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Name: ________________________________________________________________

Schedule: ____:____ Bim: ____

Module : ENGB-3

Unit 11
Writing Assignment

Body and Health

A. List all the ailments and symptoms that start with the letter...

1 . A____________________ 3. C____________________ 5. E____________________ 7. G____________________

2. S ____________________ 4. D ____________________ 6. F ____________________ 8. M____________________

B. Write one conversation about someone's accident.











C. Write and e-mail to your doctor explaining what your symptoms are.

D. Describe some home-made remedies for different illnesses.


1 . You should ___________________.

1 . You should ___________________.

2. You shouldn't _________________.

2. You shouldn't _________________.



1 . You should ___________________.

1 . You should ___________________.

2. You shouldn't _________________.

2. You shouldn't _________________.

Centro Boliviano Americano 201 2


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