Magnetism Lab

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ay Sandra Lozens 1STA\ Jasmine Ramos apdic VIM 2:30-2:46 p Maagredtisw 10 - 1é- 12 | Promdvre = \. se Tey | a. AN . pal i tne cata can be Srown wi nis jv —_— Veccuscs opposes ottrarh = NJ Eyes oF Needs IN S) tg Shorper pat} of The Neo putea TW) @acly halt will Gteade AyYw | — ISON ond Spon 7 the {tow oS charges Ss HCOMCLUS (on: - Moanit have AN § Spolte — Not all oblects are manstic ; have to have eloctrdne ow oo Came direction jo be Wwe Ayes — Some mareriale an _bé juryed magnoyc for Shovt+ period iF yubbet Lwi& Magnet — Cac wagnt Nac 2 Skid ,notium furs Witt n\overent oF Hrs magnaplece. — can create acilf macle Compacs [by Twbbing a need wi « moqnct arco Ye co “Srow You ate “ypur ivy indra Lozano Points: S QUIZ: Experiment 18 Phy 300L Max Points: 5 Time: 4 minutes. 1. Every magnet has two ‘poles’. These are labeled © East and West Poles. © North-Bast and South-West: Poles. @ North and South Poles. © None of the above, 2. If the North Pole of a magnet is brought near the South Pole of another magnet, the two poles @ attract each other. O repel each other, © both point towards the Barth’s geographic North. O produce heat. 3. Which of the following meterials are you NOTT using today? © Digital Multimeter, © bar magnets O Magnaprobe. © Magnetic Demonstrator. 4. Is it possible to isolate the poles of magnets, that is, can a single North Pole (or South Pole) exist? O Yes. @ No. © Maybe. © Only in the Southern Hemisphere. 5. Magnetism is produced by O Domains. O bron. @ Electric currents. © Earth.

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