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EN 60694:1996 B Final condition check ‘The power frequency voltage withstand tests sscording to 6.2.10 shall be repeated after all thertype tests have been completed, to confirm that there has been no reduction of performance during testing. @i] 7 Routine tests ‘The routine tests are for the purpose of revealing fauilts in material or construction. They do not impair the propertics and reliability of a test abject. The routine tests shall be made wherever reasonably practicable at the manufacturer's Works on each apparatus manufactured, to ensure that the product is in accordance with the equipment on which the type tests have been passed. By agreoment, any routine test may be made onsite. ‘The routine tests given in this standard comprise: 1) dielectric test on the main circuit in aceordance with 7.15 +b) ED tests on auxiliary and control cizeuits Gl in aceordanee with 7.2: ©) measurement of the resistance of the main circuit in aevordance with 7.3: @) tightness test im accordance with 7-4 «) design and visual checks in accordance with 7.5. Additional routine tests may be necessary and will be specified in the relevant [EC standards. When switchgear and controlgear are not completely assembled before transport, separate tests shall be made on all transport unite, In this event, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the validity af his test (example: leakage rate, test voltage, resistance af part of the main circuit) ‘Test repute of the routine fests are normally not nevessary unless otherwise agreed upon between manufacturer and user F.2 Power frequeney tests Dry power-frequency tests shall be performed for 1 min at r.m.s. test voltages as below. No disruptive discharges shall eceur- An earth-fault factor of 1,4 has been used in the following formulae as a general figure. Actual values should be tused when these are known. F.2.1 Phase-to-earth — switchgear and controlgear to be used on solidly earthed systems shall be tested at 14x Lb UMS = 18 UAB — switchgear and controlgear to be used an systems other than solidly earthed shall be tested at 115 U,=2 UAB F.2.2 Between phases — witehgoar and eentrolgoar without conductive earthed partitions botweon phasos shall be tested a 16 U,=2 UAB F.2.3 Across the open switching device switchgear and controlgear to be used on solidly earthed systems shall be tested at 1,15 (141.4) UVB =2,75 UB — switchgear and controlgear to be used on systems other than solidly earthed shall be tested at 115 (1+) UWB = 3,15 UMS — across the isolating distance, the test shall be 1,15 times the test voltage across the open switching device. ‘The test shall be performed with two voltage sources in opposition, one being set near the test voltage value phase-to-earth, and the other at 2 convenient value to give the total specified value. EN 60694:1996 ‘Table 1a— Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range I, series T Rated voliage Rated shor-duration power-irequency ‘withetand voltage ‘Rated lightaing impulse withstand vokage 4, Us vu » KV (ams, value) KV (rms, value) XV (peak valve) Common value | Across the isolating Common value | Across the isolating distance distance o @ @ o o 36 10 Tz 2 a 7 7 72 20 3a w Eg wo 70 Tz 2 Bz wo 0 B Ey TiS 38 Ts 75 S 5 Ti0 Bi 50 oo o Ti0 125 TS 36 70 30 15 165 T70 195 BD 5 Tio 250 290 725 40 160 B25 37 700 150 175 380 HO, 185 10 F50 520 12s 185 210 750 320 230 350 630 145 230 265 550 630 275 318 650 70 T70 B75 au 650 750 a5 a75 750 B60 26 360 ae 850 950 Ea 760 350 1050 460 530 1050 1200 EN 60694:1996 Table 1b — Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range I, series II (used in North America)® Rated voltage u, KV (ems. value) Rated short-duration power frequency ‘withstand voltage Uy ky (ams. value) Rated Tightning impalco ‘withstand voltage Uy AY (peak value) Common value ‘Across the isolating distance | Common | Across isolating flue distance Dry Wet! Dry Wet! o @ ea @ Ga @ @ TI6 19 = a = 00 70 B25 2 w 2 a 75 30 wD 30, Eg 3B w 105 5 ES EG ao 33 w 105; 5 BE 50 Ti0 135 358 Ey Eg 50 BB 140 70 50) 7 66 150 165 38 70 80. 