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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 08/05/14



Pedro Sosa
3.0 A Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Grade level(s):




I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication equation relating three whole numbers.
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the total number of objects in 5
groups of 7 objects each.


Given a set of multiplication problems on the board, students will solve any multiplication problem
interpreting the numbers in groups by orally stating the answer he or she has reached using marbles to
build the equation and finding the product.
DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: Knowledge & Comprehension
Language Demands: This demands for the English learners to know the math terms and their meaning.
This will allow them to comprehend the concept easier. It also requires them to comprehend prior terms
and common vocabulary that can relate to the mathematical word questions.

III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
The lesson that comes before this lesson would be work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for
multiplication. This would be something taught in second grade, but a quick review would help the
student understand the material better. The lesson that comes after this is the understanding of
properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Students will be given a jar of 100 marbles and plates so the marbles dont roll all over the place. They
will then demonstrate the different forms of coming up with 100, but they can only use multiplication.
For example, they can make 4 groups of 25, 2 groups of 50, 5 groups of 20, 10 groups of ten and etc.
They will then join a second table and there marble count will be 200. The combined groups will now
come up with arrays to create 200.
Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson, you will know and be able to model how to
find the missing whole number in a multiplication problem using marbles to build the equation
and finding the product. This will be proven by being able to complete the groupings of the
marbles and coming up with different groupings to make 100 & 200 and correctly showing the
Purpose: Students are learning this because it is a foundation for what they will learn in the future.
Multiplication is used throughout the multiple levels of math and a strong knowledge of multiplication
is needed. Students needed to know this in order to understand how much they will spend on things.

For example, students will be asked if they want to drive. They will all say yes and then the teacher can
ask them, if my car takes 15 gallons of gasoline and gas is $4.00 how much money will I spend to fill
my tank. Students will see that adding $3.45 fifteen times is tedious. They will then see that
multiplying will be faster and more convenient.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):
Step #1: Explain why multiplication is useful: Multiplication is important because not only will it
be used throughout your educational process, but it will also be used in all aspects of your daily
a. I will explain how multiplication is used in daily life and how I encountered multiplication
throughout my educational years.
a. I will show an example of buying multiple ice cream scoops when each is scoop is $2.00 and I
want to eat 5 scoops. I will also show them my work from my math 207 class I took that
demonstrates the usage of multiplication.
b. Student response: I will ask the students to explain to me how I would solve the issue of 5 scoops
of ice cream at $2.00. They will come up with either 2x5 or 5x2 and tell me it would cost $10.00. They
will work with their partners and will raise their hands when they have reached an answer.
Step #2: I will create a multiplication problem using the marbles from the motivational activity. I
will tell them that I have 6 groups of 5 marbles
a. I will tell them I want to know my total amount but in a way that is quick and not time
a. I will put 6 groups of 5 marbles in separate plates but I will tell the students that I dont want
to count one by one so I will do 6x5, but I will ask them if 5x6 is the same.
b. Student response: I will pick a student from the popsicle jar and he or she will explain to me why I
did 6x5 and if 5x6 is the same? I will also ask for the total amount of marbles I have. Students will
either agree with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Step #3: A 2nd multiplication problem will be created but this will be a world problem in which I
have 10 marbles but bobby has 4 times as many as I do. How many marbles does bobby have?
a. Once again, I do not want to count one by one and I want to solve this by using multiplication.
a. I will tell the students that I know I have 10 marbles and will write that on the board. I will
then ask them how many does bobby have and the answer will be 4 times as many. I will than
write 10x4. I will inform them that booby has 40 marbles. After this, I will ask them what if
bobby had 7 times as many marbles a I did
b. Student response: Students will work in alone and after 3 minutes I will ask them for the answer
they came up with. They should be able to correlate it to the problem I represented for them before.
The students will once again agree or disagree with their classmates by thumbs up or down.

Step #4: The Student comes up with their own multiplication problem any form is acceptable.
a. I will restate my problems of ice cream scoops and marbles.
a. I will write on the board the equations of 5X$2.00=$10.00, 6X5=30, & 10X4=40 and let them
see how my examples are multiplication problems and how the whole product was found
b. Student response: The students will write on a sheet of paper and share it with their partners once
they are finished. They will then present it to the rest of us and we will agree if it meets the
requirements of a multiplication problem.

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): I will write 5 multiplication problems on

the board. Students will work quietly and by themselves. I will check as the students are working if
comprehension and understanding of the material was achieved. Notes will be taken and the students
will turn in the problems for further evaluation from me.

D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: white board, dry erase markers, marbles, zip lock bags, plates,
paper, & pencils

V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods For Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):

Formative: Teacher will constantly ask for comprehension and understanding by choosing groups and
single students to share and discuss their answers and their understanding of what multiplication is. The
sheet with 5 multiplication problems will be collected and graded in order to see what the common
misconception and what the students already grasp.
Summative: Students will be given a two problem exit ticket and will have to demonstrate comprehension
of the lesson.
Instruction, Practice): How can we provide equal access for all students? (Accommodation)
How will you help struggling learners or differentiate (challenge) high achievers? (Modification)
Allowing adequate time for the students to solve the problems. If the student does not get how the problem
was solved and how then having different forms of explain it and not just having one. For the high
achievers, having more complex problems or numbers that have not been covered yet. For the struggling
learners, simpler problems so they understand the concept first and afterwards start getting into more
difficult numbers.

VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate): none

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