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The late Dr. S. D. Gokhale Memorial Lecture SeriesThe passing away of the iconic gerontologist of India, Dr. S. D.

Gokhale, who was the FounderPresident of ILC-I, on the 15th of January 2013, has created a void in the areas of social and
community development, and especially in the field of population ageing in India.
ILC-I, as a tribute to this unique and legendary stalwart, has set up the Dr. S. D. Gokhale
Memorial Lecture Series which was launched on his birth anniversary this year- the 21st of
September 2013.
This lecture series would have four lectures from the 21st of September 2013 to the 15th of
January 2014, his first death anniversary.
The theme of this lecture series for the year 2013-14 is Longevity and its challenging facets.
This lecture series is open to the public.

The first lecture was on Qualitative Ageing

delivered by a senior expert in volunteerism,
Col. M. G. Athavale on the occasion of late Dr.
Gokhales birth anniversary, the 21st of
September 2013. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar,
Founder President, Symbiosis International
University was the Chief Guest.

The second lecture was on Ageing in the

Legal Context delivered on the 22nd of
October 2013 by Advocate N. M. Apte. The
Chief Guest on this occasion was Dr. Mukund
Sarda, Dean and Principal, New Law College,
Bharatiya Vidyapeeth University.

The third lecture of the series was delivered by

the renowned orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. K. H.
Sancheti on Ageing Healthily on the 18th of
December 2013. He spoke on the ways to keep
oneself healthy through a balanced diet, a good
lifestyle, with exercises and a positive mindset,
and a happy disposition. He spoke in length on
all these aspects, spicing the lecture with lots of
humour and joyous anecdotes.

The last lecture in the series for this year

was delivered by Dr. (Prof.) Dilip Satbhai on
the 15th of January 2014, his first death
anniversary, on the Financials of Ageing.
Dr. Satbhai briefed the audience on the
various schemes offered by the government
and the private sector, including insurance
and pension, on how to wisely invest ones
money for the future. A lot of information
was shared by him on the occasion which
was well-received by the audience.

Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, President, ILC-I

presided over the valedictory lecture of the
series, recounting fond memories of the
visionary genius that Dr. Gokhale was and
how he had foreseen the future to be a
challenge for India, as its population grew
old. His founding of ILC-I was the first step
in this direction to create awareness on
longevity in the country.
All these lectures were held at the Sir
Pudumjee Hall, Marattha Chambers of
Commerce and Industries which had
offered the hall, free of charge as its tribute
to the legendary icon that Dr. Gokhale was.

Commemorating the legend that Dr. Gokhale was, through this Memorial Lecture series was
just a small gesture on the part of ILC-I to take forward the vision that he propounded, that of
Celebrating Age and Creating a Society for All Ages.

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