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Personal Philosophy
Tyra L Anderson
Regent University


The purpose of this paper is to show how important education is and how teachers have an effect
on their students. There are many aspects that go into teaching. This paper covers how to be an
effective teacher, using different tools and strategies. Managing the classroom is one of the most
important concepts for a teacher to grasp. As a Christian there are certain principles that are
important and well. This paper will cover how to teach as a Christian in a public setting as well
as private.

Personal Philosophy of Education
As a future educator I believe that education is one of the most important periods of a
child's life. As a teacher it is my role to assist students in gaining the knowledge and skills that

they will require on their daily lives. I reflect upon the scripture Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child
in the way that he should go; and when he is old her will not depart from it" As a Christian it is
my duty to demonstrate respect, honesty and responsibility to my students as well as other staff.
It is important that I help nurture a desire for learning that will incorporate the students' family.
As an educator it is also important that I stay up to date on new and innovative teaching
The purpose of education is to prepare learners to develop lifelong values and the ability
to think independently and explore new ideas. Students need a foundation when it comes to
learning. Education serves multiple purposes for a young person. Helping children to think
independently will help them to become good problem solvers. This skill can be for something as
simple as what to wear to school to something more complex as choosing the right classes to
take in order to graduate. Another important goal for students is to learn citizenship. Learning
good citizenship qualities will help students to gain skills to make a better community.
The children that have been placed in our care are our most precious commodities. In
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Just as the children were important to Jesus, they
should be just as important to us. We as educators have a duty to ensure that our ultimate goal is
to enrich the lives of children with the knowledge they need to be successful citizens. There are
many issues that a student may face. Whether it's the students disability or their home life. As a


teacher it is my duty to ensure I assist the student in every way that I can. Students may need
special services that will assist them in learning in way that is helpful to them.
Quality teachers are the most integral part of a child's education. Teachers should be an
advocate for students. In order to be an advocate for students teachers should always put the
students needs first and be there to support and defend them. (Powell, 2009) Another important
quality of a teacher is to make wise decisions in and outside of the classroom. This is important
because as teachers we are role models in the community. Others will judge the choices that we
make. Another issue that teachers may face is learning to deal with diversity. There are many
diverse areas that will have to be taken into consideration. As a teacher it is important to
incorporate these differences into the classroom.
I believe instructional strategies are excellent tools to use in the classroom. Teachers
should use a variety of instructional strategies. Providing a variety of strategies gives the
students opportunities to learn in ways that are responsive to their own communication styles,
learning styles and cognitive styles. The variety also helps the students develop and strengthen
their approach to learning. There are numerous instructional strategies that teachers can use in
the classroom. I have observed many used in the classrooms and plan to use them in my class as
well. One instructional strategy that is useful is when the students collaborate with each other.
This strategy allows students to interact with one another and keep the students engaged.
Managing classroom space and materials is an important factor to proper classroom
management. The classroom should be arranged to promote efficient learning and minimize
behavior problems. The arrangement of the classroom is important so that the students are able
to see and hear instruction and have efficient access to learning materials. The teacher should be
in a position to easily monitor students and provide feedback. The classroom should be


accessible to accommodate different types of learning activities. All students should be in the
teachers view at all times. One of the techniques that have been used in the classrooms is having
materials in the middle of the table where it is accessible to all students and there are more than
enough available.
Managing the classroom is one of the most important jobs a teacher has. Setting
expectations is important for effective classroom management. The teacher should identify
expectations for student behavior early and communicate those expectations to students
periodically. Classroom rules should be set and posted in the classroom. The students should
have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. If rules are not followed consequences
should be followed through. Consistency in the application of consequences is the key factor in
classroom management. Students do no respond to idle threats therefore it is important to always
follow through. Preparation is also a key factor in preventing misbehaviors. As a teacher I will
make sure I am always prepared for the lesson to prevent any idle time. It is also necessary to
over plan for the lesson in order to allow for any mishaps that may come about during the course
of the day. Students must have a clear and set routine. When the students know what is
expected of them they are less likely to have discipline problems. Another tactic I've learned
from my student teaching is the teacher has little signs made for students to hold up if they need
to go to the bathroom that way it limits the number of distractions, so that the teacher doesn't
have to stop and answer raised hands just for the bathroom. The teacher is able to give a quick
signal to allow the student to go to the bathroom.
Christians can have a positive impact in the classroom, whether in a private or public
setting. God commands us to love one another "A new commandment I give to you, that you
love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34) We


can show this love in about actions toward our students and fellow staff members. We should
refrain from talking bad about a student that may be labeled as difficult. Ephesians 4:29 states
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is as good for building up, as fits
the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." All students deserve our best and as
Christians it is our right to give that to them.


Powell, S. (2009) Your introduction to education: explorations in teaching. 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River: Pearson, Print.

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