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Warren Campbell

Mrs. DeBock
English IV
5 November 2014
Space Exploration
Ever since man has first entered space, the desire to go even beyond the solar system has
been a goal every space business has dreamed to reach. The voyaging of the cosmos may provide
a future home for humanity when earth becomes too unsuitable to live on. It appears that the next
stop for humans is mars which is becoming a prospect for civilization. Throughout the years,
space exploration has facilitated the entrance of mankind into the final frontier. Much
consideration needs to be taken before the human race can advance in our galaxy.
Firstly, every company whether private or not, should consider the necessities for space
engineering and exploration. It is extremely costly to voyage in space such as it would take
around five hundred billion dollars to send astronauts to mars for colonization according to
Bergstein. A solution to an expensive project such as that is the creation of private space
companies such as Space X and AERA. Problems still arise in the face and dreams of sending
astronauts to mars, for example, the need of supplies and a heavy lift rocket that can carry for
thirty three point nine miles towards the red planet. In addition to problems, congress has shot
down the idea of sending man to mars because of how expensive it really is. (Bergstein)
Secondly, humans have made it only so far into our galaxy with our innovation as
Voyager one being the most distant man-made object in space according to Kluger. Even though
Voyager one uses a nuclear thermal power source, rockets carrying the same fuel are not simple
to acquire because of how we are almost out of plutonium, a byproduct of making nuclear
weapons. Alternate options for fuel are not acceptable due to solar power being too weak, and

nuclear fissions are too heavy to use. (Mosher) It seems the next step for Americans is putting
boots on mars to establish colonies and discover new things that we never knew existed in our
solar system.
Finding a new home may soon become necessary for humans to discover which looks
like it is leaning towards impossibility. Dickens says that there really is no reason for scientist to
argue whether or not to colonize the cosmos for better understanding of space, but to agree that
the heavens and earth are one. Much of the sources we need to even accomplish colonization are
out of our reach with limited resources such as plutonium and thrusters that venture far enough.
(Mosher) A few societies are making a presence in outer space not for colonization but to state
how modernized, and how much of a social unity they have become. (Dickens) Also according
to Dickens, outer space has already been colonized for a while by being plagued with satellites
orbiting earth every day.
There is still much of the cosmos for the human civilization to explore as we continue to
age in history. Although there is still much contemplation to be looked at, possibility is still a
factor to further space travel and exploration. Alternate fuel and discovering enough supplies for
travel could soon be resolved in the near future for us. Many benefits can come from voyaging in
space as proven in the past with examples like finding that water use to be on mars, and
volcanoes on other extraterrestrial planets. (Mosher) A possibility of a new home for humans
continues to be a dream and increases chance as we continue to find earth like similar planets in
our galaxy.

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