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Tribe X Condemns Failure of Local and State Government to Charge Darren Wilson:
Petitions US Government for Civil Rights Charges
St. Louis, MO: Over the past 108 days, concerned citizens of the United States along with people from
all over the world have protested the unjust killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager killed in
Ferguson, Missouri by an on-duty police officer. While protesting, the populace waited pensively for
state and local officials to properly adjudicate and charge Darren Wilson with what was described as
murder by 6+ witnesses.
It is with great sorrow that we are confronted with the fact that our state and local officials have:
1. Failed to follow the rule of law by arresting and charging Darren Wilson for the
crime committed;
2. Failed to conduct proceedings in a transparent way so that the faith of the
community and world would be restored;
3. Acted with a willful disregard of its citizenry, businesses and the community in
general by choosing not to prosecute but instead panel a grand jury where one was
not needed or required because of an existing abundance of evidence.
It is for these reasons that we are requesting federal assistance in the form of an intervention by Attorney
General Eric Holder and the US Department of Justice. We have created a petition requesting that
Attorney General Holder immediately file Civil Rights charges against Darren Wilson for depriving
Michael Brown of this countrys most fundamental right the right to life.
Please know that we are not going to await the outcome of this request but will continue to peacefully
protest as we have for 108 in defiance of the original assault on our community and the continuing
assault on our rights.
Tribe X
About Tribe X: Tribe X is an organization founded by people who bonded during the Ferguson
uprising. Our mission is to exact systematic change through issues organizing, people empowerment
and education.

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