Literacy Memoir Reflection

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Literacy Memoir Reflection

The literacy memoir assignment was interesting for me because it allowed me to look
back at learning Russian and how it impacted me. Prior to the literacy memoir assignment I had
never really thought about how much learning Russian affected me and my life after; the literacy
memoir assignment was illuminating in that sense. In addition to gaining insight, the literacy
memoir assignment also helped me to learn how to write better sentences and punctuate
correctly. This writing assignment was the first time that I have written an academic paper since
I was in high school, which feels like forever ago. For me, the literacy memoir assignment was
an easy transition back to academic writing and was very beneficial.
The revising process for the literacy memoir assignment was well devised and invaluable
to the learning process. My peers reviewed my paper and used their knowledge to provide
feedback in the form of comments. Following this I revised my paper and submitted it to my
teacher who then provided feedback as well. Between my peer and teacher revisions, I gained a
wealth of knowledge that was instrumental in my ability to revise the paper to a high standard.
Without such an extensive revision process, I would have never been able to write my literacy
memoir to the fine state that it is currently in.

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