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The Carey Foster bridge is an electrical circuit that can be used to measure very small
resistances. It works on the same principle as Wheatstones bridge, which consists of
four resistances, P, Q, R and S that are connected to each other as shown in the circuit
diagram in Figure 1. In this circuit, G is a galvanometer, E is a lead accumulator, and K1
and K are the galvanometer key and the battery key respectively. If the values of the
resistances are adjusted so that no current flows through the galvanometer, then if any
three of the resistances P, Q, R and S are known, the fourth unknown resistance can be
determined by using the relationship


Figure 1: Wheatstones bridge

You may be familiar with the post office box and the meter bridge, which also work on
the same principle as Wheatstones bridge. In the meter bridge, two of the resistors, R and
S, say, are replaced by a one meter length of resistance wire, with uniform cross-sectional
area fixed on a meter scale. Point D is an electrical contact that can be moved along the

wire, thus varying the magnitudes of resistances R and S. The Carey Foster bridge is a
modified form of the meter bridge in which the effective length of the wire is
considerably increased by connecting a resistance in series with each end of the wire.
This increases the accuracy of the bridge.
While performing this experiment you will balance the Carey Foster bridge by a null
deflection method using a galvanometer. You will first determine the resistance per unit
length of the material used for the bridge wire, and will then determine the value of an
unknown resistance.


Carey Foster bridge

two equal resistances of about 2 ohms each
thick copper strip
fractional resistance box
lead accumulator
unknown low resistance
one way key
connecting wires

resistance box

lead accumulator


bridge wire


Figure 2: Experimental setup for the Carey Foster bridge.

The aim of the experiment is to determine the resistance per unit length, of the Carey
Foster bridge wire and hence to find the resistance of a given wire of low resistance.
The experimental setup is shown in Figure 2, and a circuit diagram for the experiment is
shown in Figure 3. There are four gaps in this arrangement. The standard low resistances,
P and Q, of 2 each are connected in the inner gaps 2 and 3. The known resistance, i.e.,
the fractional resistance box X and the unknown resistance Y whose resistance is to be
determined are connected in the outer gaps 1 and 4, respectively. A one meter long
resistance wire EF of uniform area of cross section is soldered to the ends of two copper
strips. Since the wire has uniform cross-sectional area, the resistance per unit length is the
same along the wire. A galvanometer G is connected between terminal B and the jockey
D, which is a knife edge contact that can be moved along the meter wire EF and pressed
to make electrical contact with the wire. A lead accumulator with a key K in series is
connected between terminals A and C.

Figure 3: Circuit diagram for the Carey Foster bridge

The position of jockey D is adjusted to locate the position where there is no deflection of
the galvanometer when the jockey is pressed to make electrical contact with the wire; this
position is called the balance point or null point. The bridge has its highest sensitivity
when all four of the resistances, P, Q, X and Y, have similar magnitudes.
The four points A, B, C and D in Figure 3 exactly correspond to the points labeled A, B,
C and D in the circuit diagram of Wheatstones bridge in Figure 1, and thus the Carey
Foster Bridge effectively works like a Wheatstones bridge. If the balance point is located
at a distance l1 from E, then we can write the condition of balance as
( X + + l1 )
= =
Q S {Y + + (100 l1 ) }

where and are the end corrections at the left and right ends. These end corrections
include the resistances of the metal strips to which the wire is soldered, the contact
resistances between the wire and the strips, and they also allow for the non-coincidence
of the ends of the wire with the zero and one hundred division marks on the scale.
If the positions of X and Y are interchanged, i.e., X is put in gap 4 and Y in gap 1, and the
balance point is found at a distance l2 from E, then the balance condition becomes
(Y + + l 2 )
= =
Q S {X + + (100 l 2 ) }
Combining Equations 2 and 3, we obtain
( X + + l1 )
(Y + + l 2 )
{Y + + (100 l1 ) } {X + + (100 l 2 ) }
Adding 1 on both sides and simplifying,
( X + + Y + + 100 ) (Y + + X + + 100 )
{Y + + (100 l1 ) } { X + + (100 l2 ) }
Since the numerators are equal, we can write
Y + + (100 l1 ) = X + + (100 l 2 ) ,
X Y = (l 2 l1 ) ,
Y = X (l 2 l1 )
This relation shows that the difference between the known and unknown resistance is
equal to the resistance of the bridge wire between the two balance points. Once we know
l1, l2, and X, the unknown resistance Y can be determined. Clearly balance points will
only be possible if the difference between the resistances, X Y, is less than the total
resistance of the one meter wire, (100 cm) .
If Y = 0, then Equation (7) leads to
l 2 l1
Thus if Y is effectively a short circuit, then we can determine the resistance per unit
length from knowledge of X and the measured values of l1 and l2.

