Japan Intro

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United States



How did the US and Japan

get into a war with each
other and when did it


Japan wanted to make its empire

bigger and take over more land in the

I dont agree with Japan,

but the US has the good
neighbor policy. We will
not attack Japan.

of Japan

The US did not think how Japan was

gaining more land or territory was
right. Roosevelt said the US would no
longer sell oil to Japan.

Japan didnt like when President

Roosevelt banned the export (sending)
of oil to Japan. Hawaii was one of the
closest US targets, even though it
wasnt a state yet. It was bombed Dec.
7, 1941.

The United States now had no choice

but to enter the war in the Pacific.

The United States continued to fight

for 4 years in the Pacific (1941-1945).

The United States wanted to put an

immediate end to the war. They felt
that the only way to do this was to
drop an atomic bomb on Japan. (They
know different today.)

These are
caused by
the atom

The atom bomb explodes

over Hiroshima creating a
mushroom cloud.

An atomic bomb is a nuclear bomb that

destroys everything in its path. It also
causes radiation sickness (or leukemia)
to those who were close to the area.
Video Link

After the smoke had

cleared days after the
bomb was dropped.

A girl that
died 10
years after
the bomb
from the
atom bomb

Over 100,000 people died that day, and

many more from the atom bomb
disease that affected people many
years later.



Two years before the atom bomb was

dropped, Sadako Sasaki was born in
Hiroshima, Japan. She and her
immediate family survived the bomb,
but her grandmother, Oba chan, did

At 12 years old (1955), Sadako died

from the atom bomb disease. Before
she died, she attempted to fold 1000
paper cranes because she believed
they would help her to get well.

statue in

Atomic Dome in Hiroshima Peace

Park. This dome was close to the
place where the atom bomb was

Sadakos wish was for peace. There is

now a statue in Hiroshima Peace Park in
remembrance of her hope for peace
around the world.

The US also has a memorial to

remember peace. It is located at Pearl
Harbor in Hawaii. It is to help
remember the atrocities (really bad
things) of war.

Vice President Dick Cheney is

greeted Wednesday, Feb. 21,
2007, by Japan's Emperor
Akihito at the Imperial Palace
in Tokyo.

Today, Japan and the United States

are allies, or friends. Both countries
remember the horror that war can
bring to a country and its people.

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