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Just last night, a negro by the

name of Tom Robinson was given a
guilty verdict for the rape of
Mayella Ewell. According to
Mayella, she asked Tom for help
with busting up a chiffarobe for
a nickel on November 21st. When
she went inside her house to get
the money, Tom ran up to her and
began to choke her. In selfdefense, Mayella screamed and
fought, but Tom overpowered her. She then remembers her father,
Robert Bob E Lee Ewell, standing over her and yelling,Who
done it? Who done it? Then she fainted and woke up to Mr.
Tate, the sheriff, leading her to the water bucket. Mr. Tate
testified that before this that he was exiting his office when
Mr. Ewell came in and said a nigger had raped his girl. Mr.
Tate arrived at the Ewell house and found Mayella lying on the
floor, badly beaten. Mr. Tate asked who did this and Mayella
responded with a name: Tom Robinson. The sheriff also asked if
Tom beat her and took advantage of her; Mayella responded with
yes. Mr. Ewell confirmed all the info in his
Testimony. Atticus Finch was the defending attorney for Tom
Robinson. In his cross-examination, Mr. Finch noted that Mayella
was beaten on the right side of her face. He reasoned that
someone had to use their left hand to harm that side of her
face. He also observed that Mayella was strangled, something
normally done with two hands. Mr. Finch explained that Tom
Robinson had gotten his left arm caught in a cotton gin,
therefore rendering it useless. He concluded that it would be
difficult, if not impossible for Tom to beat and strangle
Mayella. However, Mr. Gilmer, the prosecutor, presumed that Tom
was strong enough to hurt Mayella with one hand. In his ending
statement, Mr. Finch also pointed out that no one had gone for a
doctor for Mayella after seeing her. Therefore, there was no
medical evidence stating that Mayella was in fact raped. After
the trial, the jury was out for three hours, from eight to
eleven. This was because of a Cunningham insisting for an
outright acquittal. In the end, the jury agreed unanimously
that Tom was guilty.


Last night, walking home from the
halloween pageant turned disastrous for
Jean Louise Finch and her brother,
Jeremy Finch. Yesterday, Robert E Lee
Ewell attempted to murder the two
children with a knife. Fortunately, he
was unsuccessful in murdering them, but
he did break Jeremys arm and dealt a
slash to Jean. Afterwards, he fell
onto his own knife, which ended his
life. Continue reading for a more indepth explanation.
Jean Louise Scout Finch and Jeremy Jem Finch were both
on their way home on a Halloween night. This was right after
the Halloween Pageant that Scout had played in. She was to be a
ham in the pageant Maycomb County: ad astra per aspera, which
was hosted by Ms. Merriweather. Scouts costume was a
cumbersome web of chicken wire that was covered in brown
The pageant itself was about the history of Maycomb and the
children were representing the agricultural products of
Maycomb. It started with a speech made by Ms. Merriweather
about the founding of Maycomb. Afterwards, Scout was supposed to
go on stage when called, but things did not go on
plan. Instead, Scout had fallen asleep. After she woke up, she
comically rushed on stage. Needlessly said, she got
Afterwards, she left the school with her brother. The tiny
eyeholes in her costume made it hard for her to see where she
was going. Consequently, her brother escorted her through the
night. According to Scout, she felt like she was being
followed. Expecting it to be Cecil Jacobs, a classmate of hers,
she yelled out,Cecil Jacobs is a big wet hen! to be answered
by a silent night. Suddenly she heard someone running towards
them. In an attempt to get away, Scout tripped over herself and
fell. She then heard scuffling and kicking. Because of her
small eyeholes, she couldnt tell who was fighting Jem. Jem
managed to get to her and pull her up. But before they got to
the road Jem was pulled back. Scout heard Jem scream as he got
his arm broken. Then Scout charged at the attacker and ended up
getting caught. The attacker slowly tried to squeeze the life
out of her, but then he tripped and fell on his own
knife. Scout and Jem managed to go back to their home and
contacted the authorities. After all this, they were told that
it was Bob Ewell that had died.

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