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Vocabulary – Phrasal Verb (You need to know the meaning too )

A. Complete the four sentences, using each phrasal verb twice in a suitable form. (Book Page 21 Exercise 1)
( give away give up )
1. ‘Guess how old I am.’ ‘I give up. You’ll have to tell me.’
2. They are giving away a free CD with next month’s magazine.
3. He tried to disguise himself, but I knew it was him. His voice gave him away.
4. He handed his gun to the police officer and gave himself up.
( work out work up )
5. I can’t work out how to start this medicine.
6. She has working herself up into a terrible state about the exam next week.
7. All this physical works makes you work up an appetite.
8. I keep fit by working out regularly at the gym.
( put down put up )
9. Stay with us. We can easily put you up for the night.
10. Let me put that date down in my diary or I’ll forget it.
11. The shop has just put up all its prices. I’m not going back.
12. He has a way of always putting me down, and I feel so foolish.
( get on with get up to )
13. The kids are very quiet. I wonder what they getting up to ?
14. What page did we get up to in the last lesson ?
15. How do you get on with your husband’s family ?
16. How did you all get on with last night’s homework ?
( go down with go in for )
17. I can’t understand why people going in for a career in politics.
18. I keep sneezing. I think I am going down with a cold.
19. Her last novel went down badly with the critics.
20. Our family goes in for big celebrations at Christmas.

B. Complete the sentences with a verb and a particles. (Book Page 21 Exercise 3)
(There have two boxes, you need to know the meaning too)

1. My daughter spends the whole day lying around in front of the telly.
2. Keep away from me. I’ve got a cold.
3. You told the teacher I cheated! I’ll get you back for that! Just wait!
4. My tooth started hurting as the effects of the painkiller wore off.
5. We’re off! Hold on tight!
6. Go over your homework carefully before you hand it in.
7. The students were very quiet, working away on their computers.
8. My son’s a total mystery to me. I can’t get through to him at all.
9. You didn’t believe what he said, did you? He made the whole thing up.
10. Have you settled into your new flat yet?
C. Book Page 21 Exercise 2 – Only know the different meaning.
Book Page 20
A. Answer the questions on part three.
1. How does Iris and John’s relationship ‘make sense of what marriage is for?
It is touching, fresh and young. They are at ease with each other. The journalist is saying that this level of
comfort and support is result of a long and happy marriage.
2. How does John explain the fact that they never had children? Does he feel bitter about it?
He says that Iris has never been interested in being a mum, and says that is typical of great women writers.
He doesn’t seen bitter.
3. What is John’s final note of optimism?
He quotes the doctors as saying that the brain can finds its way round a block after a while.

B. Answer the questions on the whole article.

1. In what ways do the house and its occupants reflect each other?
Like its occupants, the house is disorganized, full of books (intellectual), homely, eccentric, and dark. (like
Iris’s mind)
2. What instances are there that show he is proud of his wife’s talent?
(part2)He talks of her philosophical mind and the way she worked everything out in advance in meticulous
detail when writing novel. (part3) He compared her to great women novelists such as Jane Austen and
George Eliot.
3. In what ways does he show his love for his wife?
He is cheerful and jokey with her, making silly jokes such as the pun on pour, encourages her to see her
problems as temporary, and praises her talent. He is being very supportive because actually she is quite
depressed. He seems to do all the jobs about the house, opening the door, making the coffee, and generally
looking after her. His optimism is also a sign that he loves her so much that he is afraid of losing her.
4. Which adjectives would you use for John and which for Iris? Which describe both?
John: loving, supportive, cheerful, encouraging, considerate
Iris: distracted, bewildered, dispirited
Both: gentle, unconventional, loveable, childlike

C. Match the words and definitions

1. to whisk sb (away) = to take sb somewhere quickly
2. rumour (n) = information that is possibly not true
3. prolific (adj) = very productive
4. gloomy (adj) = dark and sad
5. top notch (adj) = high quality
6. crafty (adj) = clever in an indirect way
7. to beckon sb = to gesture to sb to come here
8. unsteady (adj) = likely to fall
9. to scrabble = to feel about roughly with the fingers
10. to paw = to use your hands like an animal
Book Page 18
A. Read part one of the article and answer the questions.
1. How is Joanna greeted when she arrives?
By a sign telling her to “knock vigorously” and by John Bayley’s cheery face at the window.
2. What impression do you get of John and Iris’s house? Choose three key words from the text to describe
Chaotic, eccentric, dark
3. What are your first impressions of John and Iris? Likeable or unlikeable? Why?
- Likeable. They are friendly in a cherry, eccentric way.
4. What images do the words in italics convey? Use your dictionaries.
a. … the cheery face of Professor John Bayley appears at the window, chewing baked beans …
b. … heaving carrier bags, spilling their paper guts across the floor …
c. … Iris Murdoch spirals gracefully into the room …
d. … an abandoned glass of red wine tucked away under each armchair …

a. cheery: lively, cheerful, friendly. The journalist sees this big, smiling face of a friendly old man, his jaw
moving up and down with a mouthful of baked beans.
b. heaving: so full they are about to burst if somebody cuts you open, you spill your guts. In another words,
your intestines falls out.
c. spirals: she goes around in a circular motion. Rather than just walking into the room, Iris entres quickly,
perhaps going around in a circle as she does so, like a ballet dancer.
d. abandoned: left alone because of being unwanted or unsuccessful.
tucked: hidden (sth hidden at the bottom of a drawer to keep it safe )

B. Read part two and answer the questions.

1. Why has Joanna requested the interview with Iris?
It is because there are rumours she has given up writing.
2. Why is Joanna worried?
It is because Iris may think she is rude if she asks he why she has stopped writing.
3. Both John and Iris try to explain her difficulty with writing. How do their explanations differ? Who is the
most optimistic?
John = as writing’s block sth. that has happened before, and he seems optimistic that it will pass. His
explanation is practical, but also wishful thinking.
Iris = she tried to explain the mental process that she is experienced and says she is in a bad, quite place.
She feels gloomy, and has the impression that she’s feeling. She tries hard to be optimistic but is not as
convinced as John that she will get better.
4. How did Iris approach her writing in the past?
Having a philosophical mind, she worked out the whole novel in advance in careful detail.
5. In what ways does she show that she feels confused?
She doesn’t finish sentence. She says things in an absent way. She described what she is experienced in
terms of darkness and falling.

1. vigorously: strong, active or energetic.

2. Whisks: to move sth / sb very quickly

3. Chaotic: completely disorganized

4. Eccentric: unusual

5. Heaving: full of sb / sth

6. Guts: destroy the inside of a building, room etc

7. Impenetrable: cannot be entered, passed or seen

8. Spirals: to move in continuous circles, going through upwards or downwards

9. Abandoned: left and no longer wanted, used or needed

10. Tucked away: store or hide sth

11. For good: permanently

12. Prolific: producing many works of a writer, an artist etc

13. Reassuringly: making you feel less worried

14. Flatly: in a dull way with very little interest or emotion

15. Meticulous: very attentive to sth

16. Utterly: completely

17. Top notch: excellent

18. Beckon: to summon with a gesture of the hand or head

19. Crafty: be skillful in deception.

20. Gloomy: sad and without hope

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