Saraswati Mantra For Wisdom Prophet666

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Saraswati Mantra for Wisdom ~ Prophet666

Saraswati Mantra for Wisdom

I would definitely
recommend this
Saraswati Mantra
Sadhana for Buddhi,
Siddhi, Vivek and
Vani; intelligence,
mastery, wisdom
and control over
speech. These are
the qualities over
which Saraswati
Mata has dominance
and this Sadhana is
simply a great way
to enhance these
brain functions. Not
only students and scientists; but anyone can practice this Prayoga to
gain wisdom. The wise person is never short of anything be it
material or spiritual.
There are no fixed rules for performing this Sadhana. The only thing
to note is that the daily Japa of this Mantra should either be 108,
1100 or 11,000 chants every day. The Sadhak can chant any one of
the 3 recommended number of chants. Again the Sadhak must note
that he has to strictly adhere to this rule for the Sadhana to

Saraswati Mantra for Wisdom

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