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Name : Widiastuti I.L and Gita N

Class : Viii C

Widi Hallo gita!

Gita Hai widii!
Widi What are you doing here?
Gita Iam waiting my friend
Widi Who is it?
Gita She is jihan!
Widi Ohh
Gita And you, what are you doing here?
Widi Iam here waiting for a bus!
Gita Where are you going?
Widi I will go to Gramedia
Gita What are you doing there?
Widi Reading books,and maybe buy the novel.
Gita Ohyaa? Can I come with you?
Widi Of course, Iam very happy
Gita ThankYou But,can we wait jihan?
Widi Yes of course
Gita Maybe we have to wait fifteen minutes

Widi Okeyy fine.

Gita Are you bored?
Widi Yes maybe
Gita Iam sorry ,you have to wait a long time
Widi She,she is jihan?
Gita Yes she is jihan
Widi Lets ride the bus
Gita Oke wait ,come on jihan

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