Learning Outcomes
After studying the preparatory material, performing the experiments and working out the
results, you should be able to
1. Describe a Carey Foster bridge circuit, and explain how it can be used to measure an
unknown resistance.
2. Explain some of the advantages and limitations of a Carey Foster bridge for
measuring resistance.
3. Distinguish between a Carey Foster bridge and a meter bridge.
4. Use a Carey Foster bridge to determine the resistance per unit length of the bridge
wire and to determine the value of an unknown resistance.
5. Explain the meaning of the terms in the glossary, and use them appropriately.

Pre-lab Assessment
Answer the following questions

What is Wheatstones bridge?

When is the Wheatstones bridge most sensitive?
Which other instruments based on the principle of Wheatstones bridge are used to
determine resistances?
Why is fractional resistance box used in this experiment?

The experiment is performed in two parts.
Part I Determination of resistance per unit length, , of the Carey Foster bridge
1. Make the circuit connections as shown in Figure 3. In this part of the experiment Y is
a copper strip that has negligible resistance and X is a fractional resistance box. You
need to (a) ensure that the wires and copper strip are clean and the terminals are
screwed down tightly, (b) remove any deposits from the battery terminals and (c)
close tightly all of the plugs in the resistance box; these precautions will minimize
any contact resistance between the terminals and the connecting wire.
2. Plug in the battery key so that a current flows through the bridge. Note that you
should remove the battery plug when you are not taking measurements so that the
battery does not become drained.
3. Press down the jockey so that the knife edge makes contact with the wire, and
observe the galvanometer deflection. Release the jockey.
4. Move the jockey to different positions along the wire and repeat step 3 at each place
until you locate the position of the null point, where there is no deflection of the
galvanometer. This point should be near the middle of the bridge wire. Take care that
the jockey is pressed down gently to avoid damaging the wire and distorting its cross
section, and do not move the jockey while it is in contact with the wire.
5. Note the balancing length, l1, in your laboratory notebook, using a table with the
layout shown in Table 1.
6. Reverse the connections to the terminals of the battery and record the balancing
length for reverse current in the table in your notebook. By averaging readings with
forward and reverse currents, you will be able to eliminate the effect of any thermo
7. Take out the plug from the fractional resistance box that inserts a resistance of 0.1 ,
and repeat steps 3 5.
8. Increase resistance X in steps of 0.1 and repeat steps 3 5 each time.

9. Interchange the copper strip and fractional resistance box, and repeat steps 3 5 for
the same set of resistances. The corresponding balancing lengths, measured from the
same end of the bridge wire, should be recorded as l2 in your data table.

Part II Determination of an unknown low resistance Y

1. Remove the copper strip and insert the unknown low resistance in one of the outer
gaps of the bridge.
2. Repeat the entire sequences of steps as described in the procedure for the first part of
the experiment. Record your measurements in your laboratory notebook. A suggested
format is shown in Table 2.

Table 1: Determination of for Carey Foster bridge wire


Position of balance point with copper strip in the

right gap, l1 / cm
left gap, l2 / cm
current current
current current

l2 l1
/ cm

= X / (l2 l1)

Table 2: Determination of an unknown low resistance using a Carey Foster bridge.



Position of balance point with unknown resistance in the

right gap, l1 / cm
left gap, l2 / cm
current current
current current

l2 l1
/ cm

Y = X ( l2 l1 )

1. Determine an average value for (l2 l1) for each value of X from each row of data in
your version of Table 1.

2. Then calculate values of for the bridge wire from these values of (l2 l1), using the
formula = X / (l2 l1).
3. Use these results to calculate a mean value of in SI units.
4. Use Equation (8) to calculate a value of the unknown resistance Y from each row of
data in your version of Table 2.
5. Then use these results to calculate a mean value of Y.

1. The resistance per unit length of the bridge wire = m-1.
2. The value of the unknown low resistance

Y = ..

Actual value (if known) = .

% error =.

Possible sources of error

The ends of connecting wires, thick copper strips and leads for the resistance box
may not be clean, so there may be an additional contact resistance at the connections.
The plugs of the fractional resistance box may be loose, again introducing
undesirable contact resistance.
The bridge wire may get heated up due to continuous passage of current for a long
time. This will change its resistance.
If the jockey is not pressed gently or if it is kept pressed on to the wire while being
shifted from one point to another, that may alter the cross sectional area of the wire
and make it non uniform.

