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Inquiry Project Reflection

My group did our inquiry project on commas and semicolons. Both commas and
semicolons have plagued me since I first started writing. The seemingly limitless number of rules
that may or may not apply to commas and semicolons have always confounded me. This inquiry
project was extremely useful for me because it gave me a much better understanding of how to
punctuate correctly with commas and semicolons.
If I had to do the inquiry project again, there would not be much that I would change. The
biggest change that I would make would be in regards to the organization and layout of the
slides. I would like to see the slides that give examples of commas and semicolons, and how to
use them, be organized in a more streamlined manner to illustrate the examples more effectively.
In addition to changing those slides, I would also produce a more fluid and solid conclusion. The
conclusion for the inquiry project was not very well planned out and most definitely could have
been better. Other than those changes, there would not be anything else that I would do
differently. I am quite happy with how the project turned out, and I thought the activity was
excellent as well.

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