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Ph t + m chnh n + ph t Consonant-single vowel-consonant

bc paternal uncle, fathers older brotherct sand chnh principal dnh to save ginh fight over
s.t. t earth, dirt gt knot hc to study, learn khng no, not, null lng back mong look forward to nn
stop crying ng to look nghch playful nhch to inch phng background (picture) qunh overwhelmed rung to ring sng dew tng be broke thch to like trnh avoid vng stable xong finish,
b. Ph + nh hp t nhm II v III + ph t cui Consonant + dyad of group 2 and 3 + final
C-V (group II)-C: The onglide dyads are oa eo u u uy. These can take finals optionally. Initial
consonants compatible with dyads (See Table 8) will be expanded and modified with addition of the eight final
consonants: -c -ch -ng -nh -m -n -p and -t. Combinations with initial consonants, finals and tonal marks are
fairly limited:

but bus (from French autobus);

choc play drug (slang) chon occupied chot too young chuch choc out of order;
don to consent donh current of water dong astride (variant of ging) doanh quarters (lodging)
dunh cliff;
oc palm tree on group, team ong unskilled onh bang (gunshot) ot seize upon ung
ong insipid;
hoc widely hoch stroke, bar, line hon pill, round thing hong terrified honh crosswide hot
active, lively hoen stained hot glaringly huych too large hunh hoang showy (person) hun free
(time) huch thug (falling) hunh huch clumpsily (of walking) hut whistle;
khoc put on (overcoat) khon part of something khong mineral khonh plot (of land) khot scoop up
(water) khuynh to subvert khup close in;
loc choc incoherent lon chaos long dilute, watery (soup) loanh quanh move around lot series
loen lot to gape open (of wound) luch luxury; luxe (French) lunh qunh to show perturbation;
ngoc (open) widely ngoch to scribble off ngom to snap up ngoan ngon obedient (of child)
ngonh look away ngop to bubble, gape (variant of ngp) ngom to wolf down ngon ngon shameless
ngot awfully nguch ngoc carelessly (of handwriting) ngun origin, beginning, primary (variant of
nguyn) ngut to look askance at s.o.;
nhom piglike manner (of eating) nhong like lightning nhon about to grin nhot not in shape;
son prepare sot to check, inspect sut at a close shave (a variant of xut);
toc to crack, split ton all, entire toang widely (mi) toanh brand (new) tot to secrete tuch
completely tut rock-n-roll;
thoan to lay hold of thoang thong wafted s.t. thot escape;
xoc astride xom disheveled xonh xoch continuously, endlessly xon diamond xot xot tearing sound
(onomatopoeia) xoen xot to jabber xot flash xuch xoc shabby xunh xong plain dress xut to hush s.o. to

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