Balance point (of a Carey Foster bridge): A point on the bridge wire that produces zero
deflection in the galvanometer when the jockey knife edge is in contact with it. Also
known as a null point.
Carey Foster Bridge: a bridge based on the principle of Wheat stones bridge that is
used to compare two nearly equal resistances and to determine values of low resistances
and the specific resistance of a wire. It differs from a meter bridge because additional
resistances of similar magnitudes are included at either end of the meter wire.
end correction (for a Carey Foster bridge): A small resistance that includes contributions
from the finite resistance of the fixed copper strips within a Carey Foster bridge, the
resistance at the junctions of the bridge wire with the copper strips and the effects of the
non coincidence of the ends of the wire with the zero and one hundred division marks on
the scale.

Fractional resistance box: A box containing a number of fixed small resistance coils
(0.1-1.0 or 0.01-0.1 ), so mounted that any number of these resistance coils can be
connected in series.
Galvanometer: An instrument used to detect current. In the Carey Foster bridge
experiments, a very sensitive galvanometer is used, with zero current corresponding to
the center of the scale.
jockey: A metal knife edge mounted in plastic handle that can move along the bridge
wire of a Carey Foster bridge and is used to locate the null point. Pressing on the jockey
makes a point contact with the bridge wire.
low resistance: A resistance in the range of 1-5 ohm.
meter bridge: The most commonly used form of the Wheatstones bridge. It includes a
uniform 1m long wire fixed on a wooden board, and it can be used for comparison of the
values of two similar resistances.
null point (of a Carey Foster bridge): A point on the bridge wire that produces zero
deflection in the galvanometer when the jockey knife edge is in contact with it. Also
known as a balance point.
post office box: A compact form of Wheatstones bridge in which two of the arms
contain resistances of 10, 100 or 1000 . A third arm contains resistances from 1-5000
, and an unknown resistance can be connected in the fourth arm. Tapping keys are
provided for connections to a galvanometer and battery.
resistance: The opposition offered to the flow of current by an object. If a current I flows
through an object when a potential difference V is connected across it, then the resistance
R is given by R = V/I. The SI unit of resistance is the ohm, .
specific resistance (of a wire): The resistance per unit length of the wire. In SI units, this
is measured in m-1.
Wheatstones bridge: A bridge circuit (depicted in Figure 1) that comprises four
resistances P, Q, R and S joined together to form a quadrilateral, with a battery connected
across terminals at two opposite corners of the quadrilateral and a galvanometer between
the other two corners. When the bridge is balanced (no current through the
galvanometer), then P/Q = R/S.

Post-lab Assessment
Answer the following questions

What is the advantage of measuring resistance by null method?

Why do you perform your experiment with direct as well as with reverse
What is the end correction?
Have you included The end correction in your calculation?
Can we measure very low resistance accurately by this method?
Is this method suitable for the measurement of very high resistance?
Can a copper wire be used as a bridge wire?

Answers to Pre-lab Assessment


Wheatstones bridge is an arrangement of four resistances P, Q, R and S connected

in the form of a bridge such that the bridge is balanced when the product of the
resistances in the opposite arms is same.
The bridge is most sensitive when the resistances of the four arms are nearly equal
and are comparable to the galvanometer resistance.
Two most common lab instruments based on the principle of Wheatstones bridge
are Meter Bridge and post office box.
When the resistances in the outer gaps are interchanged, the shifting of the null
point should be on the bridge wire itself. The resistance introduced should be less
than the resistance of the bridge wire which is very small. Therefore, in order to
have a sufficient number of observations, a fractional resistance box is used.

Answers to Post-lab Assessment




Null method means zero current through the galvanometer. So the calibration of the
galvanometer does not come into play.
To eliminate the effect of current due to thermo e.m.f.
This is due to the finite resistance of the copper strips fixed within the Carey
Fosters bridge, the resistance at the junctions of the wires with the copper strips
and the non coincidence of the ends of the wire with the zero and hundred division
marks on the scale.
The error due to end correction do not appear in this method of measurement since
the difference of the lengths between the null points is involved.
No, because thermoelectric voltages developed at the junctions of dissimilar metals
may cause problems when low resistances are measured. The resistances of leads
and contacts external to the bridge circuit may also affect measurements of very
low resistances.
No, since copper has a low specific resistance and a high temperature coefficient.
Very high resistances cannot be measured very accurately with a standard
Wheatstone bridge due to leakage of currents. That is current leakage in the
electrical insulation may be comparable to the current in the branches of the bridge
circuit when high resistances are measured. The sensitivity of the bridge to balance
is also reduced for high resistances.

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