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Conservation of energy in the pendulum

Centrifugal force

Inertia involves an actual kinetic pressure, and in the

case of an object moving in a straight line at constant
speed, the kinetic pressure will be equal all around the
object. Since the inertia of a moving object is also a
measure of its kinetic energy, it would seem therefore
that kinetic energy is actually a pressure.

This effect is an advantage when

scientists study a phenomena with
realtive weightlessness

Linear momentum
Linear Momentum: equal to the product of the mass and the velocity of
the center of mass have the units^-1

conservation of Linear Momentum: If the the net external froces on a

system are zero, then the total linear momentum of the system remains
the same.
Impulse: produced by a forc ave the units N.s and to calculate it is
necessary to follow the next formula:
impulse is a vector quantity and also the momentum, greater fore or
greater time of action is associated with more impulse applied.
isolated system : masses in which external forces dont act.

isolated system : masses in which external forces dont

Inestic colission in an isolated system if it initial kinetic
energy is is tranformed into heat so yhe first is not
equalto the kinetic energy at the end.
Elastic collision occurs in an isolated system happens wen
the kinetic energy is conservated equal

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