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Chancery Rojas
Mrs. Debock
English 4
7 November 2014
Mental Illness
What is mental illness? Mental illness is a disorder that effects your mood, thinking, and
behavior. Everyone such as children, teens, adults, and even elderly people go through a lot each
and every day. This illness is mostly caused by stress but can also be a birth defect. This illness
is treatable by going to see a mental health counselor or medications like anti-depressant pills.
But the real question is should patients with mental illness be treated by medication?
The main symptoms of the illness that is noticeable is stress, anxiety, and depression.
Most reasons for these symptoms is because something traumatic happened in their lifetime,
family issues, relationship/marriage issues, school, etc. (Funk and Wagnalls 2). Some patients
see a mental health counselor, a therapist, or psychiatrist, or a guidance counselor. They also go
to rehabilitation services that has sheltered workshops, day-treatment programs, and social clubs.
Also get prescribed anti-depressant pills. Its best to know the symptoms before it gets worse.
Patients with mental illness are usually treated with antidepressant pills or as some people
call them happy pills. According to Penny, It is usually not recommended to the patients that
only have mild case of depression for their own health. Individuals with mild depression are
offered psychosocial therapy or psychological therapy. There are four different type of
treatments therapist will prescribe their patients if they have high case of depression, anxiety, and

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stress. Antidepressants treats depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and lack of energy. Anti-Anxiety
treats anxiety and panic disorders. Mood-Stabilizing treats bipolar disorder. Antipsychotic treats
psychotic disorder like schizophrenia. Some people doesnt recommend depressant pills because
they can be a hazard to a human body, but of course everyone is different.
Since 2003 the government have issued warning about the use of antidepressant
medication in children, young adults, and even older people. Medications may cause suicidal and
hallucination. Depression may have a negative impact on patients, especially children. Such as
their physical health, school achievements, temptation to smoking and drug abuse, and other
negative behavior. It is very important to observe them closely for any signs of increased risk of
suicide. According to Goran, Teens have the most percentage of mental illness.
Obviously there are different conclusions to treat mental illness but most people are
prescribed anti-depressant pills. Everyone needs to be aware of the harm and danger of the
medications. So, since children are included, should patients with mental health be treated with
medication? It all depends on the person because everyones body is different and gets different
side effects.

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Works Cited
Isacsson, Gran, and Charles Rich. "Antidepressant Drugs and The Risk Of Suicide In Children
And Adolescents." Pediatric Drugs 16.2 (2014): 115-122. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 9 Oct. 2014.
Louch, Penny. "Diagnosing and Treating Depression." Practice Nurse 37.10 (2009): 42-48.
Business Source Premier. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.
"Mental Health." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2014): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls
New World Encyclopedia. Web. 3 Oct. 2014.

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