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LeNoir 1

Joseph LeNoir
Professor Lynn Raymond
22 October 2014
WP #7 Critiques
The two articles found both focused on the impact of engineering towards the world,
however each one took a different approach. The first article focused on the major changes in the
world that engineers make. This article was concerned about weather engineers are capable to
change developing or underdeveloped countries. Amadei claimed that, "Engineering schools in
the United States do not usually address the needs of the most destitute people on our planet,
many ofthem living in industrialized countries (including the United States)" (Amadei). A
several points, Amadei talked about the importance of developing engineers that are
solving these problems in the world. Amadei concluded that "engine
meet the basic needs of all humans for water, food, health ... " (Amadea). These are excellent
points and are major things for engineers to focus on. Presenting this in'fd'rmation may be
important to inspiring engineers and this information the article mentions are important points
for a successful engineer in the world. I believe that Amadei is somewhat right, engineers are
partly responsible for changing the world into a better future. However, we may not need to
mention these facts the article makes, but, the information may be appealing towards our
audience .

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LeNoir 2

The second article focused on the engineer's perspective of competing in a world that
requires improvement and change. In this article, the author, Joseph Bordogna, mentions the role
an engineer plays on the world, and the importance of this role. Bordogna mentions that:
To be successful and to promote prosperity, engineers must exhibit more than first-rate
technical and scientific skills. In an increasingly competitive world, they must help us
make good decisions about investing enormous amounts of time, money, and human
resources toward common ends. I like to think of the engineer as someone who not only
knows how to do things right, but also knows the right thing to do (Bordogna).
Other information in this article are about the work necessary for engineers and what behaviors
successful engineers must have. This article seems very helpful and the information is very
important. Like the last article, this article contains information that will be appealing towfu.ds an
audience of future engineers. However, this article may be easier to use becaus
should mention what a successful engineer is like. This article has this and expl
requirements of engineers.

LeNoir 3

Works Cited
Amadei, Bernard. "Engineering for the Developing World - Engineering Challenges."
Engineering for the Developing World - Engineering Challenges. NAE, 1 Jan. 2004.
Web. 22 Oct. 2014. <>.
Bordogna, Joseph. "Makin

onnections: The Role of Engineers and Engineering Education."

Culture</i>. NAE, 1 Jan. 1997. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

&It;http . Iwww.nae.eduiPublications/Bridge/EngineeringCulturelMakingConnectionsTh

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