7 66 150 165 % 80 105 88 200 220 753 120 100 Tad Tro 350 275 72,5 60 170 176 54 B50 86 * For ated voages higher than 7 Wet values are 10. withstand for equipment used outdoors. See &.2 of TEC 60060-1 KV up toand including 215 EV, the values of Table Ta ave applicable EN 60694:1996 ‘Table 2a — Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range I Rated voltage | Rated short dura Rated switching impulse withstand voliage | Rated lightning impulse power-frequency withstand voltage withstand voltage v, ta u, uy Ay (ems. valu | KV ums, value) AV Gea value) KV (peak value) Phaseto. | Across open | Phase-to. | Betweon ing | Phase-to- | Across open earth and | ‘switening | earthand | phases earthand | _ switching between |devicenndlar| acrece open ‘between, phases | isolating | switching phases distance | device Grote) | inote 8) (nates 8 and 4 | (nates 1, 2 and 3) (notes Zand 3) @ @ @ o @ @ @ © ‘300 380 Bo 750 ‘(1125 700 (245) | 950 950 170) 350 [1.275 1050 [i 050+ 170) ‘362 150 520 350 ‘(1275 800295) [1050 [1 050 4 205) 950 [1495 1175 [L175 4205) 330 520 10 950 (Laas 300 (345) [1800 __|1 B00 (+ 240) 100 [Lave Taz | a5 20) 1550 620 800 1050 [7 680 900 (+ 450) [1 42: 1425 (315) 17s {1 760 1550 [1 850 SI5) ‘300 330 1150 130-2210 1100 (650) [7 800 [1 800 (+ 455) 14252420 2100 [2 100 455) [OTET Calunan (i also applicable o some circuit breakers, sce TEC 60056. INOTE2 Incolame (6, values in brackets are the peak vale ofthe ponersrequency voltage U, 819 applied vo the opposite Ierminal combined volags) ln solsnn (8, value in brackets are the peak valvescf the power frequency vllage 0,7 U, ~8//8 applied to the opposite terminal (combined voltage, [See Annes D INOTB 8. Values of oluma (2 are appliabe: 1) for typetens, haneoreath, 1) for routine toot, phaso-to-carth, phas-tophas, and asroua tho open avitching devon. Waives af columns (), (6) (6 and (ate applicable for type eat only INOTE4 These vahis are derived wing the mullplying factor stated in Table 9 TEC 600711 Table 3 — Limits of temperature and temperature rise for various parts, materials and dielectrics of high-voltage switchgear and controlgear Maximum value Nature of the part, of the material and of the diclectsie [Temperature [Temperature rie at ambient alt (Bee points 1, Zand 39 (See note) Iemperature not exceeding 40°C © K Contacts Geo point Sare-opper ar bare-copper alloy — insir 8 as — in 8P¢eulphurhexatTuoride) (wee point 5) 15 65 — inal 80 “0 Silver-conted of nicke-conted (ae point 6) — inair 108 65 — in SR (ee point 6) 105 65 = inait 0 50 Tin-costd (se paint 6) — in SE (ee point 9) 0 50) In oil 0 50 2 Connection, bated oF the equivalent Gee point @) Bare-opper, bare-copper alley of bare-alminiuas allay = insir 0 50 = in BB, foe point 5) his 6 — inoit 100 cy Silver-coated oF nicko-coated (se point 6) — in $F (ee point 9) 15 7% — inal 100 60 Tincoated in air 1065 6 — in Se (ee point 5) 108 6 = inoit 00 6, J Alter cantata oF connections nade of bare wietals or coated with othor materials (coe point lee point 7 7 —Terntnads for he cone To CRTSTNAT COnTUCUPS Dy SOTO OF bolts (ee point §) — bare 0 30 — silver, nicket or tin-soated 15 65, = other coatings (oes pint 7) ce point 7) 5 Oil or if witching dovioos ave pata and TO) 0 50) [6 Metal parts acting ax springs [eee paint Tip [eww point 1 7 Materials used ws tnaulation and metal parts ta contaat Wil insulation ofthe following