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French Revolution

For Dummies
By: Hip Hughes
Presentation By: (Genesis Morales)
What are the five causes of the Revolution?
After you state the reason give information about this issue.

Absolute Monarchy
Evidence/Proof/Information about Reason
King Louie the 16th and Marie Antoinette.
No consent of the governed or social contract

Estate System/ Social Inequality

Broken up to three estates
first estate- clergy
second estate- nobles
third estate- everyone else; few rights
Difference of privileges

Economic Injustice

First and second estate dont pay taxes

Third estate pays all the taxes
Food shortages
French is wasting all the money(war)
No trust in the government, in debt

The Enlightenment
Logic and reason instead of the words of the church
Locke-social contract and natural rights.
Montesquieu-checks and balances; separation of
Rousseau-consent of the governed

Other Revolutions
Glorious Revolution (Britain)
Magna Carta
Bill of Rights
American Revolution
Declaration of Independence
NO protection of rights
Overthrew the most powerful army (Britain)

Stage 1-Forming of the National Assembly

the top two estates never did anything for the third
they werent represented correctly
Tennis Court Oath and the storming of the Bastille

Stage 2- The Great fear

The poor couldnt afford anything

The poor attacked nobles for revenge
The upper estates are in fear of the third estate
The French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
Loved the idea of absolute monarchy
Europe goes to war with the National Assembly

Stage 3 - Reign of Terror

1792 radicals took control of the National Assembly
Maximilien Robespierre butchers the heads of the
Robespierre ends up becoming a victim of his own reign
of terror
Beheaded anybody he believed was wrong.
No government order
Napoleon ends the reign of terror

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