Step 1: Roots of The Tree

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Miguel Kendrick Velasco

Step 1:
Roots of the treeThat Jesus during his time here on Earth, also lived in poverty and was able
to help other people. Most of the people during Jesus time were suffering from
Jesus is the perfect epitome and incarnation of a Savior. During his time,
he is very generous to help other people in their diseases and difficulties in life.
Trunk of the tree
I became closer to God and his teachings. Before attending my class, I
always go to the church for forgiveness of my sins and appreciation for my
blessings. He always lead me to the right way of my life.
Branches and Leaves of the tree
By being generous to other people around our environment. We are all
brothers and sisters in the eyes of God.
I also want to show my honesty to the world. There is nothing wrong in
telling the truth to other people, whether it is a good or bad.
And lastly, By following the word of God. We are baptized to live with the
blessings from God, our Father. It is our obligation to follow the rules from God.
I will show my love to the environment because it is a gift from our God,
the Heavenly Father.
I will be generous to other people in their time of need and I will help in
different community activities.

I will have pity to other people during their time of difficulties in life.
Everyone of us are born to have an equality with each other.
I will protect other people from harm and encourage them to live a healthy
and better life. In other words, I will show my concern to them.
Most and foremost, I will set a good example to our brothers and sisters in
the family of God
I can see in my professor her passion for teaching. She encouraged me to
study harder not only in Theo I, but also in other subjects.
I can consider her a Master of Theology. Her mastery of the subject is very
extraordinary compared to my teachers in the past years of my academic life.
Saint Vincent De Paul is my definition for the word Charity. He so loved
the poor that he is willing to live with people suffering from poverty.
He is my model for doing something to perfection. He once said, It is not
enough to do good; it must be done well. It became one of my mottos in life
after hearing it.
Grade is just a number; it does not define your personality and the
outcome of your life in the future.

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