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Steve Jobs PowerPoint Presentation: Introduction

fter completing your essay about Steve Jobs and Apple Inc., you will use the information
you have gathered to make a PowerPoint presentation that accompanies your essay.
This is a different way of presenting information, and requires you to be selective, and
utilize more of your technology skills. You will continue to use what you have learned about
Steve Jobs and Apple Inc. from Patricia Lakins novel, Steve Jobs: Thinking Differently, and the
information you gathered through your online research.
In addition to creating slides that incorporate information from your essay, you will also select a
STEM career of interest to briefly research, and include slides about how computers are used in
that career.
All components will be worked on during class time. Due dates will be given as we progress
through the unit. Any work not completed during the class time becomes homework, due on
the original due date. Late work will be graded according to our school-wide late work policy.
Work will be saved to your folder on the school network. However, should you need extra time
to work on the presentation at home, you will need a portable USB drive to save the file to so
you can work on it at home.
The following are the components of the presentation that you will be graded on, and the
possible points you can earn toward the total grade:
Essay Component

Minimum Requirement
Your name
Teachers name
Title Slide
Each paragraphs key details
5-10 slides from essay details
become 1-2 slides
Description of the career
What do you study in
school to enter this
2-3 slides about STEM career
How are computers used?
Why are they important
to this field?
Works Cited slide
Includes all resources used
There should be a transition
between each slide
Include at least 5 images in
your presentation
(these should be relevant to
information on the slide)
All 5 paragraphs highlighted
Highlighted copy of essay
for key details
Total Points

Possible Points





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