. Format.Medium (carrier?)
is a .pdf file format. Would this be a more accurate description if I said Format.Medium
digital? However, if I download this image, it will be saved as a PDF.

Resource 6
Title: Ken Kobus Photograph Collection
Title.Alternative: Pictorial History of the Railroad & Steel Mills, Pennsylvania to Illinois
Subject: Railroad & Steel Mills (AAT)
Creator: Kobus, Ken
Contributor: Tomasicchio, John
Date.Issued: 2009-07 (W3CDTF)
Coverage.Temporal: ca 1980-1990s (W3CDTF)
Type: Still Image
Format.Medium: Prints, Negatives, VHS videos, Compact Discs (CDs)

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Format.Extent: 5.0 linear feet (33 boxes)

Description.Abstract: Ken Kobus is a retired engineer, who worked 40 years for the LTV Steel
Corporation. His collection is a photographic history of the railroad and steel industry during the
1980s to early 1990s, spanning from Pennsylvania to Illinois. The collection consisting of
photographic prints, negatives, VHS videos, and compact discs.
Identifier: Ken Kobus Collection
Rights: Permission of copyright must be obtained.
Publisher: ULS Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh Library System, 7500
Thomas Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, tele: 412-648-3232,
Note: I included John Tomasicchio as the Contributor because I believe he contributed toward
the availability of the digitized collection of the Ken Kobus Photograph Collection.
Simplified vs. QDC
Title.Alternative, I believe this provides an additional descriptive title assisting searchers
regarding this collection. Date.Publish, representing the digital collections date the collection
was made available to be retrieved. Format.Medium and Format.Extent allowed for the
conveyance of physical forms of the resource, and the Extent or degree in term of length of

Resource 7
Title: An Interview with Jane Greenberg
Subject: Metadata (AAT)
Subject.Alternative: Data, Information and Associated Concepts
Creator: UNC Chapel Hill
Date.Temporal: 2007-06-29 (W3CDTF)
Date.Created: 2007-10-12 (W3CDTF)
Description: Professor Greenberg of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill discusses the
importance of metadata and classification for information access. Metadata standards such as the
Dublin Core define the way information resources are described and encoding in XML.
Identifier: JaneGreenbergChapelHill
Right: Public Domain

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Type: moving image

Format.Medium: mp4
Format.Extent: 00:24:31 (ISO 8601)
Format.Extent: 88.5 mb
Source: YouTube
Note: I didnt find neither any reference to who is the interviewer nor any other reference as to
who created this video, but based on the beginning intro in which UNC Chapel Hill, School of
Information and Library Science is prominently displayed, I chose UNC Chapel Hill as the
Creator of this resource.
I also make the decision to ascribe Public Domain under the Right element simply because it
is freely available and downloadable from YouTube, and I did not find any statement such as
All rights are reserved or any other such statement. Thus, I made the decision to assigned
public domain for this resource.
Simplified vs. QDC
This is a good example usage of the QDC refinements such as,

Subject.Alternative, provide an alternative subject for data, information associated


Date.Temporal, the date of the interview.

Date.Created, the video upload date onto YouTube.

Format.Medium, being moving image, .Extent being the length of (play time), .Extent being file
Resource 8
Title: Amazing Grace
Subject: Slavery & Abolition (AAT)
Subject.Alternative: Slavery & Redemption
Creator: Spielberg, Steven, 1946- (VIAF)
Contributor: Apted, Michael, 1941- (VIAF)
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Date.Created: 2007 (W3CDTF)

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Description: The idealist William Wilberforce a son of a wealthy merchant spurred on by his
Christian conviction fought to abolish the slave trade and waged an eighteen year campaign to
ban slavery in the British House of Common. In 1807 the slave trade was finally abolished, but
it was not until 1833 that an act was passed giving freedom to all slaves in the British Empire.
Wilberforce retired from politics in 1825 and died on 29 July 1833, shortly after the act to free
slaves in the British Empire.
Identifier: Slavery and Redemption
Type: Moving Image
Format.Medium: DVD
Format.Extent: 01:58:00 (ISO 8601)
Right: Copyright 2006 Bristol Bay Productions LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment P.O. Box 900, Beverly Hills, California 902130900.
Note: I dont really have anything to say about this resource, believing the elements were pretty
simple and direct without any ambiguities. I believed the Identifier element using the bar code (I
cant think of what is label is call at this moment) identification numbers would be inaccurate
because its sole purpose was for the retailer convenience of inventory and sales tracking and so I
created the identifier Slavery and Redemption. Sometimes cataloging really comes down to
cataloging experience and institutional/local preference doesnt it?
Simplified vs. QDC
This is a good example usage of the QDC refinements such as,

Subject.Alternative, providing an important underlying message of this story to the

subject heading.

Date.Created providing the refinement to distinguish between the copyright date and the
year in which this movie was made available in DVD format.

Format.Medium, the identification of the (carrier?) DVD

Format.Extent, the conveyance of the length of the movie, terms of time in ISO 8601

Resource 9

Min Wang

DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Title: The Experience of the Jewish Community

Subject: Politics (AAT)
Creator: NCJW Oral History Project
Contributor: Masloff, Sophie
Contributor: Sachs, Sylvia
Publisher: Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh
Date.Temporal: 1994-04-22 (W3CDTF)
Description: Sophie Masloff, first woman, Jewish woman, ascended to mayor in 1985 when
Mayor Richard S. Caliguiri died. In 1989, a very popular Sophie Masloff was elected a full
term. While in office, she cleaned up many Pittsburgh neighborhoods and witnessed
Pittsburghs transformation from a steel-making center to a corporate and service-oriented
Identifier: FirstWomanMayorPittsburgh
Rights: All rights reserved. University of Pittsburgh
Type: Audio
Format.Medium: mp4
Format.Extent: 03:00:00 (ISO 8601)
Note: I am quickly running out of steam and this is really a narrative from one particular
perspective. However, it does speaks to the ground breaking of Sophie Masloff lifetime of
achievements and accomplishments in which gender, race and ethnicity definitely limits fair
access and equal opportunity for the pursuit of individual goals. I hope this work is sufficient.
Simplified vs. QDC
The QDC element refinements are pretty much the same as the previous explanation in the
preceding resource description.

Resource 10
Title: Ricky Van Shelton, 16 Greatest Hits
Subject: Country & Folk
Creator: Van Shelton, Ricky (VIAF)
Date.Created: 1999 (W3CDTF)

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DC Assignment

LIS 2407

Description: Ricky Van Shelton 16 biggest hits: Somebody Lied, Life Turned Her That Way,
Dont We All Have the Right, Ill Leave this World Loving You, From a Jack to a King, Living
Proof, Ive Cried MY Last Tear for You, I Am a Simple Man, Keep it Between the Lines, Statue
of a Fool, I Meant Every Word He Said, Backroads, I Got a Hole In My Pocket, Lifes Little Ups
and Downs, Crime of Passion, Wild Man.
Identifier: Van Sheltons 16 Biggest Hits
Publisher: Columbia Records, 550 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, 10022-3211
Type: Audio
Format.Medium: CD
Format.Extent: 00:50:30 (ISO 8601)
Note: I approached this in much the same vein as the Amazing Grace description. However
throughout this assignment I couldve used the -- ISO-639-2 for the alpha-3 code en for
English but didnt do so believing this is an unnecessary element given this assignment is in
English. If we were in Europe or Asia, I would have done so.
Simplified vs. QDC
The QDC element refinements are pretty much the same as the previous explanation in the
preceding resource description.


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