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TO: [All Customer Service Employees]

CC: [Other necessary people]

Subject: Customer complaints
Customer Service Employees,
I am writing this letter to remind you all of our policy as it pertains to customers. Our policy is
to treat all customers with respect and dignity. You should answer their questions to the best of
your knowledge. You should refrain from insulting or saying things that the customer portrays
as negative. If you encounter a customer with a bad question put a smile on your face and
answer it. Your noncompliance to this policy will result in disciplinary actions.
Customers are important because they buy our products and services. We want them to return
and buy more of our products and services. We accomplish this by giving them the best
experience. Customers should leave feeling that we are a reliable company.
You all have worked hard and contributed to our success this quarter by providing outstanding
customer support. We have had success retaining the majority of our customers. With you, we
can continue having this success.
I am available in my office to answer any question or concerns you might have.
Thank you for all of your hard work,
Eric Levi Minson

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