lasses (se point 12) —¥ o 50 =a 10 65 — 8 120 20 — 1 20 =P ass nas = namet:oi base 00 60 synthetic 220 20 " 0 ps0 = Cther insulating material (ote paint 139 eee point 19 15 Ang part of metal or of insulating material wr eontact with ll, 00 a oseapt contacts [o—Aosessbte pare = expoctod to be touched in normal operation 0 20 —_which ned not toe touehed in normal operation 0 o [NOTE "The paints referred to inthis able are thone of LAK, 62271-2038 © IEC:2003 29- Table 102 - Preferred rated insulation levels for rated voltages for equipment of range | Rated short-duration power-frequency ‘withetand voltage Rated lightning impulso. withstand volta Us Up Rated voltage for equipment Kv (ums. value) Ky (peak vaue) u Phaso-to-carth, kv (rms. value) | “across open Across actoss open ‘Across switching devico | mersotating | switcningcevice | tne isolating ‘and potwoen ‘distence ‘and betwoon distance phases phases. o @ @ © ®) 725 140 160 325 378 700 7186 210 450 20 123 230 265 550 630 145 276 He 650 750 170 5 a8 750 60 245 460 520 1050) 1200 ») for routine tests, ph NOTE Values in column (2) are applicable 2) for type torts, phase-to-earth and between pass ‘Values in columns (3), (4) ane (8) are applicable for type tests ony. e-to-earth, phase-te-phase, ond across the open switching device. 62271-203 © IEC:2003 at Table 103 - Preferred rated insulation levels for rated voltages for equipment of range Il Tuodsronawaton | aaeasananmy mous Reed tonne ower eww en ae ‘npaie Eber " wie age ; i pated votage ene kV (ems. value} KV (peak valuoy ky (peak value) sutpment senso, | sores | Phasnan | Between | Acne | Phsero. | Aros open ert | tarana | “ewe caan | “Setbit wvems suiting |Stanett | puss’ | Geraing | cemane | cua, wits] Mamogn | eacuine | scree | coos | ates, | nee | eee icsating | “teaee ‘wet gets oa “ness a (2) (3h 4 (5) 6 m 8) soo] 460 | 205 | 050] a 275] roo aus, | 100 | v0s0 etm) 550 710 925 4175, 1760 900 (+450) 1550 1550 (+315) soo —s60 | 210 [res [2020 +00 cae | 2100 [2 10 00 NOTE 1 Column (@ ie also applcable to some ciruit-breskers, see IEG 62271-100, NOTE 2 in column 6), values in brackets are the peak ates ofthe powerreqveny votge U, ¥2749 appied tthe eppast terminal (omined ote) bn comin (0), vis in bracket are the pesk vales ofthe pone quency vlogs 0,7 U, 12/4 epped to the cpposie lamina (combined wala) See AnsexD et IE soto NOTE 3. Values in column (2) ave epplesbe 2) fortype tests, phase-t-certh and been phases ©) forroitine tet, phase-to-eath pase tophase, ard sores the open suicing device Values in cols (2), 4), (6. (6) and) ae aroiabe frye eso tod in Tab 9 EC 600711 (1000, NOTE 4 These values are derived weing the multiplying factors Table 106 - Test voltage for measuring PD intensity System with solidly ‘Systom without selidly ferrthed neutral eerthed neutral Pro-stross Test voltage for Pro-stross, “Test voltage for voltage PO measurement | voltage Upre-steons Upatost | (1 min) (1 min) | (1 min) Single-phase enclosures | Upreayeaa * Ua mazuns | pane = 42 Uy, desgn Upatest® 12 0,19 | Ipnese-to-earmn voltage) Three:phase enciosures Upasest onaa™ Upatest pra = 12 U, sesan a2 uss | patos pph* 12 Ue Up rated voltage for equipment U power-frequency withstand test voliage as per Table 102 and 103, Upyestvess! ——_re-stress voltage. Upson: test voltage for PD measurement. Upsctest pres’ test voltage for PD measurement, phase-to-earth psc prepa’ t98t voltage for PO meacuromont, phaso-to-phace. In addition, all components shall be tested in accordance with their relevant standards. Maximum permissible partial discharge intensity The maximum permissible pattial discharge level shall not exceed 5 pC of the test voltage specified in Table 106,

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