Day 2

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Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Teacher(s) Name: Andrea Grolemund________________________________________________________

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: 4th Grade Florida Pioneers: Seminoles ______________________
Wiki space address: _______________________________________
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 2: Florida Pioneers: Seminoles, Daily Life Family & Community Roles _
Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal: Students will be able to describe pioneer life.
What will students accomplish be able
to do at the end of this lesson? Be sure
to set significant (related to
SSS/CCSS), challenging and
appropriate learning goals!

NCSS Themes
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation
Sunshine State Standards
(NGSSS) List each standard.
Cutting and pasting from the
website is allowed.


How will student learning be

assessed? Authentic/Alternative
Does your assessment align with
your objectives, standards and
Informal assessment (multiple
modes): participation rubrics, journal
entries, collaborative
planning/presentation notes, etc.

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify family roles in pioneer life.
Students will be able to recognize jobs within the pioneer community.
Students will be able to recognize daily responsibilities in pioneer life.
Students will be able to recognize a typical pioneer home.
NCSS theme(s):
Individual Development and Identity
Common Core State Standard(s):
SS.4.A.4.2-Describe pioneer life in Florida
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
LAFS.4.SL.1.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4
topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expression their own clearly.
LAFS.4.RL.3.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or
quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or
interactive elements on Web Pages) and explain how he information
contributes to an understanding on the information as it appears.
LAFS.4.W.3.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather
relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize
information, and provide a list of sources.
LAFS.4.W.3.9 Draw evidence from literacy or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, research.
Unit Pre-Post-Assessment:
(We will use the same test for each unit assessment to see how much the students have
Pre/Post Test: Florida Pioneers
1] Describe a typical Florida Pioneers:
2] What types of responsibilities do the men, woman and children have within the
family? (Name one for each)
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
3] What are some of the natural resources pioneers need to survive?
4] What types of crafts did pioneers take part in? (Try to name as many as you can.)

Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

5] Name three tools the Pioneers used to survive in their habitat:

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________

On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment:

Students will be assessed on their completion of their KWL Chart and class participation in
discussions. Students will also self-evaluate themselves each date with a 4 point scale which
will be located in their provided Flip Book.
Scale is rated as the following:
4 I know it so well I can teach it
3- I got it
2 I kind of got it but I need a little help
1 I dont get it, I need help

Design for Instruction

Student Activties and Proceedures

Student Activities & Procedures

What best practice strategies will be

How will you communicate student
What products will be developed and
created by students?
Consider Contextual Factors (learning
environment/learning styles) that may be
in place in your future classroom.
What accommodations or modifications do
you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented
students, Learning/Reading disabilities
(SLD), etc.

Before we begin, the students will be instructed to rate themselves on a scale from 1 to 4,
located in their flip book, on how much they know about pioneer life in Florida.
Scale is rated as the following:
4 I know it so well I can teach it
3- I got it
2 I kind of got it but I need a little help
1 I dont get it, I need help
Teacher will open the lesson with a short discussion about what the class learned yesterday in
the Pioneer overview.
Guided Questions:
What were some of the things you noticed in yesterdays pictures?
Did these pioneers live alone?
What type of clothing did they wear?
Did the pictures show you what type of work pioneers did?
Introduce Tuesdays lesson to the class
Part I- Introducing content
The teacher will continue the class discussion with questions about pioneer family life.
Guided Questions:
What did the pioneer family look like? Did they live in clans?
What responsibilities did the men have?
What did women do? Did the go out to work or stay home with the children?
Did children help their parents with housework like farming and hunting?
To further help tap into the students knowledge the teacher may display pictures for the
students to look at while discussing.
Part II- Group Instruction
The teacher will break the class up into groups, at each group there will be an artifake the
students are to look at and discuss. Each group will only go over one artifake. While the groups
are looking over the artifake they are to be fill out the artifake analysis sheet. Keeping in mind

Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

which family member this artifake pertains to:


Artifakes include, pictures of clothing/sewing machines, hunting tools, basket weaving,

children at home, and women cooking. On the backside or underside of each artifake will be a
short paragraph explaining each item, to give background information or clues to the students.
Part IIIThe teacher will then have the class go back to their seats to begin a new closing discussion.
During this discussion the teacher will explain which each artifake was and how it relates to the
pioneer family life. Teacher is encouraged to encourage higher level thinking by asking the
students what they thought the artifake meant and why.
If there are any misconceptions the teacher will explain to the students the correct use of the
artifake with a brief history/overview.

Man1. Moves to wifes clan

2. Hunts for food
3. Fights in war/becomes a solider
Woman1. Sews clothing/ does patchwork
2. Takes care of the children
3. Makes food, cleans the home, gardening
Children1. Go to school
2. Helps with housework
Boys-Help with hunting, outside housework, become soldiers
Girls-Sewing, basket making, inside housework (cooking, cleaning)

Part IV
Once the class wraps up their discussion from the artifake activity, the students will then take
their new information and write it in their flipbook. Teacher will also leave artifakes out for the
students to look over as they complete the flipbooks.
Part V- Closing
The students will be instructed to revisit the sliding scale in their flipbooks to represent where
they are in understanding the family roles of pioneer life.
Scale is rated as the following:
4 I know it so well I can teach it
3- I got it
2 I kind of got it but I need a little help
1 I dont get it, I need help

Internet access
Flip Book
Writing utensils
Artifake analysis sheet.

Discussion Notes: ESOL accommodations can easily be made with this lesson plan. With the current set up of a class discussion
and use of visuals ELL students should be able to participate with minimal problems. When filing out the artifake sheet and flip
book ESOL students should be encouraged to work with friends and spend extra time with each artifake.

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