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Gayth Munther

Gamer Identity
A. Definitions of identity and source of power behind identities
1. "Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education."
B. Demographics of gamers
1. In the past
a. Who Plays, How Much, and Why? Debunking the Stereotypical Gamer
2. Now
a. My survey: Gamer statistics
3. Different groups of gamers
a. Depictions of Gender and Race In Video Games."
C. Stereotypes
1. In the past
a. Debunking the Stereotypical Gamer Profile.
b.Draw conclusions from Williams survey
2. Now
a. Debunking the Stereotypical Gamer Profile.
b.Draw conclusions from my survey
3. Have the stereotypes changed
a. How they have changed
D. Changes in society
1. History of Media portrayals
a. In the past
1. Older generations and their culture
1. New generations and their culture
2. How the older generation influenced the new generations
2. History of Technologies
a. What technology/product made gaming accepted
1. Arcade machines
2. Personal Computers
3. Home consoles
b.Accessibility for the masses
1. Cellphones
2. Tablets
E. Shared Experiences
1. History of gaming experiences
a. Arcades
b.LAN parties
c. Online gaming
d.Game conventions

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